Survivor Profiles

The Big BadAss

Oh Reilly, I worship you. You introduced me to the loves of my life. I will always be very grateful.

{Kristen has a change of heart. Upon hearing that John was taking a shower, she decided to scrap the idea of a dip and instead, went in search of John. Kristen started out through the woods, hoping to get a glance......hoping to join John. She didn't get very far, she saw one of her own team mates taking his own shower.....Craig. Kristen poked her head over the makeshift shower door, not dissimilar to the shower she and John had shared, but was now apparently banned from using} ::::hmmmm doesn't HE look good, almost as good as John does in the shower. MUST take my mind off of John, he has Doc now, or was it Isabella or was it Hope? I wonder.........
'Dr. Wesley, would you like me to sponge your back for you?'

Reilly - Confessional

Damn! I can’t believe I’m stuck with that major hack, Tommy Boy, on this island. He is destroying the couple I love the most, John and Marlena, and has basically destroyed everything I wrote. One thing he didn’t destroy was Jope. I only created Jope so I can screw Tommy and Kenny. *Chuckles* There are some people on this island who I don’t even know. Who is this Shane Donovan guy? Nancy Wesley? I’m glad John is on my team. I hope he forgives me for what I did to him in 1997. Sorry John! I hope you don’t turn into that mercenary maniac. You will always be a priest to me! Lastly, I’m just going to say that I’m going to win this game. I can’t lose. I have my magic mirror and I will hypnotize everybody. They will be under my control again!!

kristen's *Confessional*
[Wearing camoflauge pants and a white tank top, hair looking immaculate in a french roll, Kristen paces up and down along the lake, checking out her team mates and hearing their confessions and wondering what's going on over the other side of the island]

Wow, does this island bring back memories I can't believe I got talked in to this. Doc's got the right idea blaming John for this, it's all his fault, he talked me in to this as well. Damn him! No, I talk that back, I wish John was on my team, he's got experience with jungles.This ain't no jungle though. Hmmmm the jungle, what a trip that was. Too bad Hope had to tag along and spoil all of my fun. I wish Stefano was over here with us as well, he'd be a great help to us, him and his crazy ideas. Nonetheless, they always seem to work. I kind of like the idea of being stuck over here with Roman and Marlena, at least she's not pining over John. OH Marlena, I'd watch out for Hope if I were you, I think she's planning to get cozy with your husband. And I just realized, you'd better watch out for Isabella as well, heard she came along for this trip especially to get back with John and Brady. Spose that's a good thing, I know how much you want Brady out of your life.I think it would be best for both of you. I remember looking after him when he was only a little boy, such a sweet kid. How did he get so big all of a sudden? But he's turned into a gorgeous young man, always my favorite nephew. And Baby Belle, sweetie, how are you? Your mom has a tendency for getting kidnapped, you've spent more time living over at my house than you have with her :) I suppose that's my father's fault, but love's a powerful thing. I'll teach you about it one day when you're a bit older. Wouldn't want you turning out like your brother Eric now would we? Confused young man he is. How about some choc chip cookies?

So nice to meet you Bob ::wink wink:: you know, if you're not nice to me, my father will make sure you pay! I wouldn't mess with him if I were you. But I'm sure you know what he's capable of. Wonder what Stefano's up to. Marlena, I'd watch out for him too.

Laura, Craig, did you guys bring your medical bags? I think I need a fix of something, I can't stand being here, too many memories (enters trance like state, remembers being in the shower with John) I want a nice warm soak with meant the spa, a soak in the spa.

[Kristen wanders off and decides to take a swim]

*Post From the Host*

Woah, now, people! Do we have earwax buildup or something? Is Smith Island a helluva lot smaller in your eyes than it is in mine? And why did the producers not give you people compasses to help you find your respective camps?

(grabs Laura by the shoulders, spins her around, and aims her eastward)

Laura, darling, you are on the *East* side of the island. (puts arm on Laura's shoulder, points that direction just as Brady falls on his a** in the distance and Marlena stilfes a chuckle while Roman looks at her piningly) You commisserate with *those* people. (gives her a good shove in that direction)

(turns to Nancy, takes her by the shoulders, aims her westward, gives her a little push) You're on *that* team, darling. Don't worry about Craig. Just make it to the merge and you two will be all lovey dovey again, especially with no Chloe to interfere. Go...ask Stefano if he's Chloe's father or something. Or do that radio shrink bit again and see what you can do with John and Isabella. Just buckle down. Since you're the closest thing to a shrink on that side of the island, you may be needed when Langan starts going through crack withdrawal. (Nancy smiles, nods enthusiastically, and takes off at a near trot, covering a belch with her hand)

And you, (turns to Shane, one hand on her hip, the other pointed westward), you with your gadget packed room should know that *that* is the west side of the island. (advances toward him, shoulders huffed and face a-scowl - Shane backs up a step for every step she takes) Take your roomful of toys and use 'em on Langan or Reilly or somebody. Find a dentist drill in that spy room and fix Susan's teeth. Go use an X-ray spy cam to see if those things on Hope's chest are real.

