Survivor Profiles

The Big BadAss

*The Smurfy Cool Immunity Idol Goes To Tribe #1*

You people give a whole new meaning to the phrase "am I blue," don't you? Especially you, BradySmurf.

I do have a couple of questions - like where in the heck you people found paint brushes...and how exactly you stretched five 1-Gallon buckets of blue nail polish quite so far, but all those aside.

Shane *almost* snagged immunity for Tribe Epojetahwe - he was awarded 25 points for his most creative use of the blue nail polish. But, alas, with all but one member of Tribe #1 participating and with a whopping 110 mentions of "blue nail polish" through 13 eligible posts, Tribe #1 was unstoppable on this IC. Tribe #1 - enjoy your immunity. And, while you're celebrating, try to come up with a tribal name already!

Tribe Epojetahwe, you need to submit your votes, along with the reasoning behind that vote, to the Tribal Council E-mail by Midnight ET on Monday night.

Oh, and each tribe will find one 8 ounce jar of acetone nail-polish remover back at your camps. Please - do use it wisely.

Belle *Confessional* -- Tribe Epojetahwe

(Timothy silently hops up on Belle's shoulder, with his little blue nail polished hands locking around a pig tail, as they get closer to the mysterious sounds emanating from behind a cluster of birch trees. Belle's yellow flip-flops, supporting blue nail polish painted toenails, furtively maneuver across the crunchy forest floor. She and her squirrel companion freeze in their tracks; their eyes popping open simultaneously when they find themselves staring disbelieving at the scene before them from behind the security of the trees.)

Timothy: (Whispering into Belle's ear) I recognize that bloke… but, but…

Yes… (Belle interrupts, her shaking squeaky voice for the first time dipping into decibels she's never plunged to.) …he's suppose to have left the island. He was the first one kicked off. Oh, my gosh… look, over there, tied to that tree. It's Jennifer. Oh Timothy, this is bad, really bad. What is that big yucky looking thing next to her? It looks like some kind of big huge monster vegetable or something… and look there's another one over there. Eww…

Timothy: Look, coming out of the tent there… who's that? I've never seen that bloke before.

Timothy, you're not going to believe it, but I think that's the big head guy that owns Days of Our Lives. (Belle and Timothy watch as Tom Langan shakes Ken Corday's hand, then look at Jennifer struggling with her restraints. The two men nod their heads, a strange sound coming out of their mouths that neither onlooker can decipher. Then they cower low into their hideout as Corday walks away from Langan and past them, clinking his keys casually.)

Timmy, we need to go get help for Jennifer…

Timothy: Jolly good idea. This isn't something we can handle ourselves young Belle. If only we still had our bucket of blue nail polish maybe we would have a chance, but as it 'tis we best send for the troops. Tally ho.

(Belle stands up from her squatting perch. She steps sideways, hoping to back up a bit then find the way back to camp, but her left flip-flop bends awkwardly under her blue nail polish painted toes and she staggers a bit and falls into the tree, shaking up the leaves and making a noticeable rustling. The two observers still and look up to see if they've been spotted, Timothy swinging precariously from a pigtail. To their horror, Tom Langan is staring right at them. He begins to move toward them, and Belle steadies herself, backing up from the menacing, apparently demented head writer. She knew he was bad. She knew he was to blame for so many things wrong in her life… what life she could remember. She remembered how he'd tripped her… What was wrong with him? What was he doing to Jennifer? Why didn't he leave the island? Suddenly, his arm raises stiffly and his mouth, shadowed beneath a furry moustache, opens wide and his tongue protrudes and begins flapping and he begins to cry out in a bizarre squawking sound that gets louder and louder the closer he comes to them. Belle screams for Timothy to hang on tight and she peels around and dashes away.)

Tom Langan stops and laughs wickedly: Stupid little girl, I have no use for her. She's already been Langanized. Now, back to making my Jennifer pod, there's not much sunlight left….

