Survivor Profiles

The Big BadAss

*Tribal Council Results*

(yes, the Big BadAss is trying to honor 10,051 commitments in the five days before she jumps back on a plane. After this there are only 10,050 to go)

The votes are in and the tribe has spoken. Brady Black, obviously your new hairdo was the last straw for the island residents. So gather up your Tiny Tim canes, grace us with a few final words and head down to the dock. Barney the ferryman will take you back to Salem and your beloved Carl.

Aside from that, we'll try and have another vote... at some point.... maybe even before I get on the plane. Or not. Whatever. But I will be back, you can count on that.

[As Grace and Laura make their way back to camp, Laura's lips twitch convulsively. Releasing Grace's hand, she mumbles.] What do you think...a bit too much?

Grace: [Out of the corner of her eye, Laura sees a light come across Grace's face as the humor filters through her words.] Oh...maybe just a little.

[Slapping a hand across her mouth, Laura tries to stifle the slightly manic giggle that escapes her lips.] I couldn't very well let you tear into Sam. And what can I say?...You've discovered my deepest, darkest secret--before deciding to be a doctor, I actually spent a brief period in the drama department.

Grace: [Laura's laugh is infectious and Grace's ringing laugh soon melds with hers.] Well this is one time I'm glad common sense and rationality won out.

[Putting her hand over her heart, Laura stumbles backwards dramatically.] I'm hurt.

Grace: [Grace's mouth curls into a lazy grin.] Mmmhmm...sure...

[Just as they reach the campsite, Laura breaks the companionable silence.] Well, Marlena's ineptitude in the kitchen was legendary--made my water boiling skills seem gourmet...I don't suppose there's any chance that this little transformation process improved your culinary skills?

Grace: [Amused, Grace stops. Shaking her head disbelievingly, her eyes twinkle.] Really Laura, sometimes you ask the most inane questions.

So sue me...I was just trying to find a silver lining in an otherwise black cloud. Besides I'm so famished that the Brady Chowder is beginning to sound like a real possibility.

Bob: Ladies. [Laura smiles brightly--making a beeline for Bob and his coffee. Surrendering his mug to her greedy grasp, he turns to pour some for Grace. Mumbling happily], Hungry, huh? [Without taking his eyes off Laura, he hands the cup to Grace.]

You have no idea...[Laura's eyes shift imperceptibly to the supply crate and back.] I don't know who decided just what constitutes survivalist gear, but they need their head examined--I mean really, sending perishable items like fruit...

Bob: [Interrupting], The BadAss is many things, [shrugging], but practical isn't always one of them. However...[Leering playfully at Laura and then Grace, Bob holds up a box of Krispy Kreme donuts.] if you ask me very nicely, I just might be tempted to share...

Gimme! [Grabbing the box from his hands], Or I'll have to hurt you! [Taking a donut, the liquidy glaze coats Laura's fingertips as she hands the box to Grace.]

Bob: Promises...Promises...

[Nodding, Laura's eyes glow brightly. Turning to Grace], What say we go heckle the prisoner? After all what kind of aunt would I be if I didn't at least go check on my dear sweet niece? [Without awaiting a reply, Laura heads for the Shane's ISA room. Chuckling, Grace follows.]

[Grace glares at Sam as Marlena's twin places her hands on her hips .]

So, tell me sister dearest, just how am I supposed to convince you that I am Marlena? Actually, on second thoughts, why should I have to prove anything to you? Either of you. Why don't you mind your own business?

Roman: Doc, we care about you and -

[Pissed off.] Oh yeah and tying me up to a tree stump and starving me is a real nice way of showing your concern Roman. I don't know what kind of crack you two are on but it must be good stuff.

Sam: [jaw sets and her lips thin.] You can insult us all you want Marlena, but it's not going to do any good. It's just proving our point.

[With sarcasm.] Well it's proving *a* point. That the two of you are really pissing me off.

Sam: You know, Marley could be a bitch sometimes, but nothing anything like this.

[Rolls her eyes.] Well maybe I'm just sick of being a doormat for everyone around here. [Clenches her fists, itching to show these idiots just what a bitch she really can be.] You know Roman, maybe if you hadn't run away and sulked for the last seven years while I was going through hell, and might I add that is quite literal at times, I might be a little more inclined to care what you think of me. [She turns to look at Sam her eyes almost black with fury.] And as for you....

[Laura runs the last little distance to the beach, her stomach flipping as she sees the anger between Grace and Sam.]

Laura: [Smiling as brightly as she is able.] Marlena, honey, I have the most wonderful news!

[Looks up, her whole demeanour changing.] What is it?

Laura: Jenn is safe. She's with Alice.

[Her whole face changes and for a moment Laura can swear she sees a glimpse of Marlena.] That's wonderful news.

Laura: Bob just told me. He also said that they caught Hope. She was the phantom forker.

[Her eyes widen in mock surprise] No!!

Cont'd from above

Laura: [Unsuccessfully tries to suppress her smile.] I know, shocking, isn't it?

[Lips curl and lock into a mischievous smile.] Did you know that Roman and my sister here think you're in league with Stefano? [Roman's mouth flaps as he tries to think about explaining.] Something about you tricking them and freeing me.

Laura: Stefano?? [A genuine giggle bursts from her. With the news about Jenn, she is sure she can handle anything. Even Grace.] Oh yeah, like *I* would team up with the man that tried to wipe my memory and destroy my life. And honey, you're my friend. Why wouldn't I try and help free you?

[Shrugs.] I know, that's kinda what I thought. Full of crazy ideas these two. Think I'm not myself or something. Like I'm some clone pretending to be Marlena. [The glimmer in her eyes almost dares Laura to agree with them.]

Laura: *You?* Well I know this game has been stressful but that is patently absurd.

Sam: [Her anger overwhelming her.] It is *not* absurd Laura, and you know it. Marlena has behaved nothing *like* Marlena since she went missing and we found her in that cave. Something is going on, and I want to know what it is. We're doing this because we love her.

Laura: [Looks at Roman and Sam in turn, her cinnamon-coloured eyes hard.] Marlena is my best friend. I know her better than either of you since you haven't bothered to spend any time with her or even let her know you were still alive in the past six or seven years. And I will help her. Especially if I see an injustice being done. And depriving her of her freedom, even if it is in the name of love, is simply wrong. You've not only hurt her, you've hurt yourselves. If you want to help Marlena, be her friend, not her judge, jury and executioner. [Feeling oddly aggrieved, she takes Grace's hand.] C'mon honey, let's go and have some breakfast.

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