(She stops advancing when they reach the edge of the beach - points a toe in the sand and draws a line) Don't cross this line. And don't try to erase it and draw a new one further back either. You may have your gadgets, but I've got Bob.

And Bob may be a sucker for blondes, but you never know when he may decide to turn against a Brit Bloke.

(Watches as Shane straightens his spine and walks proudly toward the rest of his appropriate tribe - brushes hands together)

There. Last wayward survivors in their proper places. Now to see just what kind of outdoor shower John was headed towards a minute ago....I don't remember a Teledyne showerhead being in that crate o' crap...

Kim Brady- Confessional
(smiling nervously while greeting Bob)...
I must apologize for my late arrival; I had a nasty headache that I couldn't seem to shake...... I seem to be having them alot lately, and I wake up feeling like I'm just not myself, you know? (By the way Bob, this is strictly confidential, isn't it ?? I wouldn't want the psychiatrists on my team to get wind of this! )

Anyways, I made it here in one piece and see that my ex has also arrived (thankfully on the other side of the island)...Shane, the children send their love. I had meant to express to you my fears of them becoming shallow and spoiled living in L.A.; but after spending just a few minutes observing Brady, er, well, never mind...

Roman, I must say I share Laura's concerns in regards to you and your feelings for Marlena...I haven't been a practicing therapist for a while now, but as your sister, I have to admit, you have me worried!

Well, I see some of Pop's chowder made it to the island, so I suppose I will go and settle in....

Marlena, don’t worry we’ll get these tents up in no time. Besides you know what they say, if you want something done right, don’t ask a man to do it. Speaking of men, I was speaking with Shane earlier…if he’s not a little piece of British Heaven [sigh]… Anyway, he’s not complete convinced about this whole Roman situation—seems to be why he’s here on the island. Thanks again for the cloths—jeans and knit top are like Heaven after almost two years of forced formal wear. [Looking around concerned], Have you seen Jennifer yet? I’m beginning to get a little concerned. I could have sworn she was supposed to be here on the island.

Nancy that was not passing judgment…trust me when I say, you don’t want to know my opinion of the situation. Furthermore, I don’t buy the indigestion defense anymore than I buy the PMS defense and quite frankly I’m not interest in your superficial apologies. I was simply passing along information that I thought you, as a woman and as a wife, deserved to know. But if you like living in denial, then have at it. No skin off my back. As to my mental health, I have never made any claims to being anything more or less than I am because I have nothing to be ashamed of. Oh, have you ever thought that the indigestion might be the result of diet? Just a thought.

*Confessional Part 2* Brady Black

(A sweaty Brady Black hobbles over to Bob and once again falls on his face.)

(Grunt) Damn that Roman Brady! And that whore he is sleeping with! They did this to me and they are going to (spit) PAY!

(Brady hoists himself up while Bob wishes he were anywhere but here.)

Hey camera dude, got any smokes? Or how about some tequila? (Bob ignores him but looks forward to getting his hands on both of these items once he's done with these looney tunes from Salem USA)

Don't look so shocked. What you think I do all day up in my room while Daddio is playing hero and his wife is at the hospital screwing up the patients she pretends to be helping?

Hey, didn't I tell you about Step-Mommie Dearest being the town tramp? She already has her sights set on yet another man. No, not Wesley or RoboCop. ME! Ha! Ask her why the hell is she looking at my ass? If she wants to know if I'm wearing any underwear tell her to ask me herself. She might get a little surprise if she caught a peek. Let's just say they would look familiar to her.....

(Brady decides to call it a night.)These damn canes are making it hard to explore this place. I guess I should be grateful I'm not on the sandy beach. Wonder what Mom and Dad are doing. I bet they're looking up at the star he bought in her honor. HEY DOC, YOU HEAR THAT? You better hurry up and pick a new man because my Dad is gonna dump your sorry butt by the time we leave this island! (Bob is suddenly tempted to smack the smug look off of Brady's face.)

I'm outta here. Later dude. (A moment later, Bob gets the last laugh when he hears Brady fall into a tree.)

