Votes for Round 6
(in the order in which they were received)

Stefano DiMera:
I know we have gotten along at times, but I really think its time to lose some dead weight off of the tribe. My vote this round goes to Nancy Westly.... I know she thinks she has got some kind of thing going on with me, but sorry dear. It was over from the start, HAAAAA


Shane Donovan:
I want Nancy Wesley off this island. I am not even convinced she's here, as she never posts or talks to Bob, and never participated in the ICs. I'm worried about her participation in the forkings as well...


Isabella Toscano Black:
This is Isabella. I'm voting Nancy Wesley off the island because she's never around! I might have kept her around if I knew she would have helped in my quest to get John back, but since I can't even find her, I won't miss her! :)


Roman Brady:
Roman Brady votes for Nancy. Only because I haven't seen her at all on this island. Is she really here?


Belle Black:
I vote like for the bazillionth time to get rid of Nancy Wesley, geesh!


Laura Horton:
Enough already! Get rid of Nancy...what has she done since arriving anyway?


I vote for Nancy. Everyone else has the capacity to keep me amused for days, but Nancy is merely annoying. She needs to go.