
Swings and Roundabouts

John saw the two of them sitting on a park bench, their blonde hair glistening in the sunlight. Snatches of laughter floated across tantalizingly and he hurried over to where they played. To any outside viewer they would have looked like the perfect family, meeting for an afternoon in the sun.

John impulsively drew Marlena into his arms when he reached her and she felt weak as he brushed his lips across her cheek. She pulled away before he could feel her tremble and they both turned to Belle who was standing on the bench with her hands on her hips.
"What 'bout me?" Her little mouth was drawn into a frown but when John picked her up, she couldn't maintain it any longer and she broke into a delighted giggle.
"What about you?" he teased before squeezing her and giving her a large kiss.

Marlena whispered to Brady as John put Belle down and he immediately took her hand and pulled her across to the swings. The two adults sat on the bench and watched their children indulgently. After a minute or two John turned to Marlena.
"So, what gives Doc?"
"It's not exactly easy to explain," she hedged.
'Well try." John encouraged her.
"I had a visit this morning."
"Eugene." John filled in the blank for her. She nodded.
"John - he was telling the truth. He really *is* - " She searched for a description.
"Omnipotent?" John's head snapped round. "All-powerful?" Q stood behind the bench. "A supremely immortal almighty being." His mouth curved into a smile "I rather like that one myself." He leaned over the seat so his head was level with John and Marlena's. "Q."

"Eugene!" Marlena swatted her hand in his direction exasperatedly.
"I'm injured!" He put his hands over his heart and staggered backward in mock anguish. Marlena said nothing but glared at him. "Alright." Q raised his eyes skyward. "Never say I can't take a hint. I have an errand to run anyway." He winked at Marlena. "Have fun." He raised his hand and clicked his finger and thumb. John's lower jaw dropped as Q disappeared before his eyes.

"As I was trying to say." Marlena couldn't keep the smile from her face. "I was treated to a display somewhat like that one." John turned to her, his brows knitted together.
"I'm not sure I understand Doc." She took his hand in hers.
"I'm not sure I do either. All I do know is that he took me to the hospital.' she shook her head, her eyes traveling to the play area and drinking in the sight of the children, her lips playing with the words, "and look at our little girl now."
"You're telling me *he* did that?" He narrowed his eyes.
"Mmm-hmm." She felt his fingers interlace with hers and was aware of her heart beating a little faster. "Pretty incredible huh?' She couldn't look at his face for fear of what she'd find there.
"Yeah," he breathed, suddenly fighting an incredible urge to take her into his arms again. Instead, he pulled his hand away and stood as the children ran toward them.


Kristen slammed the receiver down. Ever since Jennifer had discovered the extent of Peter's schemes and had thrown him out, he'd been so wrapped up in his own problems he'd hardly been there when she'd needed him. Well if Peter's not going to help me, I'll just have to work it out for myself. She pulled her dress down and took a deep breath as her hands settled over her belly. She had to stay calm. She couldn't lose this baby or the game would really be over. That witch would tell John
everything and she'd lose him forever. She couldn't let that happen.

"Checking to see if it's still there?" Kristen gasped with fright as she heard the voice come from the bed. She whipped her head round and was confronted by the sight of Q, sitting cross-legged in the middle of the bed with a smirk on his face.
"What the *hell* are you doing here?" Kristen spat out. "How did you get in?"
"Ms Dimera. Kristen." He smiled a shallow, cold smile. "Let's not waste time on petty pleasantries. It matters not how I got here. If you were to ask me why however...." He trailed off, inviting her to
take up the question. She just looked at him sullenly. "Ah, you won't play my little game. Pity." He winked at her. "And you're so *good* at playing games too."
"Get out of here *now*." Kristen stamped her foot. "Before I call the police."
"Temper, temper Krissy." He waved his finger in her direction. "Tantrums won't help you. Nor will the police. I'd be gone long before they got here." As if to prove his point, he suddenly disappeared and then reappeared, still on the bed, this time leaning against the headboard with his arms crossed. Kristen staggered backwards slightly and overbalanced heavily into the chair that had appeared behind her.

"Good. Now we understand each other, I can continue." Q uncrossed his arms and moved to the end of the bed, closer to a stunned Kristen. "I have a mission Krissy. Can you guess what it is?" Kristen shook her head, her eyes reminiscent of a frightened rabbit. "let me put it this way. For me to succeed in my mission, I cannot allow you to succeed in yours." His lop-sided smile sent chills through Kristen.
"I don't...I don't know what you mean," she stammered.
"Come now Kristen. You can't play the naïve ingenue with me. I know *far* too much about you." His stare was glacial and she felt as though his eyes pierced the deepest, darkest part of her, exposing all her nasty little secrets.

She mentally shook herself and bolstered her reserve. "I don't know what you're talking about. And I want you out of here. Now!." She stood and put her hands on her hips to emphasis her point. Except that suddenly she wasn't standing on the ground, she was floating two feet above it. She opened her mouth to protest, but found her voice wouldn't work. Q grinned and made a mental note to thank Q2 for that particular trick.

"Don't mess with me Krisco." He narrowed his eyes. "I have the ability to do some extremely nasty things. You *really* don't want to risk it." He set her back on the ground and stood up himself. "Right. Now *sit down*." She meekly obeyed his order. "Good. Now Kristen, I know some very interesting tidbits of information about you. Some snippets that I'm sure John would be very interested to learn."
"That bitch!" Kristen muttered venomously.
"Marlena hasn't told me anything." Q informed her with a sneer. "I doubt she even knows about the little matter of the mirror." Kristen paled at the mention of the mirror.
"H- how do you know about that?" She could barely get the words out and they were little more than a strangled whisper.
"I don't think that's important do you?" He had an odd sort of a half-smile on his face.
"What do you want?" Kristen was afraid she already knew the answer.
"What do you think I want?" He leaned closer and she instinctively backed away, he hand over her stomach.
"You can't tell John. Any stress like that and I might lose my baby." She practically stumbled over her words in her desperation.
"Kristen, Kristen. You might be able to keep Marlena's mouth closed with that pathetic threat. It won't work with me." His face became stonily serious. "I couldn't care less about your child. Keep it. Lose it. It's all the same to me." He shrugged and gave her a conspiratorial smile. "But you can relax Krissy. I'm not going to tell John."
"You're not?" Kristen didn't exactly believe him, although she desperately wanted to.
"No I'm not." His mouth formed an evil grin. "*You* are."