[Marlena sighs contentedly, nestled within the protective embrace of John's arms. The setting sun is dappled through the leaves and it scatters dancing spots of light over the crumpled sheets. When she speaks it is in a voice husky and full of emotion.]

I don't remember the last time I felt so.... like myself.

John: [buries his face in her hair and inhales deeply, letting her scent wash over him.] You know, when we're alone, that bastard Langan can't touch us. [Skims his finger over her cheek.] I love you, Doc.

[Smiling gently.] I'm glad you finally remembered.

John: Hard to forget when you're lying there looking so damn gorgeous. [Grins.] Even wearing that stupid blue nail polish. [Kisses her softly.]

[Marlena finally breaks off the kiss, hating to bring this magical afternoon to it's inevitable conclusion but knowing they have to.] John, they're going to be missing us. [She stirs under the sheets and looks away, unwilling to let him see the tears in her eyes.] I guess we'd better be getting back.

[She tries to slide out from under the sheets but John grabs her and pulls her back to him.]

John: Nu-uh, Doc. I'm not letting you go. Not yet. Screw the stupid game. [Eyes her lasciviously .] I'm enjoying this game a *lot* better anyway.

[Laughing.] But you might be forced to sing cabaret tunes. Spare your poor team-mates that at least.

John: [Slipping his hand under the sheet.] If it means I get to spend time with you baby, I say let them *suffer*.

[Marlena squeals as John tickles her but the noise is soon smothered with kisses and moans as he convinces her it's quite the best idea he's had lately to not leave the cabin quite yet....]

[Stefano appears at the door of the ISA room, where Shane is still pondering over his fork chart, watching the blue nail polish dry.]

Stefano: Shane...Shane? There's something important we need to discuss. That idiot Bob (sounds like Bub with his accent) dipped a fork in blue nail polish and stabbed me with it.

Shane: What makes you think it was Bob?

Stefano: There's nothing about that idiot that makes me trust him. Why shouldn't I think he did it.

Shane: Well, none of this makes any bloody sense, but I'm working on it. I've got you on my chart. Look, right here in blue nail polish [he points to his notation about Stefano's attack.]

Stefano: Keep me posted. There's no one to trust here. Not really sure why I'm trusting you for that matter...

Shane: Probably because you live in my home back in Salem. You do realize I snatched this room right off the back of the living room and you didn't even notice...did you even know it was there?

Stefano: Life in Salem is very complex these days. I don't have time to worry about such minor issues. That's what Rolf and Bart are for.

Shane: Well, I have to get back to my blue nail polish. Goodbye.

Stefano: Goodbye.

[As Stefano leaves, Shane looks at the blue nail polish on his chart, wondering what he's left off and what the connection between all of these people is. It can't be as simple as blue nail polish. What is he missing?]

[Marlena supports John as they make it to the nearby Horton Cabin.]

Well, I know this is off-limits but since we're not supposed to be together anyway, and with the BBA being away... [She pushes the door open and the enter the darkened room. Closing the door behind her, she helps John to the bed.] Honey? John, can you hear me? [John groans and she wraps her arms around him, holding him close.] It's okay baby, I'm here now. [She looks around the cabin desperately trying to remember where the Horton's keep the first aid kit.] Lie down John and I'll see if I can find something to help with the pain.

John:[clutches at her desperately.] Don't leave me Doc!

Oh honey, [eyes shimmer with tears], I'm not going to leave you. I just want to see if I can find something to help with the pain.

John:[in a low, pained voice] You're the only thing that will help me Marlena. [Takes her hand in his as he lays back on the bed. After a long moment, he opens one eye and holds her hand up.] The blue nail polish looks damn cute on you, Doc.

[Marlena giggles in relief and swats him.] Don't scare me like that again okay? [Slides back down to the bed beside him and smooths the hair from his face with a warm palm.] I've missed you too. I can't even tell you how much.

