Survivor Profiles

The Big BadAss

Kristen wakes up with a pounding headache. She looks around and realizes she is not in the tent with Kim, where Laura last left her to rest. She goes to rub at her forehead to stop the pain, but she hand move her hands. She she notices that she's not even lying down, she's standing up, tied to a tree. No one hears her screams, her mouth has been gagged. Kristen, tries to focus on where she is, her vision blurred slightly, with the drugs wearing off and her headache not helping. Looking around, she sees, she's on the other side of the island. But not at the other teams camp site, she's found herself tied up in the woods. Just as Kristen is trying to rack her brain, to help her remember anything that happened, to explain how she ended up here, she hears a humming voice approaching, sounding awfully like Susan. Eager to see where the noise is coming from, Kristen rapidly swivels her head around to see who is, forgetting about the tree, Kristen slams her head in to the truck and knock herself unconscious. As Kristen stands, unmovingly, still tied to the tree.....not dissimilar to when Hope was captured by the natives in the jungle, Susan comes in from the right of camera. The camera man, though being paid to remain hidden, can't help but let out a shriek of confusion, almost blowing his cover, when he see Susan. For Susan has donned her blonde wig and is in her Kristen disguise.
Walking up over to Kristen and checking her ropes....Susan begins talking to herself.
Susan:See now Kristen, this was Lisa-Marie's idea. yes, yes it was. And what an idea it was. Now all these weird people on this island think you've got something going on with that nice Dr Marlena Evans. But it wasn't really you, it was me, but they don't know that. No, they don't. What's that Lisa-Marie? (Susan brings Lisa Marie up to her ear to hear what she's saying). Hmm yes, I might just do that Lisa Marie. Gosh, you're so smart.
Satisfied that Kristen won't be going anywhere for a while, Susan makes the long trek back to the campsite, while thinking about the idea Lisa Marie just gave her.

[After drying off and changing into new clothes in his tent, Shane heads back to the ISA room to continue his mission.]

[Talking to himself as all Salemites do.] Laura sure provides a fabulous detour from the business at hand. What a wonderful woman. I really feel for her in this unpredictable time. There are so few people she can trust. I will continue to make sure that she knows she can trust me and lean on me for support.

[Knowing he can't dwell on Laura at the moment, Shane gets back to analyzing the current information he has. What began as a Roman investigation has turned into a criminal investigation of a fork assailant.] That Hope was sure creepy on the beach. She honestly thought she was charming me with that bizarre behavior of hers and that tiara perched atop her head. She must not have any idea that I've been in contact with Bo during the last 3 years. None of those princess tricks can charm me. But, it does seem useful to play along with her game. I've got to get my hand on that fork she was licking yesterday to compare it to the one I found with the metal detector. There was definitely something familiar about them.

[Shane hears a sudden moan and then a huge thud outside the ISA room. He races outside to find Jim Reilly lying on the ground unconscious.]

lookie here folks! guess what i dun heard! you'll never believe it, no siree, but that woman isabella, she dun told me straight out like she meant it. sometimes i wonder 'bout her. how she got that crazy crazy hair. i think she went and played with ele'-tri-city when she was little. i know cause i seen it happen to mah friend jethro billy. isabella musta played lots tho 'cus that trap o' locks is dun fried like a chicken.

anyway, the things she told me 'bout doctor marlena evans. that woman was buck nekkid in the water.. and she wasn't alone niether! that mean ol' krissen was in there, huggin and kissin her like there's was no tomorrow. it do sound a little strange tho. that mean mean mean krissen dun hate evr'body and their mommas, 'specially that nice dr. evans. this got me all confused. and that isabella be smilin when she tell me. i thin kshe likes to watch that sorta thang. like my brother tom, he's was always watchin those special video when we was young. then he'd lock himself in the bathroom for 30 minutes it seemed like, and be making all sorts of strange noises. he never lets me see tho.

you know what else i be hearin on this lil island? 'bout that princess hope. can't tell you where i done heard this, but i'll tell you what i heard.. that hope girl, she was a man once but a sickness made her change. in europe she went and did some modeling for magazines, but they are so good that the paper shop has to hide them under the counter to stop people buyin all of them.

wow, huh? it's da truth kids, i swear by the king himself. yup yup. right lisa maire?