Sami opened her eyes cautiously to a darkened room that was no longer spinning. She slowly moved her head and was gratified to find that it no longer thumped horrendously anymore. She lay back staring at the ceiling for several minutes, listening to the muted sounds coming from the downstairs part of the penthouse. She rolled over and consulted the clock. It was almost noon and she turned back as she heard the door. It was open a crack and Caroline was peering through. When she saw that Sami was awake she entered the room quietly, a steaming mug of heavily sugared tea in her hands.

"How are you feeling Sami?" Her expression was concerned.
"Better thanks Granma." Sami smiled gratefully. "Thanks so much for coming over." Caroline smiled and perched on the end of the bed.
"Any time Sami. You know that." She leaned over and put the mug on the bedside table. "Here's a cup of tea if you feel up to it."
"Thanks." Sami took a deep breath, reveling in the freedom from the pain she had endured. "You couldn't open the curtains could you?" Caroline patted her hand and went over to the window. "Oh Granma, you haven't heard from John or Mom have you?"
"No." Caroline drew the curtains slowly to give Sami's eyes time to adjust. "Why? Were you expecting them to call?"
"No, not really." Sami pulled herself up into a half-sitting position and picked up the mug, warming her hands on it. Caroline walked to the door.
"You stay in here as long as you need to. Will is just fine." Sami smiled at her grandmother once again, sending her a silent thank-you with her eyes. Caroline inclined her head slightly and then left the room, closing the door quietly behind her.

Sami took a sip of the sweetened tea as she looked out of the window, Suddenly remembering her mother she put the mug back on the stand and picked up the phone. Dialing the number of John's loft she turned back to the window and watched a cloud drift by in the blue sky.


Marlena settled herself into a chair at the table by the window. John had gone to the counter of the small café to order some lunch and a pot of tea. He smiled as he walked back to the table, watching Marlena take Belle on her lap and scold Brady for playing with the sugar pot.
"Everything okay?" He looked pointedly at Brady as he set the tray down on the table. The little boy hung his head but not before John caught the hint of a smile. "Brady Black. Are you going to behave yourself or am I going to have to take you home?" Brady looked up at John and shook his head vehemently. "What? You're not going to behave yourself?" John teased as he sat down.
"I'll be good." Brady vowed solemnly. "Don't take me home."
"Bady no go home!" Belle sounded appalled at the mere possibility. "Bady stay. Pay wid Belle."
"It's alright sweetheart. Daddy won't take Brady home." Marlena suppressed her grin. "As long as Brady behaves himself."

John set a plate of sandwiches on the table along with a plate of cream-filled donuts. He had juice for both the children and he poured a cup of tea for Marlena and himself from the china pot.
"Sandwiches first please," he instructed on seeing Brady's hand stray towards the donut plate. Both the children obeyed, reaching for a sandwich each.

On the way to the café, Marlena had filled him in on the happenings of the morning, to the best of her ability. John had been absolutely astounded but he didn't doubt Marlena for a moment. If she said it had happened, he knew it had happened. Besides that, there was beautiful little Belle, sitting there as though nothing had ever happened.

He chewed on a sandwich for several minutes, contemplating the whole story. When he'd finished it, he turned to Marlena.
"So. What is he going to do, now he's able to...." He was unable to bring himself to say what he logically knew was impossible. "To do what he can do." He shook his head, knowing that his previous sentence had made very little sense, but not knowing how to amend it without it sounding even sillier. Marlena understood however, what he was trying to say and put down her cup.
"I'm not really sure hon." John's heart ached as it always did when she slipped in those little terms of endearment. She didn't seem to notice the disconcerting effect she had on him as she continued. "He said something about it being limited. I don't know why." She shrugged. "I presume he intends to stay around for a while. He certainly hasn't given me cause to think any differently."
"Doc," John ran his hand over his brow, "I really don't understand any of this. If he really is Eugene, four hundred years on, what the hell is he doing here?"
"I don't know John. I really don't." Marlena ran her hand lovingly down Belle's hair. "I guess we'll find that out in due course."


Kristen ignored the phone as it rang and looked instead at Q with anger in her eyes.
"What the *hell* makes you think I'd tell John *anything*?" she spat infuriatedly. The phone stopped ringing as she stood her ground, staring him down. "I love John. And I will do *anything* to keep him."
"Well, obviously." Q rolled his eyes. "In fact I'm rather impressed by the lengths you *will* go to." He sighed. "It's just a pity you won't succeed."

"You don't know that." Kristen was beginning to feel more confident. She walked over to the dresser and opened the drawer. She took out one of John's sweaters and put it in the open suitcase. "I'm going to marry John Black, and there's nothing you can do about it." In a flash, Q was leaning on the dresser, in front of the suitcase, about six inches from Kristen.
"Don't count on it," he said contemptuously. "I'll make your life so miserable you'll be *begging* to tell John what you've done." He reached into the drawer and drew out a picture of Marlena which had been hidden under some clothes in the corner. "You'll never be able to compete with *her*." He held the picture in front of Kristen's face. "You're just a two-bit tramp and John will never even come close to loving you the way he loves her." Kristen backed away, choking the tears down, as much from the shock of finding Marlena's picture in John's drawer as from what Q had said.
"You......I'll tell John you're harassing me. I'll tell the police," she threatened desperately.
"Just try Krissy. You'll end up looking more insane than you already are." Q attempted what was supposed to be a placating smile but which ended up as more of a grimace. "Why don't you make it easier on yourself and just tell John the truth."