John:[intensity and desire burning as he pulls her close again] Don't tell me. *Show* me. [Sliding his hand up the underside of her bare thigh, he draws her leg over his. Marlena stares into his azure eyes, trying to determine the wisdom of giving in to him. But there seems to be no pain clouding them any longer. Only his need for her. Shivering slightly, she leans forward and kisses him gently. Although it isn't gentle for long....]

[After working in his ISA room for the last couple of hours, a bucket of blue nail polish by his side, Shane put together a large chart of all of the info he has gathered about the fork incidents. The blue nail polish worked very nicely in his organization of the whole thing.]

Belle *Confessional* - Tribe Epojetahwe

(Belle and very blue Timothy walk along the beach. They are still giggling from their encounter with Brady. Timothy is feeling much less blue nail polishy because of it. And now, because of Timothy's spill in the bucket, they don't have all that much blue nail polish to get rid of.)

I could have sworn it was morning when we left camp, old chum. Heehee, you like how I'm learning to speak English? I swear this island is messing with my very perky brain. I guess that's what happens when you don't have a head writer. Oh no, there's Reilly! Look's like he's built some kind of cage thing with twigs and he's painting it with blue nail polish. Let's get out of here, Timothy, you wouldn't believe the terrible things he says to me!

[Fred the shaky-hand camera guy falls on the beach, as Timothy and Belle's fast footwork sends piles of sand sailing into his face as they escape. They have left their bucket of blue nail polish behind.]

Timothy: Belle, slow down, I'm not as fast as I used to be.

(They run into the woods and don't stop until Belle feels they are far enough away from Reilly. She wonders where her dad is and why he doesn't seem to care where she is and how she's doing. 'Maybe he's just busy with the blue nail polish.'

The two soon realize they've run too far. They're lost in a deep thicket of forest and they don't see any of their team or even the other team, and not a BigBadAss in sight. As they wander about aimlessly, Timothy gathers up acorns in his mouth in case they should never get back to the tent full of donuts, clam chowder and Jell-O.

Belle tries to get Timothy to learn her favorite Backstreet Boys songs, but he ignores her, dreaming of his life across the ocean. Suddenly, Timothy hears something, and it's not rustling leaves or his fellow forest critters. He jumps and grabs hold of Belle's gingham capris and gets her to stop.)

Timothy: Hush, listen. (They creep forward, listening hard. They hear voices but they sure don't sound human… in fact, strangely enough, they don't sound like voices either, but definitely not animal.)

well lookie here, Lisa Marie. Blue nail polish, just like grandma used to wear. And them really really really nice gals down on the main street late at night. I guess the men folk done love that blue nail polish, cuz they be flockin to those girls late at night and given them money, every night same thang, probably because it's soooooo purdy, all like a shiney trailer. But you see, I ain't need no blue nail polish to gets me a man, heh heh, I's got's me my Edmund for free. I don't think he'd like that seein as how bunches and bunches of men would want mah sparkle. 'Specially that sckery ol' Jim Reilly. He won' leave mah Lisa Marie alone! He be actin' crazy crazy like a fat kid in a candy store. Sumpthin' need be done here. He be wearin' lots of that blue nail polish, since he done want some suga' from some purdy gal here. He be sniffin' that blue nail polish too, but I ain't see nuthin' wrong with that, seein' as little kids, me and the other kids in the trailer park used to play 'passed out.' We done sniff lotsa fumes, like that blue nail polish there, and the last kid to get passed out would win. I'd win lots, but man oh man, was it HARD to wake up. I'd be sleepin and sleepin for days! We don't play no more, momma wouldn't let us after Billy died. He used to be my friend, but got killed when he tried to rassle a interstate bus after he sniffed some blue nail polish. I like rasslin'.

Now what am I gon' do with all this purdy blue nail polish? I know! I'm gon' paint that booted Tom Langan's lot of flowers, make them purdy and colerful, seein' as they be bunches of green. That ain't no fun. Blue is purdier. Blue nail polish is better. I love you, blue nail polish!

