Survivor Profiles

The Big BadAss

[After getting rid of the ever-perky Belle, Shane decides he needs to investigate this Jennifer situation. The governor is finding that his personal time on the island is severely lacking. Everyone with a problem seems to need his help. It is interesting that Roman and John can't seem to help with any of these issues. Still, Shane doesn't seem to mind. It's been a while since he's been in the thick of things.]

[Talking to himself...trying to develop a plan.] I guess I have to get over to the other side of the island to see if I can locate Jennifer. Belle sure wasn't too certain with those directions. I hope I don't spend a long time wandering aimlessly.

[Shane packs up his night-vision goggles, a walking stick, and his gun (securely in it's leather shoulder harness, just in case) and heads out of the ISA room. As he leaves, he wishes there were a way to lock the room. People do seem to be roaming in and out a lot.]

[After walking for at least a mile and not seeing anyone, Shane is startled when he notices someone sitting on the beach. As he walks closer, he realizes it's Kim.]

What are you doing here at this hour?

Kim: Shane...[sounding somewhat startled to see him] I'm....I'm...I'm watching the sunset.

Kim, the sun set at least an hour ago. Have you been sitting here that long?

Kim: I guess the time got away from me. Honestly, I didn't realize it had been that long.

[Shane wonders if Kim is still struggling to keep Lacey in check. He's hoping Kim hasn't lost the last hour to her.] Kim, dear, it can't be safe for you to be here at this hour, especially with the fork assailant and who knows who else loose on the island. Can I walk you back to camp?

Kim: Shane, you always were so chivalrous. Really, I don't need help getting back.

I insist. [She agrees and they head back to camp. Shane has ulterior motives. He' shoping he might see some clues about Jennifer, or possibly get a chance to see Laura.]

[Marlena jams her hand in the pockets of her jeans and wanders slowly through the woods. Belle is asleep already after her late night the night before and Roman is watching over her. After spending quite a deal of time talking to Laura over the ubiquitous clam chowder, trying to make sense of this latest strange development concerning Jennifer, she had felt the need to stretch her legs and try to work out some of the kinks she'd developed over the course of the day. It is a moment before she realizes she has somehow subconsciously strayed towards the boundary between the tribe's camps and in the distance she hears Hope's great jovial brays in the warm evening air. Wrapping her arms around herself, she wonders how John is and she hopes he didn't get into too much trouble over their little tête-à-tête.]

[Suddenly Marlena's thoughts are interrupted by the sounds of snapping of branches off to her right and she looks up to see John fighting his manly way through the undergrowth. He looks utterly wild with anger but he stops short when he sees her.]

John: [In a low growl] Where is he?

John! [Confused.] Where is who? John, you can't be here. If they catch us...

John: [Catches her arm.] Why didn't you tell me Doc? For God's sake why didn't you *tell* me?

[Heart pounding.] Tell you what, John? Honey, what's going on?

John: When Isabella said something about seeing you and Kristen, I just laughed it off because that's completely insane. But... Brady? My kid did... *that* to you?

[Eyes widen and she swallows hard.] John, it's not as bad as it s-

John: It's true? [The fury intensifies as his gaze drills into her. Then he turns] I'm going to fucking kill the miserable little bastard!

[With growing desperation as she moves in front of him and places her hand on his chest.] John, this is why I *didn't* tell you. Please, please don't. It's over now, I just want to forget it.

John: [Grabs her upper arms.] Doc, he hurt you. Intentionally. Maybe not physically, but I can see it in your eyes. [His rage builds as her eyes fill with tears.] I won't let the little asshole get away with that. Not with hurting you. [He stares at her and then pulls her roughly to him for a passionate kiss.] I love you, sweetheart, I love you more than I could possibly ever love anyone else. Don't you ever forget that.

John. [She pulls away from him, slightly dazed and breathless, and struggling to maintain her composure.] John, please don't do something you might regret. Please don't hurt him...

John: [Shakes his head.] It's not over, Doc. It won't be over until I tell him it's over. I won't let him hurt you, you hear me?

Jo- [She spins around as he tears off into the woods and throws up her hands in frustration.] Oh *God*! [She chews on her lower lip as her face crumples into an expression of deep concern.] Oh dear God, what's he going to do to Brady when he finds him?

[Wearily, she brushes her hair from her face with the heels of her palm and turns back towards her camp.]

