Survivor Profiles

The Big BadAss

[Standing over the metal door, Laura lets out a loud sigh of frustration. Looking off towards Bob and Grace's exodus, she calls out loudly.] Okay Grace. You best haul ass back over here.

Grace: [As they break the treeline, the wicked glint in Grace's eyes sets Laura's nerves on edge.] Good show, Dear.

[Wearily rubbing her temples, an unruly strand of hair falls over Laura's shadowed eyes. Unyielding, Grace's gaze locks onto their haunted depths.] Look, don't "Dear" me...I'm in no mood. First you go off on Bo and now this. [Snidely], I thought this was suppose to be secret. What the Hell was the point of letting Stephano bash me over the head [For a brief instant, Grace's eyes widen.] and then keeping me doped up in that cabin if it wasn't for the sake of silence?

Bob: [Muttering to himself, confusion wrinkles Bob's brow.] Doped up? Grace? What in the world is going here?

Grace: [Ignoring Bob], Finally figured that out did you? [Smirking], You know, Laura, you're really proving to be quite the disappointment. I guess what they say about leading a horse to water is true.

[Frustrated], You know what? I'm tired, and I feel like shit. So for once can't you just cut the crap? No more games. [The only sound Bob hears is the whir of Grace's angry labored breath. Feeling the tension rise around him, his eyes travel back and forth between the two as they stare at each other in silent challenge. With conscious effort, Grace slowly blinks.] As far as the whole identity issue tell me what you want; I'll back you up. [Suddenly sweeping the hair away from her face, Laura's wild eyes burn into Grace.] But as for Sam, you know how I feel about this. I'm not going to sit back and watch anyone be held against their will...

Grace: [Interrupting], Funny you didn't seem terribly concerned about poor Hope.

[Laura's tone hardens.] I'm serious Grace. I'll put up with a lot. But I won't do this. I know all to well what it's like to have my freedom taken away...I wouldn't let Sam and Roman do it to you, and I won't let you do it to Sam. So you best figure out how you're going to handle Sam's accusations [Desperate for backup, Laura eyes Bob imploringly.] because she'll be going back to camp just like the rest of us.

[Sam glares out from her hiding place in the dense underbrush hoping that Big BadAss will finally put an end to all the insanity on this god-forsaken island. Much to her disappointment, she watches as Big BadAss stalks away from the group in such a hurry you would have thought her pants were on fire. Sam continues to watch and listen for any clues that might help Roman expose Marlena for the fraud that she really is.]

Grace: Well, wasn’t that fun. (Looking at the others with sober grin)

Bob: (laying the his camera on a near by rock) Don’t you two realize I could have just lost my job? And all you have to say is wasn’t that fun? (Running his fingers through his greasy, unkempt hair.) I have a family to support, bills to pay, a mortgage...

Laura: (interrupting Bob with a wicked laugh) You have a family? You have got to be kidding me. Guys like you don’t have families.

Grace: (grabbing Laura’s forearm) that’s enough Laura. Bob has been good to us. You shouldn’t talk to him like that. (Remembering her afternoon rendezvous with Bob) Anyway, don’t judge a book by its cover.

Laura: (head shaking in disbelief) I can’t believe you are taking his side.

Grace: I’m not taken anyone’s side, Laura. This is not a game. (Smiling) Well, it is actually… But that is beside the point. Just don’t take your frustrations out on Bob.

Laura: You slept with him didn’t you? (Pointing a long bony finger at Marlena) That is the only reason that you would take up for (pointing to Bob) this greasy-haired camera hog.

Grace: (eyes dark with fury) That is enough Laura.

Laura: (smirking) Oh, I am just getting started. Ya know- I was beginning to really like the new Marlena. But now I have decided you’re nothing but a common whore.

[Grace’s hand shot out making contact with Laura’s cheek before the word whore was even completely out of her mouth.]

Grace: You Bitch!! (Grabbing a hand full of Laura’s hair before she can recover fully from the slap) You take your bony ass and (shoving Laura toward the campsite) get out of my sight before I do something you will really regret.

Laura: (calling back over her shoulder) This is not over Marlena! I know too much about who you have become.

Grace: (threating) You keep your damn mouth shut Laura Horton or those flowers in the attic are going to start smelling like roses.

[Sam continued to watch in shocked, disbelief as Laura stalked away. Bob, camera forgotten, made his way to Marlena’s side. After a few minutes of whispered conversation, that Sam strained to but could not hear, Marlena, a sly grin on her face, gently took Bob by the arm escorted him off in the opposite direction.]

(After a few minutes Sam made her way from the dense under brush and went strait for Bob’s camera.)

Sam: Yes!!(Smiling brightly at the glare of the red record light) Now I need to get this tape to Roman and Shane. (Picking up the camera and switching the record button off Sam removed the tape and placed it in her backpack.)