Hello Secret Agent Man! [Laughs girlishly], I believe you are correct in that we have never actually met. It is a pleasure to finally meet you. [Smiling], Marlena has told me nothing but good things about you, Mr. Donovan, and has assured me that you are one of the Good Guys in life. [Diverts eyes], I don't know that I can claim to be terribly grounded, but please don't let that deter you. What I may lack in stability I more than make up for with my powers of observation and my dear friend, Marlena, can attest to my trustworthiness. [Looks sympathetically], I'm sorry for any confusion on the Roman issue. Perhaps I'm not the best judge on this issue, as my Salem reality seems to have a number of gaps. [Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear], As for the Chris Kositchek look-alike I can only speak to the lack of connection that virtually all Salemites feel with him. Again, as you say it has been simply grand meeting you Shane. [Shyly smiles], So if I can be of any assistance, please don't hesitate to ask.

Laura, It's Shane again. I do believe I was a bit forward in speaking with you directly. I do not think we have ever actually met. I know you are a dear friend of Marlena's and therefore I assumed you can be trusted. The Hortons were always the most grounded people in Salem. And that dear daughter of yours, Jennifer. She and my daughter Eve had their moments, but the two were indeed friends. Please accept my apologies and consider this our formal introduction. I'm contacting the ISA as we speak about this Roman situation. I am checking into the attic situation as well, as I believe you are not the only Horton to be locked in an attic.

Laura, I'm curious about the conversations you continue having with the Roman on this island. In 1997, I proved that the Chris Kositchek look-alike was indeed Roman. I am now perplexed, as there seem to be three Romans. Please provide documentation regarding this situation. I will run it through my computers and see if I can get to the bottom of this.

Stefano's Observations:

(Stefano sits back and watches Belle, Shane, Susan, Nancy, and Isabella make all their confessions. He can't hear what they are saying but he watches them talk with Bob. He tries to size up everyone on his team and see who could be of use to him.)

Hmmmm, I wonder where John, Jim, Tom, Sami and Hope are. They seem to have not been around since we got onto the island. I wonder if they are all working together... No, that can't be possible, Jim and Tom hate each other and Hope and John can't stand Tom for what he did to their characters. And Sami loves Jim for what he did for her character.

Belle Black seems to be having trouble claming down without her saintly mother... Don't worry, Belle, you will be with your mother soon enough... She must also wonder where her father is and why he isn't staying by her side at all time.

Shane Donovan, its been awhile since I've had a good openent. I hope he doesn't take up frienship with John and Hope. That could spell trouble in the long run. He seems to be trying to figure his way into something or a situation.

Isabella Black, I thought she was dead. But I guess the great writing of Tom Langan she is back. I can't beileve she is on the same team as John. I bet Marlena and Brady are going nuts over on the other side of the island just pulling each others hair out.

Susan Banks, Well, well Susan. It seems like your having a fun time here on the island. Since you took my child away maybe I should end your little ring of happiness. But she might be of some use in the future, I have tricked her before. I'm sure I can do it again.

Nancy Westly, I can't place that face, but I know, I know her from somewhere, and its not Salem. I feel like I might have known her in the past... Oh well, she seems like a very smart lady, she might come into help later on in the game.

With all of these people on the island, I think I might just have a chance of going far in this game... These 10 people just all might come to use for me, but not all of them. I think its time for the real Stefano Dimera to rise again, I will show all of these people not to ever mess with a Dimera.

(Stefano's evil smile hits his face. He stands up from his spot where he was watching everyone and walks over to the tent. He Demands to know where John Black is. Its time they settle their difference and their feud come to an end.)

Marlena *Confessional* - Tribe One

(Sits down on the tree stump and brushes her hair out of her face wearily.)

Well, there are six members of our team here now, including me, and Bob, I'm a little confused. It's so great to see Laura again, but Roman.... well, he looks like he used to look before we got divorced and I don't understand... (Shakes her head and runs her hand over the back of her neck) And then there's the little girl Bob, she looks exactly like my daughter looked when she was that age. I'm telling you, it's spooky. I think Roman has gone to find her. We need to get to the bottom of this.

Did Laura tell you! Hope's been keeping her locked in the attic all this time! (Shakes her head disbelievingly) And here's Hope telling everyone that Laura went to Africa to be with Bill. Well I should have known that wasn't true, but with the way people are in Salem these days, nothing surprises me I guess. (Brushes some dirt from her jeans.) Well I knew that Hope was selfish, but this really takes the cake....

So, I'm trying to get the boys to put up the tents but you know what? I think it would be easier if Laura and I did it. I mean, there's Brady bitching and sniping at me every opportunity he gets and Lord help me if I actually ask him to do something. Plus he keeps falling over which is a little embarrassing for us all since I don't think he remembered to bring any underwear to the island with him. (Blushes slightly) John's parenting skills really leave a little to be desired.