[grabs bucket and hugs the jesus out of it. The fumes soon start to get to her and she begins to wobble]

Yi-har! I done lost mah touch. One big ol long sniff of that blue nail polish, and I'm plum dizzy. Wooooo... wooo... ooo....

[Susan topples over, decidely asleep in a blue nail polish induced coma-like slumber]

(A strange looking man with hair the color of Blue Nail Polish limps up the trail to where Bob is standing. A foot imprint, outlined in Blue Nail Polish is visible on his neck. His WB t-shirt has small Blue-Nail Polish colored animal footprints scattered around the front and back. His pale skin also appears to have the hue of Blue Nail Polish . The tiny tim canes, the color of Blue Nail Polish, give away the approaching man's identity.)

Brady: What the hell are you smiling about?

Bob (trying to keep a straight face): Gee, Brady, you look awfully *blue* today.

Brady(sarcastically): Aren't you witty. Add the phrase "you slut" to the end of that sentence and you could get a job writing for Days! (As Brady sneers, Bob notices that Brady's teeth are now the unmistakable color of Blue Nail Polish.)

Bob: So let me guess, Grover was your favorite character on Sesame Street and since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...

Brady: I had nothing to do with ANY of this! Some LOSER must have dumped Blue Nail Polish into the water supply because after I was finished washing up, everything turned blue! I can't get this shit off! Tell BadAss that the next Immunity Challenge had better be finding use for Blue Nail Polish remover because I am NOT going to stay here looking like a FREAK!

Bob: You were staying here before you got covered in Blue Nail Polish so what's the difference?

Brady: How would you like me to paint your camera lens with Blue Nail Polish then see how your boss reacts when it's time to watch everyone's confessionals!

It isn't bad enough that my hair, teeth and skin are now tinted by this Blue Nail Polish shit, but I then run into teen Belle and her furry new best friend. The varmit leaped on top of me and started running around in circles. I think the thing is rabid! You should see the scratches on me! I could get an infection if the Blue Nail Polish on my skin gets into my blood stream. Do you know if there are any warning labels on the Blue Nail Polishbuckets?

Bob: Sorry, no idea.

Brady: Well anyway, that's why my WB-t shirt is covered with Blue Nail Polish paw marks, or whatever the hell you call a squirrel's feet. And you already know why my tiny tim canes are the color of Blue Nail Polish, which by the way, I might sue the pants off RoboCop for defacing my property!

Bob: You still haven't explained why you have a size 12 Blue Nail Polish footprint on your neck.

Brady: That would be thanks to Saint Doc and her looney tune fellow shrink. And believe me, they are gonna pay for brainwashing my Dad into thinking I was doing something wrong. I'm sure those 2 witch doctors are using their hypnosis and mind controlling voodoo on every man in this camp. But those whores won't get away with it!

(As Brady hobbles away, Bob notices the distinct imprint of a fork on the back of Brady's neck, just below his right ear.)

* Confessional* Stefano Dimera...

(Stefano stands up from his chair which is in his tent. He is still in shock that someone dipped their fork in blue nail polish and then stabbed him with it. Stefano immedently thinks of Bob as the attacker. He had reason and with Bob's obvoius stupid tricks, he just might be the fork attacker. But why would he dip it in blue nail polish. Stefano looks out his tent to see if anyone is there.)

I need to go see Donovan... Maybe he knows who did this deed.

(As Stefano goes and steps out of his tent he steps right into a bucket of blue nail polish. He stands with one foot in the bucket. He lifts his foot out and see its covered in blue nail polish .)

What the hell is going on, on this island? These people must not only like blue nail polish, they must be sniffing the fumes from it too. There must be tons of buckets of these crap.

(Stefano stomps off to find water to watch his foot off and to find Shane. Shane might be the only one on the island who might be able to help him find out who is doing these fork attacks.)