(Placing the camera back on the rock and turning to leave Sam notices a something odd looking on the adjacent rock-face. Upon further inspection she realizes it is a concealed door.) Where in the world could this go? (Wondering as she removes the remaining rock face to reveal a 5 foot brown metal door.) Damn! (hands pressed to each side of her face) Why did I find this now? I need to get this tape to Roman.

[Curiosity won out as Sam dug a screwdriver from her backpack. She removed the lock and with little effort pried the door open to reveal a flight of stairs leading deep into the earth. After finding her flashlight Sam eased on her backpack and started down the steep flight of stairs. After descending about 10 steps Sam stopped and looked back at the light shinning through the open door way. Heart racing she debated on whether to continue on or retreat back to bright sunlight. Before she could make a decision the answer became clear as the door slammed shut with a deafening THUD.]

{The Big BadAss is on her her not-so-daily, not-even-so-montly round around the island when she comes upon Laura, Marlena, Bo, and Bob chit-chatting away. She listens for a moment, then storms from her hiding place, Big BadAss face in place and hands on hips. Bob immediately cowers behind his camera}

Alright already! So this going back and forth between the South Pacific and Smith Island is a little taxing. So I've missed some stuff. {catches Bob's raised eyebrow from around the lens and rolls her eyes} Okay, so I've missed *a lot* of stuff. But this.....*THIS*.....this is's' {sighs heavily, shoulders slumping} I don’t even know what to call it anymore. I mean, you people have blown off every fricken rule known to the producers of this show just in the last *day.* God only knows how many have been broken before then.

Aw, what the hell. We're all just having fun here, right? And it certainly doesn’t hurt the ratings.

{looks to Bo, points back over her shoulder, resigned to the once-abhorrent thought that her nice little game has gone to hell in a handbasket} Camp’s that direction. Good luck finding the Moron from the Moon. He’s probably started swimming for shore to get away from his wife-turned-nutcase over here.

{Bo nods his head and takes off that direction, mumbling something like “thanks for nothing” to the rest of the small group}

{turns to Bob, who has relaxed only slightly} And do you have *any* clue how close you were to *gone?* I *almost* brought in Joe from the ad crew to replace you, but with {points a sharp finger to Marlena, whose smile isn’t nearly as sober as Marlena would hope} that…that *inebriated succubus* floating around here, he’d be filing suit against the union before we could blink. I mean, my God, Fred took off after she went after him one night in his tent, {cuts her eyes to Marlena} you insatiable…*lust-monger* you! I mean, good *grief,* we don’t even know what to *start* to do with you, *Grace.* You were the *good* one! What the hell happened? Kim was supposed to be the one with the split-personality!

{having worked herself up into a good yell, The Big BadAss backs off a bit, crossing her arms across her chest and thumping her toe on the ground. Finally, she huffs and throws her hands up.}

Fine. Do whatever you want. Have fun. Enjoy your game. Just…just…good grief, just *try* not to kill anybody.

{she starts to stomp off back toward her helipad near the ferry when she stops and turns around}

Oh, and one last thing. It wouldn’t kill you people to *vote* every now and then! Yeesh!

{she pivots on her heel and stalks away}

Good grief, you’d think I was stuck in the middle of a friggen out of control *soap opera.*

Oh God, how I've missed real food. [Rolling over onto her stomach, she reaches across Laura's legs and plucks several grapes from the bunch in the centre of the picnic blanket. Popping them into her mouth, she takes a swig of the champagne and rolls onto her back. Looking up at Laura from under heavy bangs, she giggles.] Enjoying yourself?

Laura: [Taking a mouthful of her bubbly.] What do you think? [She tops a cracker with a piece of brie and nibbles on it.] But I have to ask, why me?

[Shrugs.] Who else was I going to share the spoils with? Roman? Shane? [Raises one eyebrow.] Besides, [rolls over again and props her chin on her hand], I figure I owe you.

Laura: [Her face impassive.] Oh? And how do you figure that?

[Looks over at Bob, who is watching with interest. Particularly watching Grace's cleavage with ample fascination and she grins.] Bobby honey, watch it, you're drooling. [Flicks her gaze back to Laura.] Well, it seems as good a reason as any. And anyway, it's about time we treated our friend Bob, the source of all things good and caffeinated, to a.... relaxing afternoon in the sun.

Bob: [A blush rises underneath his hirsute cheeks.] You know the Big BadAss is going to have *my* ass when she finds out about this.

[Laughs.] We'd better make it worth your while then huh? [She downs another mouthful of champagne and follows it up with several olives.]

Laura: [Chuckles] Oh, don't tease poor Bob like that. It's not nice.