**Bob asked me to post this for him since his Blogger invitation doesn't seem to want to go through. He told me to close my eyes and cut and paste - and to remember that he was thinking to himself, so technically, I can't hold it against him....

(Bob turns from Marlena and Laura's tent and runs thick fingers through his scruffy hair, his head shaking as he thinks to himself)

Shit, I thought that *first* group of Survivors was f***ed up. Rich, Kelly, and Susan have *nothing* on these people. Ain't no wondering why Dr. Evans won't talk about it. I'd be a freaking basket case, too. That little rat bastard who can't even stand up without crashing into something...(Bob's brows lower in concern)...yeah, the putz makes me laugh, but to hear her talk about him. He makes her life such hell.

(His face changes to a mask of anger) But what he did last night...why, I oughta...(He clenches his fists as hard as he can) To put the moves on his own step-mother is bad enough, but he's got to be *seriously* f***ed up to make a f***ing wig out of straw to make it look like...(The image he first saw last night, of a woman kissing down Marlena's neck still sends shivers down his spine, but then he remembers Marlena's reaction - her scream of surprise, then of disgust, her anger that almost made the water around her boil - then Brady's cackle as he whipped off the wig and called her names that even made Bob blush, telling Marlena he hoped somebody saw them, him in his wig and her even enjoying it for a minute because she's such a slut. Then Bob remembers the fast crunch of someone running off into the woods, and Isabella's confessional from that morning.) Shit, and that peroxide psycho saw it, and *believed* it! She believed it was that DiMera chick! Dear God.

(A terrible thought crosses his mind) What if she talks about it? Shit. What if those other drama queens on her team believe it? (A surge of protectiveness rushes through him) I have to do something to keep them from believing that little shithead's story.

(His eyes quickly scan the surrounding area as he weighs his options) If Baddy finds out, she'll kick my ass, but at the next confessional, I'll try to say something to that oddball husband of hers - Jake...John...whatever his name is.... Yeah. That's it. It's the right thing to do.... (Bob wanders back toward his station, to wait for another confessional and have another cup of coffee)

[Worriedly Bob watches Marlena head for her tent. Turning to leave, he is startled by the sight of a very wet very dirty Laura arriving back at camp.

Bob: [Confusion mars his brow], What happened to you?

[Blushing, she mumbles.] Uh...kinda hard to explain...

Bob: [Concerned], Well are you all right?

[Smiling brightly], Better than I've been in a very long time. [Bob is totally unprepared for her reply and steps back--unsure of what to make of the scene before him, he stands in stunned silence.]

[Chuckling lightly], I am kind of cold, though, I guess I should go change. [Tension suffuses Bob's face as he mumbles something about Marlena and glances toward the tent. Laura takes a deep breath and prepares herself.] No better time than the present to apologize, right? [Sheepishly steps toward the tent before turning back to Bob], Bob? Has there been any further word on Jennifer? [As Bob shakes his head no, Laura suddenly seems deflated of the confidence she possessed just moments before. Whispers pleadingly], You will tell me if there's news--any news at all...won't you? [Bob nods as tears trickle down her cheeks.]

[Picking up a nearby towel, Laura dangles it in the tent before peering in. Unsteadily], Truce? [The unexpectedly humorous sight of Laura combined with the tentative olive branch causes Marlena to smile.] I'm so sorry about earlier; I took my frustration out on the one person I know I can always count on...It's just been such an adjustment being free again. I feel so insecure...and then this thing with Jenn. I guess I've let my problems get the better of me. Granted that's no excuse, but it is an explanation. [Smiles shyly], And I hope you can find it in that big ole heart of yours to forgive me. [Finally noticing Marlena's tears and shaky hands], Honey, what's wrong? Did something happen? [Marlena shudders, overcome with emotion. It's obvious that no answers will be forthcoming, so Laura simply tries to comfort her as best she can.]

