Survivor Profiles

The Big BadAss

Grace: [Grace approaches the camp, just as Laura is opening a bottle of water.], Gee, out and about so soon...[Shifting her eyes in the direction of their tent], Maybe it's a blessing in disguise that Mr. Donovan seems disinterested.

[Laura's voice is low and tempered as she turns her blank expression to Grace.] Do you have a minute? I'd like to talk.

Grace: [Slightly unnerved by Laura's seeming calm], Talk...What do you want to talk about the weather? [Noting the Laura's nervous shift, Grace's eyes brighten and her rich voice takes on an edge of assurance.] Sure, let's talk.

[Dully], Not here...let's go for a walk.

Grace: [With laughter in her voice], I don't know...Kim said she thought you were liable to try and drown me.

[Taking a step towards the woods, Laura chuckles darkly.] Let's avoid temptation then.

Grace: [Laura walks towards the treeline. For a moment Grace simply watches. With an almost invisible shrug, she gives into the curiosity and follows. As long minutes pass and they travel deeper and deeper into the dense woods, Grace becomes annoyed at the continued silence.] I thought you wanted to talk?

I do.

Grace: [Sarcastically], Well the psychic line seems to be busy, so what say we try this the old fashioned way. Talk.

[Laura stops abruptly and turns to face Grace. With brow furrowed in silent contemplation, Laura's thunderous black eyes lock onto Grace.] I want to know just who you are?

Grace: Excuse me...[Chuckling], I'm sorry Laura, but I think you've finally lost it.

[Laura's lips purse tightly as her eyes grow hard. Casting off her weariness, she stands up straight and steps closer.] No I don't think so. You see, for days now I've been wracking my brain...trying to figure out what could have gone so wrong as to make you act this way. I've gone through every possible rational explanation.

Grace: [An evil curl comes across Grace's mouth.] And this is rational? [Laughing], Honey, I think you've dipped into your medication stash a bit too far.

[Ignoring Grace's comments, Laura's eyes cloud with thought as she continues.] But then Shane said something to me that put everything into perspective. [Grace's eyebrow arches expectantly.] He said that you were just trying to push my buttons...[Refocusing on Grace], And it's true. You've been trying to get at me ever since the tribes merged.

Grace: So?

[With marked disinterest, Grace turns back in the direction of camp. Grabbing her arm, Laura halts her progress and moves to block her path.] So...the Marlena I know would never do that. She wouldn't try to get under someone's skin just because she could, and she wouldn't prey on a person's insecurities...[Her voice breaks with the emotional outburst.] And she sure as Hell wouldn't do that to a friend!

Grace: [Grace's eyes narrow momentarily as she weighs her options.] Look Laura, I'm sorry if I've been hard on you...I've just been under so much stress with everything that's...

[Cutting her off], I'm sorry...I'm not buying it. I've known Marlena long enough to know how she reacts to anger and pain and stress...and this ain't it. [Swallows hard], Marlena would no more taunt me about my daughter's kidnapping than...[Stops and sighs heavily], What you tried to do to me...It was cold; it was ruthless and manipulative, and it most certainly was not Marlena. [One lone tear runs down Laura's cheek as she stares into Grace's stoic face.] So I'll ask you again...Who are you?

[After witnessing Shane entering Laura's tent, Kim has escaped to the relative solitude of the beach. She looks up to see Marlena, fresh from her confrontation with Sam, approaching.]

Marlena: [Voice syrupy with fake concern] The scene back there a little too much for you Kimmy?

Kim: Look, I know what you're doing, and it isn't going to work. [Seethingly] As a matter of fact, why don't you go find someone else to antagonize, ok?

[Marlena's silvery laugh floats through the air as she gracefully drops onto the sand.] Oh, but I am sooo enjoying this conversation we are having, Kim. Do continue...

Kim: [her voice pleading] Marlena, what is wrong? Jeez, the way you abandoned Belle, and then went after Craig and Roman like you did? What are you thinking? [Her questions are met with an eerie silence. Trying to elicit some response, she gestures towards the lake] You know, I think even Laura is ready to drown you at this point.