But for all that, Craig has made up for it a little. (Smiles with a touch of embarrassment.) He's been awfully helpful and he actually offered to give me a shoulder rub later once we have the tents up. You know, I think I've started to change my mind about him, he is quite sweet. Though, (looks over her shoulder towards the direction of the beach) I don't think I should take him up on it. Something tells me John wouldn't like it too much.

Oh well, (struggles up, brushing her hair over her shoulder) better get back to sorting out those tents I guess....

[Laura reappears in jeans and a knit top.] Hey Roman, Fancy meeting you here! You have no idea how good to see you again, but I must say this fixation you seem to have on Marlena isn’t healthy. It’s one thing to treasure your memories, but have some self-respect. Put the picture back in the album, stop pining for your ex-wife and move on with life. Maybe a change of careers would do you good. Have you ever considered Forestry? I hear there is a real pesky Stump in Salem that no one seems to be able to rid themselves of…the situation is just begging for your heroics!

Belle's *Confessional* - Tribe Two

Belle sits atop a big boulder, one leg crossed over the other. She's busily filing her fingernails and smacking on a piece of gum.)

I wish Daddy would quit pacing. He's so totally nuts when Mom isn't around. I'm not too happy about it myself. And I'm not happy about the fact that Brady is alone with her. Although, he promised me he wouldn't ever hurt her because he knows I love her. But that doesn't explain how come he trashes her in front of me... and pinches my butt all the time!

Huh? I should stop smacking my gum, Bob? (spits it out over the shoulder of her hot pink skin-tight t-shirt) Okay, is that better, can you hear me now?

This Bob guy is looking at my boobs, I can feel it. If he keeps it up, I'm telling Daddy.

'Kay, so what was I saying? Oh yeah, I was telling you that I could have sworn Chloe was going to be here. I mean, she's everywhere right? So where is she? I'll bet you she's (Eyebrows knotting intensely) hanging all over Shawn.

Who's Shawn? Well, he's a boy back in Salem. It's weird but he's pretty much like my cousin… I mean, we grew up like cousins, but then things got really screwy somehow in my family or at this place in Burbank, I guess, and now… well, every time I see him he just makes me feel really… I get this crazy butterfly feeling down… um, I think I better go talk to my Dad! See him? That's my Dad, John Black. That shirtless guy chopping wood over there with his bare hand and looking very spacey? Well, anyway, I think he needs me, so I'll see you around, Bob.

(Belle stands abruptly, tucks her nail file into her white Capri's, clutches her makeup bag under her arm and stomps off toward a sweaty John, who seems to be in a trance as he takes off toward the outdoor shower.)

*Slight Change in Schedule*

Hidey-ho, Survivors! Glad to see everyone is getting all cozy and chatting it up with the other players already. And you're all making Bob's day by talking to him. Especially Marlena. I'd watch out, if I were you. I won't tell you what I saw in the make-up tent earlier, but let's just say I think Bob was happy to see you...{ahem}.


The point of this post...and there is that we're extending this round by one day. This means that the Immunity Challenge will be posted on Wednesday night and will be due by Thursday night at midnight Eastern Time. There are reasons for this which you don't need to know. Call 'em technical difficulties if you will, call 'em staff ineptitude, call 'em circumstances of Salem-esque fate. Whatever.

So you all have an extra day to get settled in and finding out who are your friends, who can play to your advantage, and who you need to stay away from :)

Thanks Marlena; I knew I could count on you. I've missed you too. [Sighing], Life in Bo & Hope's attic is pretty lonely. Can you believe that? I couldn't even escape long enough for a phone call...even prisoners get one phone call, HOPE! I always thought Hope was kind of selfish, but I never realized just how selfish. But, boy life at Casa De Brady has certainly been an eye-opening experience. I'm so sorry for what she's done and as usual you’ve been far too nice. I don’t care what kind of excuse little Ms Hotpockets came up with—it wasn’t good enough to justify raping your husband and on your honeymoon no less. If I were you, I would have taken her a part one cosmeticly-altered piece at a time.

As for young Mr. Black, don't worry honey, I've got a number of suggestions for dealing with him and if all else fails we'll just go the full-frontal lobotomy route. Maggie, God bless her, she tries...but, well, I hear she's even been fawning over Stephano for Heaven’s sake--and to think I'm suppose to be the crazy one! Anyway, I'm here for you anytime—day or night. Keep the faith; we'll get everything straightened out. In fact, I think I may have already come up with a possible solution. Oh there's Roman; we'll talk about this later.

[Waving to Roman] Roman it’s good to see you again. I’ll talk to you both later—right now I think I’ll go slip into something a little more appropriate.