Confession - Isabella

Bob, you'll never BELIEVE what I saw last night! I was looking around for Sami (to kick her little ass for hitting John on the head). I was down by the beach and I saw someone out skinny dipping. Well, I must have strayed to far from camp because it was Marlena! For fear of getting caught by Miss Big Bad Ass, I was getting ready to get the hell back on MY tribe's side of the island when I saw ANOTHER figure enter the water. Thinking it was John I went CRAZY with mean.....intrigue. (Bob squints up his face in confusion) Oh, come on Bob, I don't GET JEALOUS...Marlena does though.

So anyway, as I was getting ready to jump in myself and go after my man before he got to that tramp, I noticed it wasn't John after all. You'll never BELIEVE who it was.... (Bob leans up in anticipation of figuring out just what was bothering Marlena after all) was that girl KRISTEN who everyone says I know! Well I don't know her, but I know what she looks like and THAT was HER! SHe went right up to that tramp and wrapped her arms around her and KISSED HER!!!!!!!!!!! Well, after vomiting, I ran away cos I thought I hear BBA coming! UGH!!!!!!!! How sick is that?

(Bob is too caught up in an image of two blondes skinny dipping together to answer)


Well, Marlena may be a lot of things, but I don't think she is....that. So what the hell is wrong with this Kristen character?

Well, enough of that. Time to find John and THEN Sami....her time is almost up, and John and I need another make-out session...

Marlena *Confessional* - Tribe One (still unnamed)

[Marlena comes wandering back to camp as Bob trains the camera on her. She looks utterly exhausted and quite freaked out as she looks around the camp. Lowering herself onto the stump, she wordlessly takes the cup of hot tea that Bob passes her and wraps both her hands around it trying to stop her shaking.]

Bob: You okay?

[In a snappy tone.] What does it look like?

Bob: Uh… Laura was looking for you earlier.

Oh. [Looks miserable as she stares down at her cup of tea.]

Bob: She was kind of upset….

Well she can join the club. [Doing a pretty bad job of fighting back the tears.]

Bob: So, what exactly happened last night Marlena?

[Stares up at him with troubled eyes.] Bob, I really can't talk about it, okay? I just *can't*. [Looking slightly nauseous, she pushes herself up from the stump and goes to her tent.]

[Dry, hoarse voice,] Marlena? Marlena? [Laura had spent the better part of the morning and most of the afternoon trudging through the forest in search of Marlena until she finds herself on a particularly deserted stretch of shore. Exhausted and emotionally overwrought, she finally succumbs to the excruciating pain in her heart—sliding to the ground, shaking with the force of her sobs.] Jenn…Oh God, please watch over her…

[Unsure exactly how much time has passed…only aware of the dull aching sensation that has set in behind her eyes and the teary hiccups that jar the otherwise serene coastline, she watches the hypnotic rhythm of the waves lapping against the shore. Unseen, camouflaged in the distant trees, a figure looks on. Spellbound, she stares, unmoving, at the welcoming water in a gulf of timelessness. Finally, walking closer, the water creeps over her feet. Feeling the cool water penetrate the canvas of her shoes, an elusive idea of peace begins to wash over her—to cleanse her. With a small smile, she steps further into the water.]

[For the longest time, Shane stands in the treeline—both fascinated and concerned. He had wondered how Laura was dealing with the news of Jennifer’s kidnapping—had longed to reach out to her. But was unsure…remembering his own anger and frustration when Andrew had been snatched away. However, as he stands watching her now, fully clothed and up to her shoulders in water, he knows that perhaps he can’t afford the luxury of giving her time, giving her space.]

Shane: [Emerging from the trees, he calls to her softly.] Laura, dear? [As she turns to him, a mischievous smile lighting her eyes, he can’t help his surprise anymore than he can help the small smile he feels tugging at his own lips. This woman is an enigma, a delightful enigma. As he begins to make his way out to her, he knows that he’s in over his head.]

*More Immunity Challenge Info*

Whoops! Seems there are some looming questions about this Immunity Challenge.