"Never!" Kristen snarled like a wild animal backed into a corner.
"Have it your own way." Q smiled unpleasantly. "And make the most of it. You're not going to get your own way much longer." He put the picture back in the drawer and closed it, running his hand over it after he did. "Just in case you get any ideas." He walked up to her and took her chin in his hand do she couldn't look away. "Good luck Kristen. As they say, may the best," he paused and winked at her, "woman win."


Sami put the phone down with a frown on her face. It was unusual for the answer-phone not to be on at the loft. She flipped through Marlena's address book and tried the number of John's cell-phone. It
too was switched off, but she left a brief message on his answering service although she suspected he already knew.

She picked up her mug of tea again and lay back, contemplating the previous few days. One thing was for sure. John wasn't behaving like a man who was overjoyed about being a father and husband again. It seemed obvious from his reaction to Marlena's disappearance, that he still cared for her deeply and she wasn't too sure her mother didn't feel the same. Still, it wasn't her business. She had too many of her own battles to wage to get involved in anyone else's.

She heard Will's cry and sighing, she swung her legs off the bed. They landed on a pile of papers and she remembered trying to find the address book and the mess she made while doing it. She slid off the bed and crouched down, sorting the untidy papers and books into one large pile. As she picked the pile up, she noticed the corner of a photograph caught between the pages of one of the books. She set the pile on the bed and extracted the book. She slipped the photograph out and was surprised to
find it was an old one. It had been taken before Marlena had disappeared and it was of a smiling John and Marlena, each holding a twin. They looked so happy it made Sami's heart ache.

She opened the plain cover of the book to replace the photo and was immediately struck by her mother's writing. It appeared to be a journal, and as Sami glanced through it she noted that it dated from when Stefano had held Marlena in Paris. Although she hated it, she was unable to help herself and she turned back to the front page and began to read.

Truth and Lies

Sami's fingers traced the indentations on the page as each word cut through her. The journal told a story that Sami wasn't sure she particularly wanted to read. But it was too late now. She'd started and there was no going back. She read on.

Dear John,

To never see you again is pain; to know that you will spend the rest of your life with Kristen is more pain than I can bare. She has built her life with you on lies and deception. I hope, I pray that you will see the evil in her before too long.

Sami's eyes flicked further down the page, unable to read the litany of Kristen's misdeeds, too afraid that she would identify herself on that page.

Stefano doesn't want you to know that I'm alive, so he'll never let me send this journal to you. even though you'll never see this, expressing my feelings on paper seems to help me fight this overwhelming sense of despair. I'm trying very hard to hold onto the hope that I can escape. I think of you......I think of your love......it gives me such strength. But Stefano is so evil John. I'm not sure there is any way to beat him.

She reached out and pulled a tissue from the box that sat on top of the night stand. She brought it to her mouth where it blotted the tears that fell, but it didn't take away the pain that Sami felt. Marlena's terror screamed from the stark page and Sami felt the pressing guilt of her selfishness again. When John had told her that Marlena had been
taken by Stephano again she had been more concerned that Carrie had known before she had. She closed her eyes and wondered if she could ever redeem herself before her family. After a time she turned the page and began to read again.

Stefano is becoming more unstable every day. He has progressed from obsession to madness. He cannot understand or accept the fact that I will never return his love, that I will never willingly make love with him, that we will never live happily ever after together. I don't think he'll ever physically hurt me but as he sinks deeper and deeper into his fantasy I can't predict what could happen. I must find a way to escape; but how? It's been impossible so far, but I can't give up hope. I can't bear the thought of never seeing my children, my family, my friends again . . .

Sami couldn't even begin to imagine what it would be like never to see Will again. To be taken from your family and your children, all because of one deranged madman's fantasy. She flicked through another few pages until a passage caught her eye.

John, be sure to tell the children I love them. Especially our beautiful little Belle. I may regret a lot of things I have done, but I do not, for one moment, regret her. She must know that her momma loved her. Also tell Sami how much I love her. She has been through a lot and I know she has a lot of things to work through. I just wish I could be there for her when she arrives at that stage in her life. She has such potential. She is a beautiful intelligent young woman and she could have anything she wanted. I pray that she finds a worthy goal. Ask her to help Belle through this. She will be the one person who understands what Belle is suffering. And Eric. My beautiful boy. Tell him I always wished we had more time together. And Carrie. She knows I love her, but tell her all the same.

I can't bear the thought that I may never again see my children who have brought me such joy But knowing you are there for them John, helps a little. I know you are not their real father, but you have always been there for them, and what more could one ask of a father

Sami put down the book and picked up the photo that was lying on the bed. Marlena was right. John *had* always been there. Even when Sami had done her best to push him away. He had never once walked out on them. Ever.


Marlena's hand felt warm and familiar in his as John walked out of the lift with her and the children. They stood at the door for a moment, neither quite knowing what to say. Belle broke the silence.
"Door Mommy!" she demanded. Marlena laughed and dipped her hand into her pocket to retrieve the key. She unlocked the door and pushed it open, allowing the children to run in.
"I was going to ask if you wanted to come in for a coffee," Marlena berated herself for feeling so shy and nervous, "but it looks as though the decision has already been made." She glanced in the direction of the children who were climbing all over their grandmother in the hallway.

John knew he should really go back to the loft. Kristen was likely to get upset after the day's events but he really couldn't bring himself to say it.
"I'd like that." He smiled and a warmth flushed through her, making her wish, not for the first time, that she could tell John everything, Kristen and the child be damned. But she couldn't. She couldn't risk the life of an innocent child. *Another* innocent child, a voice said stubbornly at the back of her mind. When are you going to stop being a
martyr Marlena?
"Shall we go in?" John shook her from her thoughts. She collected herself and smiled, about to agree when a voice from behind startled her.
"Sounds like a good idea. I'm parched." Marlena whirled around and glared at Q.
"Eugene! Will you stop sneaking up on me like that!"
"Why? You afraid I'll interrupt something juicy?" Q grinned mischievously.
"Gene, you're taking years off my life. Please. Can't you behave like a normal person and make some noise when you arrive behind people?"
"I'm not a normal person." Q looked slightly offended.
"You don't need to tell us that." John muttered.
"Well I'm glad that's one thing I don't have to tell you." Q raised his meyebrows slightly but continued before he could be questioned. "Well this is a very pleasant tête a tête, but are we going to stand out here all afternoon?" He walked in between them and entered the penthouse. John stared at his back and then looked at Marlena, who just shrugged and followed him in. John shook his head and walked through the doorway, closing the door behind him.