Confessional: Shane Donovan

(Shane appears in the frame, looking ever the English gentleman in his oxford shirt, tie, khaki pants, loafers and Burberry trench coat)

Well, here I am, dropped into this elegant, quaint locale. I do not see what the fuss is about “surviving.” I have been in much stickier situations than this. I had a whole summer of surviving when I became part of that bloody minister’s revival camp back in ‘89. My old pal Steve joined up with me and we got out with our lives. Some might say he rescued me, but I certainly know better.

Bob, I was told that when we speak with you, we are supposed to confess something. Since I just arrived in this bloody place, I am not sure what there is to confess. I do know that there is a reason I left Salem in 1992. You live in a place too long and the strange behavior rubs off on you. I was a perfectly fine, healthy gent until I found myself on an ISA mission in Salem. Then I end up shot, paralyzed and suffering from amnesia in a few short years. I do not quite understand why these others have not left this bizarre town. From what I have been told, this island is far enough away from the town that those things should not effect me.

I am still confused about the Roman debacle, which is one of the reasons I have agreed to be with these people from Salem once again.. My pals from the ISA contacted me a few years ago regarding this mess. I think the time on this island should help me figure out who the real Roman is after all.

Laura, honey. Gosh I'm so glad to see a friendly face! Of course I can help you out, my suitcase is just over there. I think I'm going to need your help with this Brady situation. If you know what I mean. (Looks across the clearing to where a little girl is sitting on her own) My, who would bring a little girl on a trip like this....? Actually.... she looks awfully familiar..... (Turns back to Laura) Anyway like I was saying, I'm just so glad you're here! Where have you been? I've missed you so. Maggie's been trying to fill in, but you know how she pushes things. Actually, John has really gone off her these last few months, he seems to think she's nosy or something. (sighs) Things have been awfully difficult...

(Someone catches Marlena's eye and she turns around) Roman? Roman is that you? (A confused expression briefly flits across her face) Hang on a minute. If that's you and you look like.... oh Roman, then who's that Chris Kositchek lookalike that's been in Salem for the last four years....?

I had the purple berries... ohhh.. they taste like... BURNING!!

[5/29/2001 5:45: [Roman Brady}
Hey Bob, this might be the last time you see me looking like this. Underneath these pants and this shirt I have many disguises. I can be the milkman, truck driver, the handyman or the one that got me some hot sex with my ex. Hey, Bob, don't tell Marlena, but I also have that BUM disguise that Marlena really fell for. I'll have to keep this a secret for now because my ex is already crying her eyes out because she's with me in my tribe and not with her Merc Jerk husband. Maybe if I show her the pic of her that I brought along with me to this Island, she'll thimk it's Icky B instead of her, just like she thought that Merc Jerk John was me way back when I was being held prisoner and crying my heart out for her. Well, Bob, remember, keep this between you and me. Got to go now and put my tiny short shorts on that I love to wear. One more thing, Bob. Is there anyone on this island by the name of Hazel?

Confessional // Susan Banks

[Susan jogs into view, pumping her limbs in aerobic fashion. She is a spastic blur of bright color, sparkle, and messy hair, as one takes in her rather strange enesmeble. Jogging in place, Susan slows somewhat, as she speaks through panting lips..]

Howdie Bob. I'm Susan, Susan Banks, yes siree. So your names' Bob huh? I used to know a Bob. His name was Robert Roberts, can you believe that? We called him Bob Bobs though, and when we got fancy shmancy it was Bob^2 (bob-squared) You get it? Bob^2? Yeah.. it took me awhile too. It's one of them in-te-lec-tual jokes.. Hey, come to think of it, you look an aaaaaawful like that Bob Bobs boy.. Are you by any chance from the south?..

[An irritated Bob begins to move away.]

Now wait a mintue! You come back now, you here? That hunk John Black tried that trick last time, so you can't fool me! *sigh* Speaking of him, that Elvis-dreamboat is in my group, while Dr. Marlena Evans is on the other. Call it what you want, but I think that the mighty King up in Hog Heaven is lookin out for this girl. Yes siree, yup yup. At least that nast-son of his isn't here. I here he's been looking at my sweet Lisa Marie... but I guess I shouldn't be too worried. He's what they call in England, a HO-MO-SEX-UAL.. I think that's right. That boy is a Weirdo, with a capital WEIRD. That mean ol head vampire Ste-fa-no is on my team too. Well, I don't know about him, but I came prepared. Lil' ol Susan Banks is gonna be full of surprises, yes she is.

[There is a faint internal rumbling. You guessed it, Susan's hungry.]