[Smirks] Who ever said I was nice? And whoever said I was kidding? [She pushes herself up and slides up the blanket, propping herself up against the rock, next to Laura. With a half-smile, she fingers the soft linen of Laura's blouse.] I'm game if you are.

Laura: [With an amused smile as Bob chokes on his beer.] I think I told you once that not everyone finds your... special brand of charm... irresistible. You can number me among those who don't. [Removes Grace's hand.] Sorry to spoil your fun.

[Raises her brows, seemingly unfazed.] Spoilsport. [Her lips twitch and finally widen into a smile.] Don't apologize to me, it's Bobby who misses out on the fun. [Drains her glass and refills it.]

Bob: [Embarrassed.] Uh, you can stop any time you like, y'know.

[Laughs.] Oh look, we embarrassed Bobby.

Laura: [Dryly] Honey, you'd probably embarrass Madonna.

[Her laughter lengthens.] I think it's more that everyone around here needs to get a humour transplant. [Sighs as she sees Bo heading back towards them.] And talking of a lack of a sense of humour....

Bo: [Looking annoyed as hell.] Where the hell is camp?

[Rolls her eyes.] Jesus, you can't even find the camp and you think you have a hope in hell of finding John? How much of an idiot are you? [She slides back down to the blanket and grabs a piece of chocolate.]

Bo: Marlena, what the hell is wrong with you?

Bob: [Suddenly mumbling into his beard. He already doesn't like Bo, and the fact that he's married to the horse-like Hope doesn't help his case.] Hey, this island is off-bounds except for the survivors and the crew. You need to leave.

Bo: [Looks Bob up and down.] And who is gonna make me?

Bob: [Smirks.] Have you met the Big BadAss?

[Grace finishes her glass of champagne, and reaches over and cuts herself a piece of brie cheese.] Bo, you’re in my sun. [Bo says nothing, quite lost for words, and finally Grace moves in irritation.] Can’t you take a hint? We don’t want you here. Therefore leaving would be the appropriate thing to do. If you can wrap your pea-sized brain around that idea. [Laura catches her breath and turns away for a moment as she tries to maintain her composure.]

Bo: [His expression darkening.] I’m not going anywhere until someone tells me what the hell is going on around here

[The four of them stare at each other and Grace sighs irritably. It's clear that her plans for the afternoon have been irrevocably ruined. Reaching over to pick up the champagne bottle, she pours herself another glass of the golden liquid.]

Laura: [Sighs and reluctantly.] Maybe we should be getting back to camp anyway.

[Shrugs petulantly.] I'm perfectly happy here thanks. [She downs half the glass of champagne in one mouthful.]

Bo: [getting angry.] You're going to sit there and drink while your husband is missing?

[Bored.] That was the general idea, yeah.

Bo: [Taking a deep breath, he tries to maintain his equilibrium.] Laura's right. We should head back to the camp. With all his equipment, Shane might have an idea of where John is being held.

[Giggles tipsily.] Laura can tell you all about Shane's equipment. Canchya honey?

Laura: [With a quick intake of breath, her eyes darken and she pulls the bottle away from Grace.] Okay, I think that's enough for you.
[Downs the rest of the liquid in her glass and then she leans over and grabs the bottle back.] Did I ever tell you you're a spoilsport, Laura?

Laura: [Amused.] I think you might have mentioned it, yeah.

[Sloshes the remains of the bubbly into her glass and then tosses the bottle away.] Kimmy agrees with me. Everyone agrees with me. [Eases herself to her feet and stumbles. She neatly lifts the glass to her mouth and catches the spillage as she does so, however.] You need to get a life, honey. Or get laid.... Oops [slaps her hand over her mouth and giggles uncontrollably.].... guess you did that already. Didn't work, huh? Still the same ol' boring Laura. [Throws back the last of the champagne.]

Laura: [Dryly as she stands.] Are you quite finished?

[Narrows her darkening eyes.] Not by a long shot.

Laura: [Her eyes dark and her expression thunderous.] Oh, I think you are.

[Ignoring the stunned expression on Bo's face.] Excuse me? Just who do you think you're ordering around here?

Laura: [Finally unable to contain her anger.] Don't pull that shit on me, Marlena. You're pushing it, you know that?

[She purses her lips and it's a moment before Laura realizes she's trying not to laugh.] No, really?

Laura: [Rolling her eyes as the wine starts to kick in.] Enough already! Good Lord, you're completely impossible. [After a moment, to Bo's intense frustration, she starts to laugh.] We're wasting time you know.

[Chuckles.] Yes, I do know. [Pauses and in her slightly inebriated state, she stumbles and half-falls against the rock-face. Pulling her hand back, she blinks in astonishment when she realizes she has uncovered the edge of a concealed door....]

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