Sami sat still, trying to make out the voices downstairs. She closed the journal quietly and debated for a moment what she should do with it. Her conscience told her to put it back in the drawer but she couldn't quite bring herself to do it. Now she knew the truth about what Marlena felt for John, Sami felt more confused than ever. To acknowledge that John and Marlena belonged together felt like a betrayal of her father. On the other hand, how long was it since her father had actually deigned to contact her? Sami could hardly remember the last time she'd received a hastily scribbled card. It must have been a birthday. Maybe Christmas. She shook her head, and blinked away the tears. Putting the journal under her arm, she straightened out the bed and put the papers back into the drawer. She quietly slipped out of the room and into her own. She tucked the journal away in the overnight bag on the bed. At least she would know where it was until she decided what to do with it. Wiping her face with the back of her hand, she composed herself and headed for the stairs.

She entered the lounge and stopped short when she saw Belle sitting on the floor, showing Brady one of her books. Belle saw her astonished sister and scrambled over to her, wrapping her arms around Sami's legs.
"Sami! Belle home now. You wanna pay wif me an' Bady?" She looked up at Sami, her grin transforming her face, making her look even more elfin than normal.
"Hey shortstuff!" Sami, mirroring Belle's expression swung the toddler into her arms. "Yes I can see you're home." She turned to Marlena. "Care to explain?"
"I really can't Sami." Marlena had seen the wisdom in Q's wish for the truth to remain between them and John. She didn't want Belle or Eugene exploited in any way and the best way to prevent that was to keep the facts of what had happened as quiet as possible. "I had a call from the hospital while you were gone. We're just calling her our little
miracle." Sami looked at Belle disbelieveingly.
"There must be more to it than that."
"Uh-uh." Marlena shook her head. "That's all. I just wish I had more to tell you."
"Yeah, well," Sami raised her eyebrows. "You've said that before."
She turned and looked at Q reproachfully. "And what is *he* doing back here?" Marlena moved to Sami's side and brushed her hair off her shoulder.
"Laura and I had a misunderstanding yesterday. I've just had Eugene released."
"Why?" Sami let Belle slide to the floor. "And why have you brought him back here? That's how the whole thing started." She glowered at Eugene.
"Sami, I really don't want to go into this now." Marlena's tone had a warning edge. "We'll talk about it later."
"Sure." Sami walked over to Will, who was crawling happily around the floor next to his aunt and her brother, and picked him up. She walked over to the stairs and turned her head over her shoulder. "Well if he's staying, I guess we're going." She climbed the steps, leaving a silent room behind her.

John took a breath and looked at Marlena, still standing in the centre of the room, looking at the staircase.
"Marlena, could I talk to you for a moment?" She looked at him questioningly and then nodded as she noted his eyes flick to the door. She beat him to it and as he followed her through, he turned to Q and Caroline. "Excuse us, we'll be back in a moment."
They watched the couple leave and Caroline shrugged her shoulders in reply to Q's unspoken question. She busied herself with the children to cover the awkward silence.


In the kitchen, Marlena turned to face John. 'What's this about John?"
"It's about *him* Doc. Sami is right you know. He did cause Belle's accident and now you're inviting him back?" John looked uncertain, like he almost didn't believe what he was saying but felt he should say it anyway.
"John do we have to go through this again?" Marlena sounded more than a little frustrated. "It was an accident. 'Gene did not to it on purpose and besides, I think he's more than atoned for that, don't you?"
"That's not the point Marlena."
"Well, what is the point?"
"How do you know you can trust him? If he's telling the truth, he's not really Eugene anymore. He hasn't been for about four hundred years. So why the hell is he back here now? He's got an agenda and I don't know if I trust his motives. And I don't see how you can take him at face value without questioning them either." John's voice was low and resolute. His look challenged her to disagree with him.
"I don't understand what you have against him John. He's my friend. He might not have been around for a - a while," John's ironic laugh interrupted her but she ignored it and carried on. "But I trust him. That's what friendship is about. Whatever his motives are - he doesn't intend to hurt me or-" She stopped suddenly, taking in the expression on John's face. She relaxed slightly and smiled. "John Black, I do believe you're jealous."
"Don't be ridiculous Doc." John shook off the comment although he knew that deep inside there was a grain of truth in what she said. "I just don't trust the guy. And I don't think you should either."
"Well I do." Marlena smiled. "And I'm afraid that nothing you say will change that. So I think we should just agree to disagree." John's reply was cut off by the phone, which Marlena promptly picked up, glad to end the conversation.

Until she discovered that Kristen was on the other end. She handed John the phone and left the room, unwilling to listen to the conversation. "Hey Kristen, what's up?" John answered, trying to sound happy to hear her voice.
"Oh John, I've been waiting for you to get home. Why have you been so long?" Kristen sounded panicky and close to tears.
"Woah, slow down baby. What's wrong.?"
"I just need for you to come home honey. I'll tell you then." Kristen put down the phone before he could get any further information out of her. He stared at the receiver for a moment and then put it down. He made his way out to the living area.