[As the last traces of sunlight are fading into inky darkness, Laura makes her way back to camp. Pre-occupied with her concerns for Jennifer and the memory of her almost moment with Shane, Marlena's voice whirs dully in the background.] Hmm...

Marlena: [Bemused by Laura's inattentiveness, she tries again--laughter evident in her voice.] Laura...where have you kept yourself hidden all day?

[Still distracted, but finally taking note of Marlena's shadowy form Laura answers.] Oh...I...uh was with Shane.

Marlena: [Grins lightly], And?

[Blushing slightly], Uh...we were interupted.

Marlena: [Marlena's lip twitches in unconscious humor.] Ah...Ms. BadAss strikes again.

[Finally looking Marlena in the eye, she shakes her head no.] Nothing quite so dramatic...I don't have much worry where Ms. BadAss is concerned.

Marlena: So I've noticed...[Dropping her voice in a conspiratorial tone], You know one day you're really going to have to tell me your secret.

[Laughing], No real secret, but I'm afraid my methods will never work for you. [Looks pointedly at Marlena], You see I'm what is commonly referred to as a secondary character...The Big BadAsses of the world don't waste too much energy on the likes of me. [Smiles cheekily], So you see, somehow I don't think you'll ever be able to know the joys and the trials of invisibility.

Marlena: [Nods tentatively], Then who interupted you?

[Marlena can't help but smile as the rosey blush once again colors Laura's cheeks.] Belle...walked right in on us just as we were about...[Laura stops abruptly and begins to look around the campsite unsure of whether or not to continue.]

Marlena: [Marlena almost laughs, but stops short when she detects Laura's emotional confusion.] Honey is something wrong? Did something happen?

[Sighs heavily], I don't know.

Marlena: [Softly], Don't know what?

[Turning her pained expression to Marlena], It's Jennifer...Belle says that she saw Jennifer on the island...that Tom Langan is holding her against her will. [Laura wearily rubs her temples.]

Marlena: [Marlena's eyes darken as the apprehension filters through her voice.] What does Shane say?

I don't think he knows what to think. It's a long shot; he's checking it out though...but if Langan is a part of this then we're not dealing within a normal state of reality, are we? [Tentatively, Marlena shakes her head no.]

Marlena *Confessional* - Tribe Nagahanaslick

[Marlena is sitting by herself at the edge of the clearing, a tree trunk at her back as she watches her sister play with baby Belle. Bob comes up to her but she merely glares at the camera. There is a long and awkward silence.]

Bob: So... you happy to see Sam?

[Not looking at him.] Do you really care if I'm happy?

Bob: [Wincing] It wasn't me that told her, I swear.

[Still refusing to look at him.] No, you were too busy skulking around in the bushes with your camera. No wonder there's been barely any confessionals in the last couple of days.

Bob: [A slightly offended tone to his voice] As you reminded me last week, I do get paid for doing a job.

[Rolling her eyes but there is a detectable softening of her tone.] Bob, this show is screening on network television, not some high end of the dial cable station.

Bob: [Grins.] I think BadAss is looking to tout a "Best of Days Survivor" version to those high end of the dial cable stations.

[Chuckles, despite herself.] Oh great, that's all the ammunition Brady's *ever* gonna need, right there. [Sighs as she watches Samantha hoist Belle onto her shoulders and set off for the water.] I can't even tell you how weird all this is.

Bob: Did she tell you why?

[Purses her lips and shakes her head.] Sam's always been kinda vague on details. That hasn't changed. [Pulls her knees up to her chest and wraps her arms around them.] Something doesn't ring right about this, Bob. There's something she's not telling us.

Bob: What makes you say that?

[Hunches her shoulders and stretches painfully.] Well it might have been twenty years since I last saw her, but I know my sister. And I know there's something she's hiding. I just wish I knew what the hell it is....

[The crimson sun hung low on the horizon. Laura had spent most of the afternoon spirited away in Shane's secret ISA room. After relaying what little information she had managed to glean from Bob, she had simply looked at Shane--her haunted eyes melting away the thin professional veneer that he had always so consciously labored to maintain.]