The tape rules still applies - stay away from 'em!
Everyone in the tribe still needs to contribute with their contributions noted.
And time does count.

Unless otherwise noted, those rules stand for all of the upcoming Immunity Challenges. At least until the tribal merge, and we'll all step back and re-evaluate when that actually happens.

Hope these answers don't come too late, and I do apologize for the omission. This Big BadAss is now working on her 25th hour of being awake. Things are all kinda covered in an odd-colored fog....

Laura *Confessional* - Tribe One

[The early morning sun is just peaking through the trees as Laura wanders over to where Bob sits distractedly drinking his morning coffee. One stray strand of hair from her mussed ponytail droops in front of her red puffy eyes. In a quiet huff, she seats herself on the stump in front of the camera. Shoulders slumped, her silence stretches on indefinitely. Still smarting from Marlena's attacks, Bob is content to let the silence stand.]

[Low pained voice], Why can't a person be a little cold and aloof when they're in the middle of a crisis? Is that really a time when you should have to concern yourself with another person's feelings? [Sighs], Boy do I sound like a bitch, or what? [Unnoticed, Bob finally raises his eyes to look at Laura's dejected form.] I know I upset Marlena yesterday...but good God my daughter's been kidnapped! If I want a moment to myself to try and digest that fact, shouldn't I have it? Is that really too much to ask? [Noticing Bob's lack of response, she presses.] Is it? [Unsure, he shakes his head no as Laura pauses reflectively.] I know she was only hovering because she was worried...I hope she can understand--it wasn't her I was really angry with. She was just the only person she got the brunt of the punishment.

[Bob nods sympathetically, but Laura is lost in her emotions.] This is horrible...I don't know that there has ever been this much tension between Marlena and I. And what's worse is, I don't know what to do to fix it. I tried to apologize, to explain--but she just looked at me like she was trying to decide if I needed to be sedated or something. Finally I just put both of us out of our misery and went to bed. Not that it helped...I don't think I slept at all last night. [Noticing Bob's expression as he looks her over], But I guess you had already gathered that, right? [Laura tries to smile, but it's strained and never quite reaches her eyes.]

[Laura shakes her head forlornly], I tried to talk to her again this morning when I got up...but it was no use...there was such defensiveness in her voice. [Laughs lightly], She couldn't even manufacture a nice fake psychiatrist tone to pull her through. [Awkwardly looking around], I guess the last couple of years have done a real number on her. [Thoughtfully], With all that's gone on...she thinks I don't know about little JT's parentage, but I do...know about Isaac's one wants to listen to the crazy lady's theories though...I'm surprised she's still standing--but that's Marlena for you...unlike some of us she's a fighter to the last.

[Frustratedly groans], I hate this! [Pauses], Maybe Marlena is right, maybe I should just go back home to Salem. [Bob shakes his head no and mumbles negatively, but Laura doesn't see--too lost in contemplation.] Of course with Langan back in Salem there's no promise that I'd even make it back...I'd probably just slowly disipate into the heavy fog around the bay until I simply ceased to exist at all.

[Defeatedly], I'm so confused...[Looks around sadly], Do you know where Marlena is? [Bob shakes his head no. Standing to leave, Laura sighs heavily.] I think I'll go try to find her. Thanks.

[Marlena stops at the edge of the forest, trying to catch her breath. Unfortunately the beach is deserted, with no sign of John anywhere. She wanders down onto the sand and looks longingly across the moonlit water to the lights of Salem.]

Oh John, where are you? [She lowers herself to the sand and drops her chin into her hands glumly.] You must have gotten my message, surely.... [She suddenly realizes she and Laura and Kim might not be the only ones that know about Shane's secret ISA room. Or there's the possiblilty that maybe the BadAss biotch nabbed John trying to sneak away. Either way she figures if he's not here now, he's most likely not coming.]

This is possibly turning into the worst day on this island so far. [She sighs again and looks at the sparkling water. It's unseasonably warm for early June and the water is *very* tempting. Looking around, Marlena decides it's safe and standing up, she strips off her top and pants and her lingerie. The silver moonlight caresses her naked skin as she wades into the water and sinks into it.]