Oh.. my my... I'm hungry already. Let's see if I can get anything to eat down here. You got any hogies on ya? No? Didn't think so. I saw some yummy berries back there though.. maybe I'll give those a try. I'll have to be careful though, I used to be.... a tad overweight...Stop laughin! That's Right, I was FAT. Now about those berries...

[Jogs off in the opposite direction]

CRAIG!!!!!!!!!!!! You better keep your hands off that boring, goody two-shoes, little hussy! She ain't *woman* enough for you, if you get my drift! BOB....(whiney voice)....can I switch teams so I can be near my studly man?? You could send John Black over to his wife and send my hubby over to ME!!

OK missy, I'll try to be polite, but the last thing you need to be doing is judging *me* and calling *my* family dynamics strange. At least I wasn't ever locked in a mental institution, for it only to be discovered that I was doing my daughter's ex-husband! (Although Phillip *does* find me stunningly beautiful and I'm sure I could snatch him away from Chlo-me if I wanted to.....on second thought, maybe I *can* get some tips from you Lar-Lar!) Your son Mikey-poo didn't deserve the POWER that was stripped from him because of his sheer stupidity!! He should have kept his fly zipped! And yes, Chlo-me and Craig-ly have been engaging in some interesting sexual behavior with each other, but I don't need you or your other saintly psychiatrist friend butting your noses where it's not needed! (Heavy sigh) Ok, please forgive me Laura. I've just had a bad case of heartburn lately and these Tums haven't been helping...hopefully we can be friendly on this island!

*Confessional* (Craig Wesley)

Hi, sorry I'm late there was an emergency at the hospital and I had to save someone's life. So you must be Bob, hello, Craig Wesley Chief of Staff University Hospital. I'm on the east side of the island huh and my wife Nancy is on the west side of the island. Thank goodness, I can use a break from her whining about Chloe and all her new found insecurities not to mention her gastrointestinal problems, if you know what I mean. Well, I hear Marlena is already here and we are on the same team (smiling sheepishly), perhaps we can take this opportunity to get a little closer. Now, you'll have to excuse me I need to go say hello.

Nancy, I haven’t forgotten the little number you and your weasely husband two tried to pull on my son. So you best just watch your step or a nasty case of indigestion will be the least of your worries. In the interest of sisterhood, though as I know what it’s like to have a straying husband,I will put aside differences for the moment to tell you that you best keep an eye on Craig. Just because I’ve been locked in an attic--HOPE! doesn’t mean that I’ve been cut out of the hospital grapevine and story has it that Dr. Wesley has developed a bit of a wandering eye, and I don’t even want to get into the strange family dynamic that rumor seems to be flirting with between Craig and your daughter.


(Stefano slowly walks over to when Bob is sitting and sits down next to the tree looking out onto the lake. After a few moments he turns around to face Bob. He looks staright into the camera.)

This is the frist time I've been doing this sort of thing. There is no member of my family on this island, Kristen is over with Marlena and that crew. I wonder how she is holding up? She's a Dimera and we are strong and will always come through. Now I see that I have certain people on my team who might cause some trouble. Tom Langan, you have wrote Stefano into the ground for several years. I just want to issue you a warning, when you piss off the people, the people will piss you off, or shall I say vote you off. HAAAAA

But onto other items at hand. I have John Black, Hope Brady, Shane Donovan and Belle Black on my team. These four will be my biggest challange, they could cause alot of trouble, if I let them. Maybe they would be best suited off the island, back in Salem. As for Isabella, Nancy, Jim, Sami, and Susan, they all seem like smart people, but still, I wonder if they need to be removed.

(Stefano looks back at the lake and then glances down at his phoenix ring. He looks up and smiles at Bob. Bob asks what Stefano is so happy about, almost everyone on the island hates him.)

Everyone on the island may not care for me and would like to see me go, but the thing is, I have more power than anyone on this island can ever imagine.... (Bob asks what that means.) A plan is taking shape that will rock, this island and Salem to its very core. Knowone in Salem or on this island will ever be the same again!!!!

Stefano Dimera


I can't tell you how happy I am to be amongst the Salemites again! It's been a long time, but I think being on this island will be good for me. I need the interaction so that when I get put back on the show (Thanks Tommy L !!!! You're a peach!) everyone will remember who I am and that I'm actually a force to be reckoned with after all. Yeah, that's right...everyone on that show now (except my bouncing baby boy Bwady) thinks that I have nothing on Marlena and that I'd be obsolete if I came back to get John. Well after our little stint on this island, people are going to have fear in their hearts! Marlena...Belle....and ESPECIALLY those stupid Days of Our Lives FANS who turned on me as soon as their "beloved DOC" came back.

