Name: Kristen Blake DiMera
Alter-Ego: Dee_Coats
Age: 42-ish.
Marital Status: Widower of Tony DiMera.
Occupation: Social Worker/DiMera heir
Hometown: Aremid?
Luxury Item: John's VR Goggles

Biography: Wishy-washy blonde Kristen came to town as a social worker with a strange hostility toward John Black. She eventually fell in love with John (because he's a studmuffin and if you have two X genes in Salem, sooner or later you fall in love with John apparently), who was on the rebound after again losing Marlena. This was despite thinking he was her father's (Stefano DiMera) most hated enemy and also despite the fact that she was engaged to her stepbrother, Tony DiMera. It went back and forth for a couple of centuri... oops, *years*, through dungeon imprisonments and exorcisms but when Tony committed suicide, Kristen thought an accused John was guilty of his *murder* and their relationship began to crumble. Especially when John realized Marlena was the woman he still loved when almost dying in the gas chamber (well duh!). Working with Stefano as her true DiMera nature came out, Kristen tried everything to get rid of Marlena, and keep John. When everyone found out the truth she became an outcast in Salem and was eventually presumed dead by drowning, though it was really the sibling of her look alike Susan Banks (if you don't know, don't ask.). Kristen is being held prisoner somewhere in the Caribbean, hopefully drowning for real.