Name: Hope Williams Brady
Alter-Ego: DeAnn Smith
Age: Real time 27, Salem time 36.
Marital Status: Married to Bo Brady. A number of times.
Occupation: Hotpocket Homemaker
Hometown: Salem, USA
Luxury Item:
a fully stocked overnight bag that includes a tiara, battery operated curling iron, extra set of batteries, a push-up bra and a fork for twirling purposes.

Biography: Hope is another of Salem's alumni. Daughter of Addie Horton and Doug Williams she fell in love with Bo Brady at a young age. Not quite as young as some would have you believe, but still it was a fairly young age. She was the spoilt rich girl, he the rebel without a cause. She was willful and stubborn and took daring risks, often frightening her husband when she got into various and sundry scrapes. However sometime in the nineties she lost her spine and her personality and she gained a swell pair of ta-ta's. Then she became a whiny vapid tiara-wearing, skunk-haired freak named Gina and conceived a child with Marlena's husband whom she drugged and brainwashed. One of the good guys? We'll leave that one up to you.