Name: John Black
Alter-Ego: jl
Age: One of the few mysteries we still don't know about John. Along with where his brain disappeared to.
Marital Status: Married to the beautiful Marlena Evans. We think.
Occupation: Rich guy entrepreneur. His latest venture is Basic Black, a fledgling fashion empire. After all, John is *such* a snappy dresser and all
Hometown: Your guess is as good as ours.
Luxury Item: the engraved watch Marlena gave to him

Biography: John came to Salem wearing bandages and the bearer of a bad case of amnesia. He fell in love with his beloved "Doc" and after a false start discovered he was Roman. Then she disappeared, came back five years later and he discovered he wasn't Roman. Several children later and good guy hero John has unfortunately regressed several rungs of the evolutionary ladder to become MercJerk, the freak who treats his lovely wife like you and I wouldn't treat our dogs. But yet, there are signs that John may be reformed by his stay on Smith Island. Will he once again become the man that Marlena fell in love with? Can he resist the influences of all those who would like to see his marriage crumble? That remains to be seen.