Shane: [Smiles lightly], I've been doing my best to check all the leads...Belle came to see me yesterday and told me that she had seen Jennifer--that she was being held captive by Tom Langan. I wasn't sure quite what to make of her statement. [Furrows his brow in thought], She certainly did believe what she was saying, [Noting the light returning to her eyes, he sighs lightly.] but I'm not sure how reliable she is...Her main companion on this little survivor trek seems to be some squirrel that she's managed to capture...poor creature was terribly accessorized in this blue nail polish challenge--cruelty really. [Recognizing that his train of thought was drifting, he refocuses.] Either way, I've collected as many facts as possible and have been busy trying to find any evidence that might validate young Belle's claims.

[Overcome with gratitude, a teary-eyed Laura smiles and grabs Shane's hand.] Thank you. You really are a Godsend...You know that? I don't know how I would have survived this if it weren't for you and Marlena.

Shane: [Heartened by her response.], Let me show you what I've found so far...[Peering over her shoulder, they begin to look through his notes. Laura tucks a strand of hair behind her ear before turning to face Shane. There eyes meet--an invisible strand of electricity binding them together. Drawing closer together, a whisper apart, they are suddenly jolted from the moment...]

Belle: [An oblivious, high-pitched squeak], Um...Mr. I need your help...

Laura *Confessional* - Tribe Nagahanaslick

Bob: [Seeing Laura break the tree line, Bob calls out.] Missed ya yesterday.

Sure you did Bob. [Grins knowingly], I heard about your little forray into voyerism. [Bob smiles sheepishly.] Just please tell me that you didn't have your camera with you. [Bob blushes and mumbles something about this being his job.] Oh boy...if Marlena gets wind of this [covers her mouth to try to stifle her laugh] are going to be in so much trouble. My advice--just give her the tape as a peace offering. She'll still be pissed, but she'll be too relieved to do anything about it. Besides, she's so distracted right now...

Bob: [Brow furrows in concern], So she finally saw her sister?

[Nods], Yeah...Sam, in her usual subtle way, just popped out of the tent "Hey Marley, didya miss me?" I know it was a shock, but Marlena seemed really happy when I left them to go to bed...I just hope Sam doesn't make too much trouble. [Laura's eyes cloud with concern.] Do you know that when I found her she was huffing nail polish remover and singing about what a jerk John is? [Pauses momentarily before letting out a heavy sigh], Marlena has enough to deal with right now without the added bonus of Sam's unbiased opinion of the situation. [As she completes her thought, Laura's voice drops to a mere whisper, but her words are laced with sarcasm.]

[Covering her mouth with the back of her hand, Laura tries to smother an exagerated yawn.]
Sorry...Didn't sleep too good last night. I knew Marlena and Sam had a lot of catching up to do...[shifts uncomfortably], so I decided to bunk with Kim last night.

Bob: How'd that go?

[Offers a strained laugh], About as good as you would imagine--very tense and uncomfortable. We both worked very hard at being polite, considerate was exhausting. And frankly, I can't wait to have little Belle's knees buried in my back again.

[As the silence builds, Laura finally speaks.] So, Bob, did you get tired of the blue beard immitation?

Bob: [Groans], Don't remind me...I liked to never got that damned blue nail polish out of my beard!

[Laura smiles brightly, but soon the light fades from her eyes.] Have you heard anything on Jennifer? [Noticing Bob avert his eyes and shift away], What? What have you heard?

Bob: [Unsure of just what he should do], Well, uh...someone from the other tribe said that they saw her. [Sees the pleading in Laura's eyes], But...well, the story just didn't seem to wash. [Recounting Belle's bizarre tale, Bob tries to keep Laura from getting her hopes up too high.]

So you think that it's a mistake?

Bob: Well I don't know that for certain, but yes that's what I think.

[Silently looking around, Laura seems deflated of the hope of just moments before.] I just don't're probably right, but this is Langan we're talking about. [Sighs], You never know what that sick SOB is going to do. [Deep in thought, Laura begins to knaw on her lower lip.] I know it sounds insane, but I can't ignore this. I have to follow all the leads...[eyes Bob intensely--a glint of warning in her look], Shane can do that for me. [Standing, she turns and heads east.]

Marlena: (Marlena stares at Sam in total disbelief.) No! No! (shaking her head as the tears roll down her cheeks) You are not my sister. Sam is dead! She died a long time ago. Please! Why are you doing this to me?

Sam: Marley…(reaching out she takes Marlena’s hand) It’s me, Honey. Please don’t cry. (gently rubbing Marlena’s hand.) I’m not here to hurt you. I came back to help you. Please let me help you.