[The water laps at her as she lets her body assume a certain weightlessness and she closes her eyes, soaking up the blissful solitude of the moment. It's disturbed almost immediately however and she gasps as she feels arms slide around her and lips caressing her neck. She smiles as she rolls her head to the side annd feels his lips advancing over her skin.]

Oh John, I knew you'd come...

[Her glance drifts downwards and she squeals loudly as she realizes that it is not John's arms that are embracing her. Horrified, she pushes away and splashes around until she can see the stranger.]


Belle *Confessional* Tribe II

(Belle curls up under her itchy army blanket in her corner of the tent. It's been a long weird day. She can't get the image of the friendly little squirrel out of her mind as she tries to go to sleep next to Hope, who keeps mumbling "me me me" in her sleep and clomping one of her feet into the hard ground. She's also worried that she could be the next one kidnapped -- it running in the family and all. But mostly she just feels lost… like she's felt as long as she can remember. Which isn't very long, she ponders, since she's unable to remember most of her childhood years anyway…. All of a sudden, she hears a whispering voice on the other side of the canvas, and sees a very large shadow cast upon it from the almost full moon. Clutching her makeup bag to her chest she freezes and listens, as though in a confessional.)

Male whispering voice: Belle… remember when you used to sit on your daddy's lap and put puzzles together? Children get their brains from their mothers, you know…. You were such a *smart* child. Remember when your mommy and daddy brought you to see Santa, and the elves made them kiss? You were smiling Belle. And remember, Belle the night your daddy brought you to see your mommy after he saved her from the devil? YOU saved her, remember? You knew she wasn't dead and you told your daddy, and he went and offered his soul to the devil to bring her back to you…. Your daddy WAS a priest you know, right? And did you know your mother saved him from getting his head chopped off in a guillotine, and from being killed in the gas chamber? Remember when your daddy said good-bye to you and Brady, and how upset he was that he thought he might never see you dance in any recitals? Do you remember being in any recitals?

(Belle gasps, closing her eyes shut hard, trying to picture the gentle sweet reassuring smile of Mr. Squirrel.)

Male whispering voice: And remember when you were born? Your daddy was there, and he helped bring you into the world. Do you remember when he told your mommy that she *did it*, but mommy corrected him and said *no, we did it? We did it?*. Do you remember Belle? Do you?

(Belle pulls the blankets up over her head and starts to hum *Oops, I did it Again*.)

Male whispering voice: You don't do you, Belle? That is your name isn't it? Belle? Don't you ever wonder why you aren't as bright as your mother? Or why you don't care about anything but superficial things like makeup and cappuccino? Or why you have the hots for someone who is more or less your cousin? Or why you don't remember any of your teachers in grade school? Or even remember the day your mommy and daddy got married? Why is that? Hmmm? (The voice pauses, allowing his words to linger in the mist of the summer night.)

(Belle shudders and silently shakes her head *yes* -- yes she does sometimes wonder…. But then why let it bug you when there's a sale at Ballistics? Or when cute little squirrels smile at you?)

Male whispering voice: Goodnight *Belle*… sleep tight, and don't the bed bugs bite.

Laura, I really was, I was just about to tell you. I had the mail in my hand but I couldn't get a word in –

Laura: Whatever Marlena...

Honey, don't do this. [Marlena reaches out her hand but Laura shrugs off her touch] I want to help you. You believe that don't you? [Laura turns and looks at her a little oddly and Marlena shivers.] Honey, maybe we should get you back to Salem so you can be there while they're looking for Jenn.

Laura: [seems quite unfazed but it is obvious there is more going on than she is letting on..] No thanks. [Laura wanders over to their tent....] I'll see you in the morning I guess... [She crawls into the tent and Marlena stands there staring at the swingin flap for a moment.]

Oh Laura. [said quietly as she shakes her head. However, a moment later, she looks at her watch and realizes she's quite late for her rendezvous with John.] Oh *damn*! [She hurries off to the south.]

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