Anywho...I'm not here to be bitter...just make friends! :) The bitter will come when the tribes merge and I have to look at that blonde bimbo all day long. By the way, speaking of "blonde bimbo" I hear that my precious little boy Bwady uses my terminology! Good boy, son, that's the way to keep my legacy alive! Did I mention yet that JOHN is on my team????? This is WONDERFUL!!!! I don't know how it happened unless Tommy assigns teams as well as write his glorious stories! If John is still hung up on Marlena and won't give me a second look, I have a Plan B that I will put into action. Of course my Plan B (which you will see later) will only be temporary, mind you....until John realizes for good that I'm his one and only true love!!!! Everyone ELSE (thanks Tom) realizes that, why can't he? Oh the meantime, I'm VERY worried about my little boy over on the other side of the island with HER. He's just a KID and he's CRIPPLED! He might fall on his face in the woods and she wouldn't even help him. She was never nice to him while I was gone and I don't know where the fans got the idea that I actually said I was glad that she was there to take care of my John and Brady...that's LUDICROUS!!!!!

Oh well, thanks for listening to me rant Bob...that's IS your name, right? hahaha

I will see you next confessional! (stands up and starts walking away...)


Off to go find John! Bye! :)

Howdy folks Well, I have my tums and I'm ready to rock-n-roll. I just have one thing to say. How come my sweet Craigly-poo isn't on my team? NOOOOO you had to put him over there with Dr. "Ratings-In-The-Toilet" Marlena! Booooo!! If he even takes one look at that skanky hussy, I'll...well......I'll sit on him! He's COS thanks to me. *smirks* And since I helped run that idoit Mike outta town, he owes me big time! I'm just so glad Chlo-me wasn't invited on the adventure! Just because I gave her up for adoption which caused her to be shuttled from one horrible foster home to another, doesn't mean she should hate me! It's all about *her* needs and *her* wants. What about MEEEE (whiney voice)?? I am WONDERFUL! Craigly says so! Anyway, I hope this is a pleasurable experience for me. I'm ready to go!

From Mrs. Nancy Wesley (don't forget the Mrs.)

*Confessional* (Brady Black)

(A blond-haired young man with peach fuzz for a beard, wearing a pair of blue jeans and a white wife-beater T-shirt, struggles up the path with a pair of canes two sizes too small. He falls down in front of Bob. )

What are you lookin' at? Haven't you ever seen anyone on crutches before? (Grunting, he struggles to stand upright.) Yeah I'm Brady Black, what's it to you?

Are you the joker who put me on the same team as my saintly stepmother, Doc? Real funny. My sister Belle (the cool one, not this stupid baby that Marlena obssess over) gets to hang out on the beach with my Dad and my Mom (my REAL Mom), and I'm stuck here in the woods with Marlena and her lover, Roman. Did you know those two are the reason I even need these crutches???

(After a moment, a smirk crosses Brady's face) On second thought, maybe this isn't so bad. While trigger-happy Roman makes his play for his beloved ex-wife, my Mom will be spending some quality time bonding with Dad. After all, she IS the only woman he's ever really loved. And there is more than one person on my team who wants to prove what a self-centered *bitch* Marlena really is. Aunt Kristen. Step-aunt Samantha. They know the real Dr. Marlena Evans. And soon everyone else on the island will see her true colors too.

(Brady stumbles away in search of his "aunts.")

Marlena, I'm so glad I found you. Do I look a mess or what? I hate to bother you, especially with you being so pre-occupied trying to deal with your psycho stepson. I tell you that boy is in dire need of some serious electro-shock therapy or at the very least a good old-fashioned trip to the woodshed. But do you think you could help me out—I’m feeling decidedly overdressed. Thanks; you're a lifesaver.

*Confessional* (John Black)

Where is Marlena? I was told I would find her here. Hey, Buddy. What is your name? I forgot. Bob? Well, listen. My wife is supposed to be here. I have discovered that my son has a chip in his head that is making him act really weird toward her. Don't look at me like that. I am serious. I need to get to her. What did you say? You say that I can't see her for a few days??? Do you know who are you talking to? I have beaten men to a pulp for looking at me funny. She is my life, and I won't be separated from her.

