Name: Susan Crumb, nee: Banks
Alter-Ego: Elsifer
Age: Unknown. And don't even want to know.
Marital Status: Married to John Black twice under false pretenses, married to Edmund Crumb presently.
Occupation: wife/mother/freak o' nature
Hometown: Podunk, somewhere in the south of the USA. Maybe.
Luxury Item: Lisa Marie doll

Biography: Stefano artificially inseminated the mousy Kristen look alike Susan Banks and brought her to Salem to impersonate Kristen who had lost her baby in Paris and was faking her pregnancy with a fashionable silk purple pillow. Somehow, despite her double figures IQ, she pulled it off (maybe because John's IQ made a matching pair) and she married John at the hospital before giving birth. Kristen took her baby and wedding ring and sent Susan packing. Wanting her baby and husband back, Susan made Kristen hire her as their nanny. Then she pushed Kristen into the secret room with Marlena and easily got John to sleep with her (see what I mean about the IQ?). After Laura uncovered Kristen's plot to do away with Marlena and revealed Susan at her ghastly wedding to John, Susan got her baby back when John and Marlena reunited. Despite the fact that she'd committed a number of felonies. But hey, since when does that matter in Salem? Unless you are suspected of committing a felony and are innocent. Then you'll probably be put to death. But I digress.... They sent her to England where she fell in love with Edmund Crumb, whom eventually drowned her triplet sister Penelope thinking she was Kristen. They now live happily with Baby Elvis, who is probably 15 years old the way Salem time flies.