Survivor Profiles

The Big BadAss

(Roman surveys the scene before him as he enters the dimly lit chamber. Sam is on her knees beside some frizzy haired bleached blonde who is bleeding profusely from the head. A barely clothed, unconscious John is chained to an antique four-poster bed and Marlena is digging thru the drawers of a matching antique armoire.)

Roman: (voice raised in bewilderment) What the hell is going on here? Sam, are you alright? Doc?

Grace: (not looking up from her search for the keys, rolls her eyes mumbling) Good God! Just what we need RoMo Cop.

Sam: (look up at Roman eyes filled with fear) I’ve been better, but I think frizz ball here is dead. (Roman kneels down and searches for a pulse.)

Roman: (wiping blood from his fingertips) She’s dead all right. What caused this massive blow to her head? (Training his eyes on Marlena, who was still ignoring everyone.)

Laura: (breathless from running down the stairs) She’s dead? How can she be dead? (Pointing at Sam) I told you to apply pressure to her wound to stop the bleeding and you just sat there and let her die. She has already been voted off this island but now she will be leaving in a body bag.

Sam: (jumping to her feet in anger to glare at Laura) Have you lost what little mind you have left? I did not let her die. I’m not the one who knocked her frizzy head up against the bedpost anyway. Roman, (taking his hand) we were right about Marlena. She is not herself. She did this to IkyBella and then she (sweeping her hair back so Roman can see the needle mark in the side of her neck) stabbed me in the neck with a syringe filled with whatever Ikybella was using on John. Laura knows I’m telling the truth. Don’t you Laura?

Laura: (playing dumb) I don’t know what you are talking about. I wasn’t down here and I didn’t see anything that happened. Gra…Marlena called me down here to help Isabella.

(Grace looks at Laura with daggers flowing from her eyes. She quietly inches her way toward the door, knowing that this conversation is about to take a dangerous turn)

Roman: (questioning) What did you say?

Laura: (fearfully) Marlena called me down here to help Isabella.

Sam: (with determination) Grace, she said Grace. I heard Laura call her that earlier today. Just as we suspected Marlena has not been herself for several weeks now. Some how she has become this Grace person and I (remembering the tape) have just the proof. (looking around the room for her backpack)

Grace: (standing in the doorway with Sam’s backpack in one hand and the tape in another) Looking for this dear sister. (She swings the backpack on her shoulder as Sam starts toward her) Come one step closer and I will destroy this tape. (she lifts up the edge of the cassette and starts pulling out tape. This stops Sam and everyone else dead in their tracks.)

Roman: (in a kind, loving voice) Mar… I mean Grace. Stop. Don’t leave, please, we just want to help you. That is all Sam and I have ever wanted.

Grace:(rolling her eyes) Sure help from Marlena’s unforgiving ex and her loony sister. Well thanks but no thanks. You all are the biggest bunch of loosers I have ever had the displeaser of knowing. And Laura,(casting dark, hate-filled eyes at Laura) I am especially disappointed in you.

Laura: (steping forward) Wait Grace. Wait. I am so sorry, I….

Grace: Oh, shut-up Laura. I don't want to hear it (slamming the large metal door with a resounding bang) Rot in hell all of you and especially you John Black.

(Roman, Laura and Sam all run for the door at the same time but it is too late for Grace has already locked it from the other side.)

Sam: (looking from Laura to Roman and then to John’s unconscious form on the bed) What are we going to do now?

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