Laura *Confessional* -Tribe One
[Laura, looking around in a slight state of confusion, wearing a disheveled black beaded gown that she wore to John and Marlena’s wedding.]
Bob? [Catching a slight nod out of the corner of her eye, she sits down with a slight huff, averts her eyes & begins to fidget.] Some weather! It’s been so long since I’ve been out. HOPE! I mean why would anyone want to keep her aunt locked away in the attic? [Finally looking at Bob], Do you think that’s any way to treat family? [Noticing that Bob is looking at her rather strangely, she lets out a heavy sigh.]I’m sorry—you must think I’m crazy. [Laughing lightly], I suppose I am, but don’t worry...I’m a psychiatrist. [Bob mumbles and shifts uncomfortably.] What? It’s the cloths right? I know…I know…it’s not really practical attire for camping in the woods. It’s more beachwear, right? [Seeing the confused, almost frightened look pass over Bob, she lowers her voice to a conspiratorial tone.] I’m kidding you know. [Re-adjusting herself, she looks straight into the camera.] I may be a little imbalanced, but I’m no fool. I never would have dressed this way if I had a choice. I just assumed that certain things would be taken care of on this little survivalist exhibition. [Shrugging her shoulders], Who knew practical items such as cloths fell under the category of luxury? But when you’ve not been on screen for a while the vultures divvy up your wardrobe in no time flat and all you’re left with are the cloths on your back. [Smiling], Unfortunately for me the last time I was seen was at a big swanky wedding—not great fodder for survival wear. [With a mischievous glint], Oh well, I still say my drugs are far more important than any fashion statement—especially now that Langan has decided to make an appearance. Maybe I can make some sort of deal with him…after all, his scripts seem to be the result of some drug-induced vision. Or if all else fails, I’m sure Marlena will help me out—she always does. Ugh, what if were not in the same tribe? Has she been by yet? [Bob mumbles and looks off to the left.] Thanks; time to see if I can’t afford a little wardrobe change. [Plucking at the tattered beads on her gown, she stands and smiles.] Oh and Bob? You might want to watch yourself there are some real headcases trapped here on the island—hate for you to get caught in the crossfire.

Marlena * First Confessional* - Tribe One

(Marlena, wearing jeans and a cotton blouse has her hair pulled back in a neat pony tail. She seats herself on the stump and looks around cautiously.)

I think I must be early. Roman always said I was too punctual. I can't believe I agreed to this. I can't believe I let Belle agree to this. I completely can't believe I got stuck on the team with Brady and John and Belle are over on the beach in the other team. Why did we get stuck in the woods anyway? I never liked camping, everyone *knows* that. Mind you, the woods might at least provide us a little shelter I suppose.

So, Bob. You did say your name was Bob, right? (Offers a weak smile.) Can you tell me who aside from Brady is on my team? You could do that right? (Looks crestfallen.) Well all I know is that there are supposed to be twenty-one of us on this island by the end of tomorrow. I let John talk me into this. I know, I know, I should know better by now. (Sighs.) He seems to think it will be some kind of great family bonding experience. You know, sometimes I wonder what planet John lives on. (Sighs again, more deeply this time.) Anyway, so it turns out I get stuck on this team with Damien. Something tells me that the only bonding we'll be doing is if I can bond the little bastard's jaw closed with superglue. Oh, (eyes widen slightly), John won't be seeing this will he?

(Bob the cameraman mutters something unintelligible from behind the camera and Marlena looks worried for a moment, but then shrugs.)

Oh screw it. If I have to spent weeks confined to an island with Brady, *everyone* is going to know how I feel pretty damn soon, camera or not. (Smiles sweetly.) At least I won't have to worry about defending myself to John every five minutes. Actually, on second thought... maybe this won't be quite as bad as I thought. Maybe Brady and I will have some time to... (clears throat) work out our differences without John's interference.

(Bob mutters something else and Marlena suddenly looks around uncomfortably, suddenly aware she is alone in the woods with a strange bushy-bearded camera-man who is looking at her somewhat lecherously)

Uh... listen, I think I hear some voices. I'd think I'd better see if anyone else has arrived.

(Gets up hurriedly and glancing back at Bob... she takes off in the direction of the woods)

*GamePlay Post From the Host*

One more quick reminder and then I'll shut up for a while :)

When posting a Confessional{*}, Tribal Council Vote, or other game requested information (in other words, anything that isn't talking amongst yourselves), please title your posts, and make the heading BOLD by using <b> and </b> around the title (Confessional, Tribal Council, whatever that may be). Hopefully that will lessen confusion and help us out when we need to find a particular type of post.

I hope that all made more sense to you than it made to me. I do believe it's finally bedtime for The Big BadAss.

Yay! I have Mommy on my team! I also have that guy I used to live with and was told to call Daddy here, hmm. Some blond guy claimig to be my brother is here too and keeps pinching that blond girl. I hope I never become that giggly. I'm glad my big sister isn't on my team right now, she'd try to vote me off because my mom has better sex with my dad than hers. Oh well, it's my nap time- I hope Daddy doesn't try to sing me a song.

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