Survivor Profiles

The Big BadAss

[She stirs with a groan and forces her eyes open. The dim light filtering in from the mouth of the cave indicates that daylight is fading. She raises her hand to her head, feeling the raw, bruised skin with tentative fingers. The headache is worth three bottles of vodka now, and maybe a bottle of tequila for good measure. Unfortunately this time consciousness is a little more of a permanent visitor.

She manages to push herself up into a sitting position and eyes her clothes with distaste. However she got here, it appears she collected half the forest floor on her way.

She looks up at the walls of the cave blankly, noting with disinterest, the blue nail polish figures that have been crudely painted on the rock. There is nothing else in the cave to indicate either where she is, or how she got here.

Suddenly, she hears a crashing from outside the cave and a figure appears, dimly silhouetted in the entrance.]

Sam: Marley? Marlena, are you in there? [Ventures slightly further into the cave.] Oh. It is you. God, I've been so worried about you. We've all been so busy looking for you that none of us has confessed for days. [Looks around.] Haven't seen Laura have you? She's disappeared too.

[Gets closer and notices the lack of reply at the same time she sees the bruise on Marlena's forehead.]

Sam: Wow, that's some bruise you got there, sis. We'd better get you back to camp and let the cute doctor take a look at that. [Grins as she helps Marlena up.] Maybe after that he'll actually cook us some of that chicken he managed to steal....

[The last rays of sun are just sliding across the room to where Laura sits rigidly motionless--her straight forward stare glassy and emotionless. A sudden crash outside breaks the silence but not the blank immobility that holds Laura in its grasp.]

Belle: [Standing on a log, Belle peers through the window and sees a vaguely familiar woman sitting on the couch. Still, Belle cannot place her. Just as the gossamer strand of memory dangles before her, she loses her balance and tumbles loudly to the ground. Slightly dazed, Belle huffs poutily as she stands to dust off her capris.]
That looks like one of Mom's friend. [Belle's voice squeaks as she works to put a name with a face.] Think. head hurts. Mr. Langan told me to never think--this must be why...Laura Horton...[Giggling to herself], See I'm like not as dumb as everyone thinks. [Twirls a blond lock around her index finger and smiles proudly], Like I wonder if she can help me with that little boy. [Walking to the door, she tentatively peeks in while Laura sits unmoved. Squeakily], Umm...Dr. Horton? [Slowly she walks towards the sofa and sits down in front of Laura.] I need your help...I've been looking like everywhere for my mom...and well Daddy has been acting like really strange. Anyway like the other day I was like exploring, you know...[Belle finally takes note of Laura's empty expression, but thinks little of it as she is used to just such a reaction. Her painfully perky squeak jumps an octave.] And you're like never gonna believe what I found...I mean never. It was like this little boy...he is like so cute, but he is like all upset or something; I think he is, you know, lost. But it is just like totally freaky cause I got like this really strange feeling that I should like know him or something...[scrunching her nose], but I like don't know how--right. So I've been trying to like think back, you know, and I can't seem to remember like anything! I think it's like that damned haunted can...[Giggling, she slaps her hand over her mouth, but soon looks pained as she again tries to think.] but it's like not even here, you know. So what should I like do? [Finally pausing for air, she eyes a catatonic Laura.] You are like so right...I don't know why I didn't see it before...Thanks you're like the bomb! [Belle smiles breezily and walks out the door as Laura continues to mutely stare straight ahead.]

Stefano spits out more water. He wakes up lying in a pool of water from the beach. He rolls over to the other side of the beach. His head aches as he grabs it in pain. Stefano sits up from his stupper. He stands up almost falling over on the beach)

What the hell was that?... It couldn't be Langan, he had the entire history right, it couldn't be Corday, he wouldn't spend the money for all those ex-actors. What the hell happen to me?

(A thought hit Stefano)

Getting all the history right, getting all those actors back, only one person could do that, Jim Reilly... That man will pay, never mess with a Dimera, he should know that by now.

(As Stefano walks off he remembers what his task was before he took a drink of the toxic water. He stops in his tracks and looks around.)

I was trying to figure out who stabbed me... I bet it was that damn Bob... I wonder if she... No, that's impossible, she couldn't... I programed... No, it couldn't be...

(Stefano walks from the beach to go back to his tent to rethink he wonderings on the culprit.)

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