"Is something wrong John?" Marlena immediately knew he was concerned about something.
"I'm not sure Doc." He pause for a moment and looked at the floor, where the children had been.
"They're upstairs." Caroline informed him. 'Belle wanted to show Brady her new book." John turned to Marlena again. "You wouldn't look after him for the night would you Doc?"
"Of course I will." She followed him to the door. "You know I love having him. I think Belle loves it even more." She laughed, trying to lighten John's mood but it didn't work. She leaned forward, brushing her lips across his cheek and whispered quietly. "I hope everything is okay." He lifted his hand and caught her head, tangling his fingers in her thick hair. "We haven't finished our 'discussion' yet. I'll call you later." His voice was equally quiet and the sound and feel of him sent delicious shivers through Marlena. She nodded and he freed his hand, drawing the back of his fingers across her cheek. Then he was gone.

Marlena turned to see Sami struggling down the stairs with the baby and her bags. She went up to meet her. "Sami, you don't have to do this."
"I think I do." Sami shunned her mother's help and descended the staircase, to where Caroline was waiting at the bottom. "Granma, could you give me a lift home?" Caroline nodded, not wanting to get caught in the argument.
"Look Mom, just leave it." Sami interrupted her. "I'll talk to you tomorrow." Marlena nodded mutely, knowing nothing would change her daughter's mind once it was made up. Roman would have said she was stubborn, just like her mother. Marlena wasn't so sure.

She watched them leave and then turned back to the living room where Q was sitting quietly.
"She doesn't like me." His statement was unemotional, like an everyday observation.
"She doesn't know you 'Gene." She sat on the sofa, suddenly feeling very tired. "Anyway, I don't think it's you. Sami is a law unto herself these days. Most of the time I have no idea what she's really thinking. She seems to have made it her mission to punish me."
"Punish you? What for?"
"Everything." Marlena was close to tears, so utterly tired of this unending war between her and Sami. Q sat on the couch next to Marlena and tentatively put his arm around her. She leaned back against him and relaxed, collecting her thoughts. He smiled, unaccustomed to the thought of a human actually feeling comfortable with him but he was glad she was, even after all this time.

"Thanks Eugene. Do you mind me calling you that?" She smiled wryly. "I just can't get used to the idea of calling you a letter of the alphabet."
"Eugene is my name too." Q grinned. "It's just a little rusty from disuse. Anyway, I don't know what you're thanking me for. I seem to have caused you nothing but trouble since I arrived. Your daughter hates me, John doesn't want me here-"
"Well, it's none of Sami or John's business." Marlena's voice was firm.
"I think John would like it to be his business."
Marlena detected a smile in Q's voice and she turned to face him. "What do you mean Eugene?"
"Haven't you seen the way he looks at you?" He shook his head. "The way he animates when you walk in the room. A bit like the way you light up when he arrives." He nudged her playfully.
"I think you're indulging in a bit of wishful thinking there 'Gene."
"No I don't think so." He looked at her seriously. "I think the two of you need to have a long talk about some pretty important things."

Marlena returned his look with sad eyes. "There's nothing to talk about anymore. He made his decision back in Paris. I have to abide by that." Her look beseeched him not to argue with her. She was so tired of arguing with everybody. She just wanted life to be quiet and happy again. Like it was when you were with John, the voice in her head insisted.
"But what if that decision was based on lies?" Q's question was slow and deliberate, as though he was working it through in his head as he voiced it.
"I would have agreed with you a month ago." Marlena leant her head back on his shoulder and contemplated the ceiling "But what could be worse than pretending to be pregnant? John didn't seem to have a problem with
that," she said bitterly, "so I doubt anything else I have to tell him would make much difference."
"I think you're underestimating John. And Kristen." The insistent tone of his voice convinced her once more to turn her head and look at him. "You might just find that she's done something even worse than hidingher miscarriage."
"What do you mean?" She wrinkled her brows. "Do you know something?"
"I just mean that after all the other nasty, despicable things she's done to keep John away from you, she's probably capable of anything." Q fell silent, hoping he hadn't already given too much away.


John was barely in the loft when Kristen attached herself to him. An image of the alien from the film of the same name flashed unbidden into his mind and he couldn't help the shudder that surged through his body. Kristen's grip released slightly and he took the opportunity to step back. Holding her at arms length he looked at her tear-stained face.
"What's wrong Kristen? Has something happened?" Kristen gripped his hand tightly and spoke in a tremulous voice.
"Marlena's *friend*," she emphasized the word with a touch of irony.
"Eugene Bradford." John supplied the name for her. She nodded. "While you were gone, he - he broke in here and he threatened me." The words tumbled over each other so that John wasn't sure if he had misheard.

He was about to question her when he noticed her wince and pull her hand to her stomach. She was pale as he led her to the sofa and settled her down with a cushion behind her back.
"You say he broke in?" John asked gently. She nodded tiredly.
"I'm not sure how." John knew how, but he wasn't about to tell Kristen.
"What did he say?" Her face screwed up again as she attempted not to cry.
"He said he'd make my life miserable and that he didn't care if I lost our baby." Her efforts were to no avail as the tears trickled down her cheeks. John, feeling a rare moment of tenderness toward her, pulled her close and held her. When she had stopped crying he faced her again.

"Do you have any idea why he said that to you baby? After all, he hardly knows you."
"No, but he knows Marlena very well, doesn't he?" Kristen implemented the second phase of her plan to turn this to her advantage and so doing, twist the knife a little deeper into her rival.
"You're not trying to suggest that Doc put him up to it?" John sounded positively shocked at the idea.
"Oh no," Kristen shook her head. "But I don't understand why he would hate me so much John. As you say, he hardly knows me. But he did know you when you were married to her." The words stuck in her throat, but she had to say them as much as she hated the thought of John with Marlena. "And he is her *best* friend." The last sentence had the calculated effect on John. He struggled to quell the part of him that desperately wanted to tell Kristen that *he* was Doc's *best friend* and no-one would ever change that. Except that he was no longer sure of that. He wasn't really sure of anything anymore.


Marlena retired to bed early after making sure the children were sleeping soundly. She stood at the window and watched the sun set as she mused over John's behaviour and Eugene's words. She wondered if he could possibly be right. Was she so intent on doing the right thing, treading the narrow path she had chosen that she was blinding herself to John's feelings? If so, why hadn't he made it more obvious ? [Probably for the same reason you don't Marlena,] the little voice chimed in again.