*Confessional* John Black...

John breaks away from his tribe again. He was told by wimp Bob that if he did it again, he would have to sing cabaret every night for his teammates. Although that idea petrifies him (not to mention his teammates), he decides that he still has to escape to see if Marlena is all right.

When he gets to the other camp, he sees Brady threatening Marlena.

He comes up behind Brady and throws him down to the ground. He has his foot at Brady's throat.

J: "What are you doing, boy?"

B: "Marlena and I were just passing the time."

J: "It sounded like you were threatening her."

B:"I wasn't. I was just asking for her blue nail polish. I wanted to use some."

Marlena starts to giggle.

Marlena: Let him up John. This isn't the way to show our son how to behave around women."

John does. He then grabs Brady by the collar and tells him that he will be watching Brady. Brady minces off.

Marlena: So you decided to come back?

John: I couldn't stay away from you. Just so you know what I risked coming here, that wimpy Bob told me I would have to start singing every night."

Marlena (shuddering): "No, John, don't do it."

He begins to laugh.

M: "I love to hear you laugh. Can we have some private time?"

J: "Why do you think I am here, Doc? I have missed you (Iooking her up and down), so much of you."

They begin to walk off. John suddenly falls down from a bitter headache.

Marlena: "What is wrong, honey?"

John can't talk. He is remembering the bandages being taken off.

He keeps hearing Stefano's voice: "You will be close by and they will never know."

Through the memories, he keeps seeing Marlena pregnant...

[She's been picking her way through the trees for about ten minutes when she suddenly hears a noise. Turning around, she watches Brady stumble into a tree as he slides stealthily out of his hiding place with his blue nail polish painted Tiny Tim canes. It's the first time she's seen him since the incident on the beach and she instinctively draws back a step.]


Brady: [with a nasty grin] Hey Doc. Miss me? [Takes a step closer and looks Marlena up and down.] Cute shorts. I bet Wesley and the cop are just loving the eyeful, huh?

[Looking at him with revulsion.] I'm not even going to dignify that with a reply. [Turns to leave, but Brady is in front of her, remarkably fast for someone relying on canes.]

Brady: I haven't finished yet, *Marlena*. [His mouth curls up into a half-sneer that is at the same time, nauseating and completely creepy.] There's something you need to do. [Marlena cocks a brow in his direction, obviously caring less about his effort to appear threatening.] You tell your loony psycho-bitch friend to keep her hands *off* me, you hear me? [Takes a step towards Marlena, but his attempt to appear physically menacing is rather hampered but the half sized cane on the right.] Or else.

Or else *what* Brady? [resists the temptation to roll her eyes, even despite the fact that she is still slightly traumatized over the beach encounter]

Brady: [his nasty-assed grin back on his nasty-assed face.] Oh, I don't think you want to know what I'm capable of, *Doc*. And you'd better ask yourself if you and your so-called *friends* really want to find out.

[With that, Brady is gone and a shaken Marlena is left to contemplate his threats, as feeble and pathetic as they may be....]

[Marlena helps Roman peel the finally set sheet of blue nail polish from the tarp as she watches Laura and Shane head off in the direction of his secret room. She allows herself a tiny smile at the knowledge that at least Laura may get a few moments reprieve from the harshness of island life. After spending the last few hours trying to work out the mystery of the unknown fork assailant along with trying to remove blue nail polish from baby Belle's face without any kind of removal substance, she's a little exhausted. Oddly enough, although the sun has obviously risen for Belle on the other side of the island, there has been no such event in the eastern encampment. Chalk up another one for the continuity department in Burbank.]

Craig: [emerging from his tent] Does anyone know if there's any advil in that damn crate? I think I have a blue nail polish hangover.

[Helping Roman resurrect the tent that he used for the blue nail polish shelter mold.] Uh, no. I think there was only midol. Maybe you have some advil in your bag there?