Marlena: [Having grown bored with the game, she stands to leave] That's what it all comes back to Kim, this whole business with Shane and his other women....[she brushes the dirt from her shorts and offers her parting shot]...hey, at least you can be thankful for one least Kayla isn't here too. [Not looking back, Marlena heads for camp.]

Shane: [Holding her securely, Shane's hands make small circles on Laura's back.] Shh...It's okay...everything is going to be all right.

[After a few moments, her nerves settle. Taking a deep cleansing breath, Laura lets the tension and anxiety leech out of her. Reaching up, her fingers graze across his lips as she offers him a sad smile. Looking into her eyes, Shane is alarmed by the disconcerting clarity staring back at him. As her fingers trail away from his lips, Laura leans in and kisses him softly.] She really is right...we shouldn't be doing this with Kim right outside.

Shane: [Gently pushing the hair away from her face], Marlena is just trying to push your buttons...

[Interrupting], I know, but...

Shane: Kim is a grown woman with a husband and a life that has nothing to do with me. We are divorced and have been for a long time.

[Sighs lightly and looks down--her voice low and sure], That may very well be true, but that doesn't mean that she's over you...When you share your life with someone you never completely get over that. I mean look at Roman pathetically pining for Marlena. And I can tell you from experience, you never like seeing your husband, ex or otherwise, with another woman...[Finally looking up to focus on Shane's face, her eyes brighten as she smiles shyly.] Do you know how absolutely wonderful I think you are? [Laura's lip quirks as she laughs lightly.] I mean what are the chances of finding a handsome, debonair gentleman whose turn ons include mental instability and...[Leaning closer, she whispers in his ear. Throwing her head back, her throaty laugh causes tremors to run through Shane. Shaking his head in amusement, she once again kisses him.] Besides just because we try to take Kim's feelings into consideration, doesn't mean we can't finish this later...[She arches her eyebrow in question and smiles at Shane's answering nod.] Right now, though, I need to go find Marlena.

Shane: [Concerned], Why put yourself through that?

[Standing, Laura straightens her disheveled cloths.] Because something is wrong, Shane...Terribly wrong. I've known Marlena for a long time. She has a very distinct aura about her, but lately it's not there. I don't know who or what this is...[eyes darken] but it's not Marlena. [Grinning, she leans down and kisses him.] I won't be long.

[Laura is trembling as she buries her face into Shane's chest. Grace continues to smirk.]

Shane: [Fury evident in his words as he tightens his arms protectively around Laura.] Marlena, please, don't you think you've caused enough trouble already?

[Eyes widen in feigned innocence.] Trouble? Is that what I've been doing?

Shane: [Exasperatedly.] Look... please just leave.

[Chuckles.] Of course. Why didn’t you just say? [She narrows her eyes.] Although, you may want to be a little more discreet Shane. With your ex-wife only feet away and all.... Something tells me, she might not appreciate hearing your moans of ecstasy. [She sees Laura's shoulders tighten beneath Shane's touch and feels a touch of satisfaction as she turns.] Have fun kids. And don't do anything I wouldn't do. But then something tells me that's highly unlikely anyway...

[She slips out of the tent and runs smack into Sam who takes her by the arm and drags her off to the edge of camp. Once there, she pulls her arm from Samantha's grip.]

Do you mind?

Samantha: [Angrily] What the hell is wrong with you, Marley?

Wrong with me? [Rubs her arm where Samantha's fingermarks are still white under the tan.] Nothing is wrong with me Sam.

Samatha: [Crosses her arms, her hazel eyes flashing.] You're treating us all like we're the enemy and you're driving poor Laura around the bend. Who the hell died and made you Queen Bitch?

[Grace can't help the laugh that bubbles from her throat.] *Me?* And this from the woman who didn't bother to tell me she was alive for nigh on twenty years. Who let me grieve for her, suffer mountains of *guilt* because I thought her death was somehow my fault. And you have the nerve to call *me* a bitch? Sam, sometimes you really are too much.

Samantha: [A little surprised.] Marley, I explained that. I thought you understood.

[Playing hurt and angry.] Yeah, well newsflash for you, sister dearest. I don't take too well to be lied to. Perhaps you can share Queen Bitch stories with my husband if he ever bothers to show his lying face around here again. [She glares at Sam for a moment and then turns and stalks off in the direction of the beach.]

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