She rubbed her face with her hands and sighed. The confusion she felt was just getting worse and she had a horrible feeling that she would not sleep again tonight. She wandered over to the bed, kicking at the little fuzzy pellets of wool that had been scuffed up from the carpet. She idly thought about having a word to the housekeeper when something poking out from under the bed caught her eye. She picked up the photograph and smiled at the happy family. Mom, Dad and two point seven kids.

The drawer squeaked on it's runners as she pulled it open. She felt inside with one hand as she continued to study the photograph. Suddenly she put the picture down and searched through the drawer with more purpose. It wasn't there. It was definitely gone. Marlena suspected that she knew who had found it. The question was, what did she plan to do with it?


John climbed the few stairs of the loft up to the bedroom and stopped as he surveyed the scene. Clothes were strewn everywhere and every drawer of both chests was open, bar one. He gave a silent thanks as he realized what was in that drawer and just hoped Kristen hadn't already stumbled across it.
"What's going on here Kristen?" were the only words he could squeeze out of his tight chest.
"Honey, I was going to tell you before you came up. After what happened today I just think that I would feel much safer back at the house. You know the security is much tighter. No-one could break in there. Is that all right with you?" She looked at him innocently knowing that he could not refuse her, especially since she was already half packed. As she predicted, he nodded.
"Sure honey. If it'll make you happy."
"It will." She put her arms around him and leant against his chest. It certainly will. And if I can get rid of Marlena and her meddling lackey, I'll be even happier.


Q entered the bedroom to find Q2 floating in mid-air.
"What are *you* doing here?" He asked sullenly.
"I've come to tell you that you're walking a bit too close to the line buddy-boy." Q2 descended from his lofty perch to stand on the ground.
"Is that just your vaunted opinion or do you actually represent a widely-held belief?" Q's sneer came to the foreground again.
"The Continuum just wants to remind you of your obligations under our contract." Q2 snapped his fingers and produced a thick volume of paper in his left hand. He passed it to Q. "If you remember rightly, the agreement was that you had to reunite the two of them without giving anything of the truth away. To anyone."
Q put the bogus contract down on the bed and made it disappear. "And I believe I am fulfilling my end of the bargain. I have not divulged anything that could be construed as such."
"Well just make sure you don't." Q2 stepped closer to Q and poked him in the shoulder. "Because you know what will happen if you do. Pouf!" He flung his hands out to demonstrate. "No more Q for you," he enunciated with a gleeful smile on his face, obviously thrilled at the thought of a Continuum without this particular Q.
"Don't get too excited Q." Q said drolly. "I have no intention of telling anyone...anything. I have plans for Marlena and her *one true love* John. And they don't involve much talking at all."

Love and Anger

Kristen surveyed the bedroom with satisfaction. Everything had been installed in the DiMera Mansion with what she considered was minimum fuss and bother. It had been mostly clothes and personal effects that had been moved but she had taken a liking to several pieces of furniture and had insisted that they would be shifted as well. John hadn't been very keen but as usual, he had given in, knowing it was the easiest way to keep Kristen happy, and quiet.

It had taken most of the morning to get everything into the house and arranged just as she wanted it. In fact, she had made sure it had taken that long on purpose. Every minute John was helping her move, was a minute that he wasn't with, or thinking about Marlena. She smiled, thinking about his insistence that she not be allowed to carry any of the boxes, considering her 'delicate' state. She was so glad that she had pulled off the second pregnancy , it was proving to be very useful. And no-one was any the wiser. Her smile fell as she remembered Eugene's warning. How the hell does he know about the mirror? The only people that knew about that were Peter and herself. And she knew she hadn't spilled it to anyone else. She pursed her mouth as she made a mental note to talk to Peter about it. When she could find him.

Thinking about her visitor the previous day, she eyed the chest of drawers in the corner and scowled. Whatever he had done to the drawer, it seemed pretty permanent. She hadn't been able to open it after he had gone, or this morning, when she had tried while John was out of the room. John didn't seem to have any problems with it, and he had packed the rest of the clothes.

She walked over to it and pulled on the handle. It stuck fast and she cursed under her breath, knowing no amount of pulling was going to budge it.
"What are you doing Kristen?" John's voice made Kristen jump and she whirled around, wildly looking for an excuse. One that would make a feasible reason for opening John's drawer. Her eyes settled on his sweater which was laying on the chair. In one movement, she picked it up.
"I was just going to put away your sweater honey." She hoped her smile was convincing. "The drawer seems to be stuck."
"You don't need to put it away." He looked at her strangely. "I've been wearing it. I was just coming up to put it on again." He wasn't entirely sure that he believed Kristen, given what was hidden in the drawer. And he wasn't about to open it for her so she could find it. "Will you be all right here? I've got to go and pick up Brady."
"Why don't I come with you honey?" She ran her fingers down his cheek. "We haven't spent much time together in the last few days. We could pick up Brady and go for a family outing. After all, he's got to get used to having a step-mom sooner or later."
"It's probably not such a good idea." He caught her hand in his. "I'm going to have a word to Eugene and it's probably better if you aren't there."
"I could wait in the car." Kristen's tone was practically begging. She had to keep him away from Marlena. Especially with that Bradford character hanging around. God knows what might happen.
"I won't be long baby. I'll bring Brady back and we can all go out for dinner somewhere." John said firmly. "There's no use you hanging around in the car. I'd feel better if you were safe back here."

Kristen nodded slowly. It was obvious John was not going to give in over this. Maybe she *would* just stay here. And work on that damned drawer. She had to get her hands on the picture of *Doc*. And when she did, there wouldn't be any of it left to put back in the drawer.
"Okay honey. Just don't be long, will you?" She planted a kiss on his lips, which he returned somewhat reluctantly.
"Okay." He nodded and squeezed her hand. "You have a rest. You've been very busy this morning." He patted her stomach. "We wouldn't want anything to happen." Again. He shook off the unspoken word and left the room, his sweater in his hand.