[Craig groans and heads back into his tent as Roman rolls his eyes.]

Roman: Some doctor he is. Can't even find a freakin' painkiller.

Now, now, Roman. [Sighs, suddenly missing John enormously. She stands and shades her eyes as she looks towards the trees beyond which lies the beach.] Listen, I'm going to go for a walk. Maybe you could work on making a sun umbrella with that blue nail polish while I'm gone. [She doesn't wait for Roman's answer but heads off towards the tree line.

*Confessional* Roman Brady

Marlena, Laura, and Shane are now back at camp and talking to Roman. Doc checks Roman's neck and shows Shane and Laura the fork marks. Both Roman and Shane think this "blue nail polish" might have something to do with the fork. Roman thinks Stefano is behind this but Shane says Stefano wouldn't use "blue nail polish" and a fork to get to his enemies. Marlena reminds both men that Stefano has become a cartoon character , so anything is possible. Laura thinks all three have been watching to much Blues Clues Cartoons lately. All four try to figure out what "blue nail polish" and a fork would have in common and who would do this to Roman and Shane. Both men are worried that Marlena and Laura could be next to get the fork. Roman thinks outloud," Blue nail polish? A fork?" Marlena asks Roman what he is thinking. Roman tells them it has to be Brady. All asks why. Roman figures that since he painted Freakboy's tiny tim canes with blue nail polish, that pissed the little freak off, and now he's getting back at him. Roman thinks the little Freak, Brady, wanted the "blue nail polish" to be pink. Roman thinks Brady would love to have pink tiny tim canes. Shane wonders why Brady would stick a fork in his foot. Roman tells them that maybe the little Freak, Brady, miss-took Shane for his mommy, the Ick. All three think that Roman has lost it. All ask why he would think the little Freak, Brady, would ever want to stick a fork in his real momy's foot. Roman thinks the little Freak, Brady, holding the fork in his mouth, was trying to paint his mommy's toes with the "blue nail polish" and the fork slipped from his mouth and stuck in Shane's foot. Roman says that they all know how much spit comes out of the little Freakboy's mouth when he opens it. Roman thinks it must have been when the little Freak, Brady, noticed he was painting Shane's foot with the "blue nail polish" that it wasn't his mommy and the fork fell from his spitty mouth. Marlena, Laura, and Shane think that Roman is on to something. Roman thinks that the little freak, Brady, wants him (Roman) dead just to prove to his daddy how much Doc still loves him. Brady knows Doc would be upset over my death. Marlena agrees, she would be upset, but reminds Roman, very gently, that John is still her passion and love. Roman doesn't want to get into this now and says that they have to get to the bottom of this "blue nail polish" and fork thing and then they can talk about that later. Shane and Laura agree as all 4 continue to figure out who is behind this and how to find some proof that it's Brady.

Belle *Confessional* - Tribe Epojetahwe

(As the indigo blue nail polish darkness of night gives way to the morning sunrise, Belle stretches inside her tent. Her legs rise, pointing towards the heavens and her blue nail polished toenails peek out from under her sleeping bag. Her thoughts once again flood to the short meeting she'd had with her mother, still upset that she'd walked away from her. She's barely been able to think of anything else. And even after a day of mindless fun painting flowers on anything and everything with blue nail polish, she is still bothered by it. She wasn't able to get to sleep the night before, and only Timothy's sweet rendition of Blackbird took her to dreamland.

Before moving up and out, Belle thinks to herself, 'She's like this zombie. I don't know who she is anymore. Well… that's really nothing new. I mean, besides her acting all crazy all the time, I don't have many memories of… so, it's not like I ever did know her you know? No, that's not true. No, I do know her. I know lots about her. I have lots of memories of my mom. I do, I remember now that I remember lots of stuff about her. I remember things all the time, like that time like when… oh shit, darn that stupid writer. But, really that's not the point. She acted like she didn't even know me. It was really weird and scary.' Belle mutters as she awakens. She wonders if Reilly has been trying to turn her mom against her.

