Survivor Profiles

The Big BadAss

John: Doc? [He touches her shoulder but she flinches. It's been days since he filled her in on what's happened on the island and she's simply withdrawn more and more. With Shane and Laura MIA, he's starting to get incredibly worried about her.] Honey, you can't sit in here forever. [Marlena turns haunted eyes on him.] C'mon baby. Come out in the sunshine.

[Miserably] I can't.

John: [Patiently.] Yes you can Marlena. And I'm not taking no for an answer. Not today. I won't let you do this.

[Takes a deep breath, trying to still her shaking hands. Finally she turns to face him.] I don't understand. I still don't understand how I could have done all those things. To Brady. To *Laura*? [A single tear etches it's way across a pale cheek.]

John:[Takes her hand but grimaces as she pulls it away and curls it into a small fist.] Doc, it wasn't *you*. And that little shit who calls himself Brady deserved it. It was *his* fault in the first place. He hurt you and this is *not* your fault.

[Barely audible as the tears come.] John... I'm not strong enough for this. I can't do this....

John: [Wrapping his large hand around her trembling fist, he pulls her into his arms.] You are the strongest woman I've ever known. You *can* get through this. You can get through anything. You'll get through it because I love you and I need you to get through it. We need to put our lives back together Doc. We need to let Langan know he hasn't beaten us. We need to do this for our fans and for our kids. They need us.

[Tearfully.] How can you expect the children to forgive me, John?

John: [Smiles, his blue eyes sparkling.] Because you're their mother and they love you. And because you never hurt them.

[In a hoarse whisper.] Never hurt them? How can you say that?

John: [Pulls back from her.] Come outside Doc and I'll explain it to you.

[Angrily.] No, explain it to me now. I was hideous to Belle and Brady. I don't care how much Brady deserved it. I'm his mother and I should have been there to help him. And I don't know that I can *ever* face Laura again.

John: [Just as angry.] Doc, you're not a punching bag for that kid. Enough is enough, and he stepped so far over that line that I can't even see straight when I think about what he did to you. You don't have to take that kind of abuse. And you won't have to any longer.

[Confused.] Won't have to? What do you mean?

John: [Brushes her hair from her face.] He's out of our lives. For good.

But John...

John: [Places his finger against her lips with a barely restrained smile.] Doc, just come outside okay?

[Wearily.] John- [She is cut off as John loses patience and swings her into his arms.] John, put me down. *Put* me down!

John: [Laughs as he ducks through the door of the ISA room and carries her across to the campsite.] Not until you calm down and shut up, Doc.

[Pissed off, but shading her eyes against the fierce sunlight.] Don't you dare tell me to shut up.

John: [Grinning.] That's better Doc, now you're starting to sound more like yourself. [He stops by the long-dead fire and gently releases her.] Okay kids! You can come out now.

Kids? [She looks around, still shading her eyes.] What are you talking about John, Belle and Brady were both voted off. They can't be here.

John: [Rubs her arms as he feels her begin to tremble.] This will be really difficult to understand honey, but that Belle and Brady... they weren't *our* kids. They were sent in by Langan to take the place of our children. Apparently his poison pen isn't just limited to destroying characters, he's totally replaced several of them.

[Looking at John as though he's lost it.] What *are* you talking about, John?

John: [Gently puts pressure on her shoulders.] Turn around, honey.

[She lets him guide her until she finds herself looking at two small children. A miniature Belle and Brady as she remembers them from.... She turns back to John, her eyes wide.] John, how can this be?

John: [Takes her hand.] Don't ask me, Doc. Just believe it. Apparently the grown-up faux-Belle found them and sent them home to us. All that crap we've been through in the past year, none of it was real. None of it really happened. It's been a Langan-induced nightmare which we couldn't wake up from. Even that crap with Hope. None of it really happened Doc, not if we believe that and go back home with the kids. Langan is like the evil version of Tinkerbell. If enough people say they don't believe in him, he'll simply disappear and everything since our wedding will be like it never existed. A bad dream. [Leads her to the children who look up at her expectantly.]

Brady: [Hesitantly.] Momma?

Belle: [Smiles brilliantly as runs up to Marlena.] Mommy, mommy, we missed you!

[Kneels on the ground not willing to disbelieve such a blessing, however it has occurred. She gathers the children into her arms and hugs them to her, crying.] Oh, I missed you too. I didn't realize how empty I felt until just now. [Draws back and looks at the children proudly.] My aren't you beautiful?

Brady: [Kisses his mom and then giggles.] Can we go home now, Momma?

[Looks across at John, suddenly realizing that they're still in the middle of a game and that they can't get off the island unless one of them is voted off.] We can go home soon sweetheart. But in the meantime....., [she looks around and then looks back at John], where are Shane and Laura??

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