Kristen watched him go, the frown returning to her face. She had felt him pull back a little when she had kissed him, and it worried her. She had to come up with a plan to win him once and for all, and she had to do it fast. However, there was something else she had to do first. She turned back to the drawers and wondered what she could use for a lever.


Marlena watched Brady chase Belle up the stairs in for the fourth time in less than an hour. She took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes, trying to will her concentration back. She had been trying to do some paperwork that she had brought home from the hospital, but every time she looked at the paper, the words merged into one another and her mind wandered again. There had been no sign of Q when she had awakened, despite the early hour of the morning. She wondered where he had gone and hoped he wasn't causing too much havoc, wherever it was.

And then there was Sami. Marlena tossed the notepad back on the sofa and pulled her knees up to her chest. She didn't know what to do about Sami. She was the most likely candidate for the missing journal, but Marlena had no idea what she planned to do with it. She thought about just going around and asking her daughter but nixed it almost immediately. Accusations weren't going to get her anywhere with that tenuous relationship. She would just have to wait for Sami to come to her.

And she didn't even want to *think* about John and that particular mess. She didn't really have time to, as Belle's squeals at the top of the stairs caught her attention.
"Belle. Brady." She called the children's names. "Are you two behaving yourselves?" Belle's elfin face appeared at the top of the staircase, peering through the banister.
"Bady lock himself in the bedroom wif Sarah." She said solemnly, referring to her favourite doll. "He no pay fair."
"Brady." Marlena called. When there was no movement she repeated his name a little louder. She was just about to rouse herself from the sofa when he appeared next to Belle looking sullen. "Brady, give Sarah back to Belle please." He looked like he was about to argue, but changed his mind and handed the doll back to Belle. "Belle, what do you say?" she prompted.
"Fankyou Bady." Belle smiled, the animosity forgotten.
"Good. Now can you two children please play nicely. Momma is trying to work." Instead of nodding as she expected them too, the children broke into peals of giggles. She rolled her eyes and turned to look behind her, getting used to Q's unusual entrances. He was leaning against the wall, his eyes sparkling as he laughed with the children.

"Okay kids, can you go and play in your room please. I need to talk to Eugene." The children obeyed as she turned back to her house-guest.
"Good afternoon Dr. Evans." Q greeted her with a flourish and a bow. "I trust you had a nice quiet morning to reflect on our conversation last night." Marlena couldn't help but smile at his persistence as she replied. "I told you Mr. Bradford. There's nothing to reflect on. So you may as well give it up now. John and I are just good friends, and nothing anyone does or says is going to change that fact."
"You sound very certain of that fact." He raised his eyebrows.
"I *am* very certain." She lifted her pen to her mouth in contemplation. "Where have you been anyway, that I might have such a *quiet* morning." She flicked her eyes to the top of the staircase, where the children had quietly crept back. She didn't have to say anything as they guiltily scrambled back to the bedroom.
"I have been out seeing 'the sights'. Or such as you could call it in Salem. You know, I'd forgotten how small this town really is." He shook his head. "You wouldn't believe the people I ran into."
"Oh, I probably would." She stood and stretched. "There's something about Salem that seems to draw people back." She walked over to him and put her arm around his waist as she looked out of the window. "Eventually."


Sami sat at the table, the journal open in front of her. She had hardly slept last night, as first she had read the journal from cover to cover and then tossed and turned as she tried to forget what was in it. Next to the journal, Sami had placed a photo of her mother and father and she and Eric as children. It had been taken the Christmas after John and Marlena had broken the news that John wasn't their father after all. Their father was 'Mr Patrick', and after seven years he had attempted to resume being their father, as though he had never been away.

Sami could still remember the confusion she had felt as she called a strange man Daddy and turned away from the only father she had ever known. She had been angry at John for what she had thought was his deception. It wasn't until later that she had come to understand that he hadn't been able to help it any more than they had. But by then it was too late. John wasn't part of their family any more and she didn't know how to communicate with him. And then there had been that fateful night of the Titan party, when her illusions about her mother had been shattered and she had discovered that everyone was human. Even her parents.

Another item sat on the table. It was a silver hairbrush that John had given her that first Christmas. The Christmas her mom and dad had reclaimed their family. After everything that had happened, he had given her the brush and mirror set, telling her that he had changed his mind about it. He had decided that she was old enough and responsible enough to look after them. After New Years, she had put them away, because she hadn't wanted to hurt her father's feelings. It was ironic really, she mused. Because not two months into the new year, he had disappeared for two months. Leaving them alone again. And not for the last time.

Sami rubbed her eyes angrily as she got up and walked away from the table. Carrie and Austin had taken Will for the day, for which she was grateful. She didn't know if she could have coped, the way she was feeling. She sat down on the threadbare couch and switched on the television, hoping to find some respite from her jumbled thoughts. It didn't work for long as she found herself drifting back to the journal and wondering what to do with it. She turned the television off again and buried her head in her hands, trying to work out her options. She concluded there really were only two. And depending on which one of those she chose, lives could be changed irrevocably.


Carrie lay on the rug, watching the clouds float serenely across the blue sky. A chortle from Will caught her attention and she looked across to where Austin was laying on his back, playing with Will, who was sitting on his stomach.
"Hey there little man." She smiled at the happy child. He smiled back, flapping his arms and she rolled over onto her stomach, next to her husband. "Honey, I've been thinking."
"Uh-oh," that's dangerous!" he teased.
"Hah-ha!" She whacked his arm. "I'm serious."
"Okay. If you're serious then. I might be persuaded to listen." He puckered his lips and she leaned over and kissed him. When she broke it off he looked at her soulfully "I could do with a little more persuasion."
"Too much persuasion and you won't have enough time to listen to what I have to say." Carrie shook her head. "I'm thinking that maybe we should move. Even buy our own house." Austin moved to speak, but Carrie laid her finger on his lips, quieting him. "I just think that Will needs more than a grungy apartment. Even if it's only when he's with us, I think he deserves better than that." Austin nodded.
"You're right. I just wish that Sami wouldn't insist on staying in that awful place." He frowned as he put Will down on the rug between them. Carrie brushed a lock of hair off his forehead.
"I'm hoping that Marlena might persuade her to go and live in the penthouse for a while. I thought I might have a word to her tomorrow." She moved a piece of grass from Will's hand as it travelled the short distance to his mouth. "So what do you think about the idea of a house?"
Austin took her into his arms. "I think, Mrs. Reed, that it's a wonderful idea. When do you want to start looking?" "As soon as possible." She beamed excitedly, lifting Will above her head so that he laughed.