As she opens her eyes slowly, rubbing the sleep from them, she's startled to see in front of her, Auntie Hope snoring away, with poor slumbering Timothy's tail rolled up in her curling iron.)

Timothy! Oh my gosh! Timmy, wake up!

Timothy: Hmm, wha? (He rolls over and winces as his tail gets pinched a little tighter into the curling iron.) What the bloody hell? Help, me, don't just bloody flop around like that!

(After Belle has freed his fluffy tail, Timothy moans as he sits up on his haunches and revisits yesterday's blue nail polish nightmare. His tiny fingernails and toenails are as blue as Belle's eyes.)

Hope: Mumbling in her sleep, her twirling fork suspiciously absent from it's usual home tucked securely between her ample breasts.) I feel pretty… I feel pretty… I feel pretty and witty and woooo… I'll get everyone of you Marlena-loving… who knew I could play baccarat… I'm so beautiful… touch me… feel me… see meeeeee….

Oh my gawd, what is she saying? I can't understand her. Hey, Timothy, let's get out of here before she wakes up and makes us sit through three hours of her trying on gowns like yesterday. That was like the pits.

Timothy: (Whispering) Righty-o Belle. That was indeed an experience I shan't care to relive. And we've still got immense quantities of that ghastly blue nail polish to dabble about for this Immunity Challenge. You promised I could have a meeting with your father if I helped you out remember?

Well, yeah… sure Timmy, if we can find him. (Belle and Timothy tiptoe past Hope Less, and still slumbering Nancy and Susan, as well as barely awake Bob whom they hadn't seen lurking with his camera near the entrance to the tent.)

Bye, Bobby. We're heading out to wash up and start the day. If you're still around when they wake up, could you tell these guys to like get busy with the blue nail polish? Cuz umm like I don't see them doing much with it. [Bob nods, and thinks he doubts that will happen. With the BigBadAss away for a time, he doesn't see why it's all that important to watch these morons for another whole day painting every blade of grass on this island with blue nail polish. It was bad enough that he had to finally allow a persistent Baby Belle to paint his beard with the noxious stuff.]

(As they scurry out of the tent, Timothy slips in a puddle of mud, and goes flying through the air and plops right into their bucket of blue nail polish. Belle squeals and runs to save him from drowning in it. She pulls him out by his tail, and the British squirrel crosses his arms and spits blue nail polish into the dirt below.)

Oh, Timothy. You're beautiful!

[Shane emerges from the ISA room having heard about another fork incident. With Laura and the fork sniper on his mind, he isn't watching where he's going. Before he realizes it, his right foot steps in a bucket of *blue nail polish*...a second later, his left foot heads into a second bucket of *blue nail polish*]

What bloody fool put *blue nail polish* into collassal size buckets and left them on my doorstep. *blue nail polish* is the last thing I need slowing me down.

[His shoes and socks covered in *blue nail polish*, Shane decides he doesn't have time to change, so he removes them and heads to find the rest of his team, especially curious about what Hope might be up to.]

[Calling] Oh Hope's been so long since I've seen you...where are you? [Still not locating her, he heads toward her tent.]

Ooooowwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!! [His scream bellows above the trees and is heard across the entire island. Shane looks down to find that not only does he still have remnants of *blue nail polish* on his feet, but he has also just stepped on a fork. He's just a few steps away from Hope's tent.]

[Marlena and Laura appear after hearing Shane's scream, not the least bit worried that they are now on the wrong side of the island.]

Laura: Shane...was that you screaming?

Marlena: It must be that *blue nail polish* on your feet...kind of freaked you out, didn't it?

No, it's the fork stuck in my foot.

Marlena: Did you say fork? You better bring that and come with us. Roman's just been attacked.

[The three head back to Tribe 1's encampment, Shane in his *blue nail polish* and with the fork in hand.]

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