Marlena: (an electric current of love and familiarity shot thru Marlena the second Sam took her hand.) Sam, it’s you. It really is you??? (reaching out and hugging her twin tightly) I love you so much. There hasn’t been a day that I haven’t thought of you and wished that you were in my life. And here you are? I’m so confused. I don’t understand… How? Where have you been for the last 20 years? And why did you show up now?

Sam: (still tightly hugging her sister) I love you too and I have missed you so much. Please forgive me for letting you think that I was dead. (pulling away from Marlena) It’s just that (sighing deeply) at that time and under the circumstances I believed that it would be better for both of us if I wasn’t in your life any more… I am so sorry I hurt you.

Marlena: (smiling gently at the face that so mirrors her own) I just can’t believe this. I just…(giggling softly) I don’t even know what to say. This is crazy. Maybe I’m going crazy.

Sam: (laughing) Now Marley, You know that I’m the crazy one. You can’t even begin to compete with me in that category.

Marlena: (hugging her sister again) It is so good to see you… I am still in shock. I just can’t stop looking at you and you know I have a million questions.

Sam: I know you do and I am ready to answer them… How ‘bout we go for a walk down by the river. You don’t mind do you, Laura?

[Smiling and answering No, You two go on…Laura watched the two sisters walk hand in hand down the path towards the river.]

[Marlena groans audibly as she crawls back out of the tent after putting baby Belle to bed. She aches where she'd forgotten it was even possible to ache and although the shower earlier had loosened some muscles, it had also been responsible for creating a few more twinges.]

Laura: [lets a low chuckle slip out] Maybe I should have been asking if you could still walk. [She becomes a little more subdued.] I'm glad you're all right, I was a little worried.

[Blushes as she lowers herself awkwardly to the ground beside Laura.] I'm sorry, Laura. If there had been any way.... [Smiles a little.] I tried to leave a couple of times, but John is nothing if not persistent.

Laura: [with a hint of good-humoured sarcasm] I'll bet you fought real hard, babe.

[Poorly stifling a yawn.] Well, do you blame me?

Laura: Not at all honey. [She grins.] Maybe I'm a little jealous, but I hardly blame you.

[Raises her eyebrows.] Are you telling me you didn't take advantage of Ms. BadAss's [wrinkles her nose] absence and spend some time with the charming Mr. Donovan?

Laura: Well, did I say that? It's just that... well, you're marathon girl, you figure it out.[They both giggle.] I'm glad you had a good time though.

[Smiling and stretching as she lays on her elbow on the blanket in front of the fire.] I had the best time since... [shakes her head] since I don't remember when. [She looks at Laura thoughtfully.] I did have an interesting encounter with Brady beforehand though. He told me to tell you to keep your hands off him. [Raises one eyebrow.] What do you suppose that could be about?

Laura: [Her expression unwavering] I have no idea. [She shrugs.] Who knows with Brady? He's a law unto himself. [She slides down to lay on the blanket and picks at it.] I assume you didn't tell John then.

[Tensing slightly.] We already had that conversation, Laura. It's over and telling John isn't going to achieve anything.

Laura: [Sighing] Okay, okay I was just asking. [Looks over at Marlena.] Honey, there's something you need to know.

[Curiously and not liking the tone of Laura's voice.] What is it Laura?

Laura: You know those rumors? About our erstwhile tribe member? [She waits as Marlena nods and then she reaches out and takes Marlena's hand.] Honey, they're true. Don't ask me how, but it's Sam. It's your sister Samantha and she's here in the camp with us.

[Marlena blinks as she looks at Laura, her face completely draining of colour.] No Laura, that's not.... Sam's dead. She's *dead*. She can't be here.

Laura: I know it doesn't make sense but honey, it's true. I've *seen* her. I've talked to her. It's Sam all right. She's alive and she's here on the island.

[Shaking her head, her good mood suddenly evaporated.] No Laura, no, it's some kind of trick. It's that bastard Langan or... or [she looks desperately around, tears in her eyes.] it's Stefano. That's it, it must be Stefano's doing. [She tightens her grip on Laura's hand practically pleading with her.] It can't be Sam, she died twenty years ago Laura.

Laura: Marlena, listen to me. It's not a trick, it's -

[Both of them have missed the quiet rustling from Kim's tent behind them.]

Sam: [Crouching onto the blanket.] Oh I thought that sounded like your voice. I was starting to wonder if you were ever coming back. [She grins at the stunned Marlena.] Hey Marley, didya miss me?

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