The shadowy figure watched on silently from the undergrowth. A happy family was such a rare commodity in Salem these days. And soon it would be rarer still.


John checked his watch as the lift slowly made it's way up to the penthouse. It seemed to be taking forever. Finally the lift reached the top and the door slid easily open. He was confronted with the sight of Marlena and Q, standing in front of the window, their arms around each other. Marlena's head was resting comfortably on Q's shoulder and they were looking out over the town. John took a deep breath as he felt an uncontrollable surge of jealousy.

Marlena turned, hearing a noise behind her. Her heart thumped as she saw John at the door, his expression portraying his misery.
"Don't let me interrupt." His voice was low and held an undercurrent of anger. "I've just come to pick up Brady." Marlena extricated herself and moved quickly to John's side.
"You weren't interrupting anything. Eugene and I were just talking about the old days." Her statement was spoken in an equally quiet voice.
"Yeah, whatever." John was dismissive of her explanation. He didn't have any claim on Marlena, but it didn't change the way he was feeling. He was hurting and just wanted to get Brady and leave. But first there was something he had to say. He turned to Q.

"Bradford. I believe you paid my fiancee a visit yesterday. I don't know what you're up to." His face was stony, belying the anger he felt towards this almost-stranger. "And to be quite honest I don't trust you one bit. You upset Kristen and in future I want you to stay away from her." He narrowed his eyes. "And if you hurt anyone I care about," his eyes betrayed him by straying to the woman beside him, "I'll make sure you pay for it."

"John!" Marlena was both hurt and embarrassed by what he had said to her friend.
"It's alright Marlena." It only took Q a few strides to cross the room. "He's right. I did pay Kristen a visit."
"I don't understand." Marlena shook her head, looking from Q to John.
"He threatened her." John informed Marlena, all the while, keeping his eyes locked to Q's.
"Is that what she told you." Q's mouth twisted into an sardonic grin. "My, my. That young lady is certainly *selective* with her version of the truth."
"You-" John lunged for Q but came up with handfuls of air. Marlena grabbed hold of him as he looked around for the other man.
"John. Fighting isn't going to solve anything." She attempted to calm him down.
"Now *she's* right." They both turned to see Q sitting on the stairs, with a grim face. "You see John, your *girlfriend* omitted some details of my visit. Not that that's anything unusual for her. I think there's a lot of things she's neglected to tell you. But that's another story." He stood. "I'm much more interested in what some other people are neglecting to tell you." He looked at Marlena with an unfathomable expression on his face. "And to that end, " he raised his hand, "I think the two of you have some things to discuss." He snapped his fingers. "In private," he added needlessly to the empty room.

* * * *

John staggered slightly as his reality shifted and dissolved around him and then coalesced into a new actuality. Marlena held onto him until he found his bearings. They hadn't shifted very far. In fact only one level. They eyed Marlena's bedroom disbelieveingly. Outside it was dark, even though the clock still read 3.30pm. There were several candles dotted around the room and an exquisite bunch of roses on the dressing table. To complete the atmosphere, a stereo played quietly in the corner.

"What is going on here Doc?" John's look was questioning. Marlena shrugged, just as confused.
"I don't know John." She tried the door, but it was stuck fast.
"Is this Bradford's idea of a joke?" John's anger returned. Marlena closed her eyes, trying to think.
"I don't think a joke is quite what he had in mind. I think he's trying to help." John didn't have time to question her before her next move. "Eugene? Where are you? I know you can hear me. Let us out of here." There was no answer and though she tried again, the result was the same. Sighing, she sat down on the bed. "I guess we'll just have to wait until he gets bored and lets us out."

"And meanwhile, he's doing what?" John wasn't going to be easily placated. "He's out terrorizing Kristen, the children?"
"Look John, I don't know what Kristen told you, but I doubt very much that Eugene threatened to harm her."
"He said he didn't care if she lost the baby!" John's voice was raised and Marlena's eyes flashed feeling his anger directed towards her.
"Well, to tell you the truth John, he probably doesn't!" She regretted it as soon as it was out of her mouth. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."
"What makes you so sure that he won't hurt anyone? You don't know him any more. He's not Eugene. He's a different person. You can't trust him." John brought his fist down on the dressing table, making the items on it jump. Marlena looked at him her eyes wide, reflecting his own ire.
"I *do* know him and I *do* trust him." She stood and walked over to John. "And you have *no* right to question my judgment like that."
"No right?!" His laugh was strained. "You have my child in the same house as a man that's threatening my-" He cut off as the volume of the stereo suddenly increased. "What the hell?"

The music swelled out of the speakers and he looked at Marlena. She moved to the stereo but couldn't turn it off. The duet began quietly but insistently and neither of them moved as the words filled the room.

Without you, standing by my side,
Love and fortune,
passes me by

And you were my guiding light
It seemed so easy
When we said good-bye

How different would the world be now
If only we had worked it out somehow
What kind of fools are you and I
There would be stars up in the sky
If you were with me now

And I know that I may go astray,
But what's to say,
That we can't change our minds

My love burns stronger each day
If I'm sure of one thing
One love at a time

How could we throw our love away
When we had so much more than words - can say
The darkest clouds would fade away
To bring the light into my day
If you were with me now

Marlena tore her eyes from John's and sat on the bed as her face flushed and her legs threatened to give way beneath her. John swallowed hard and looked out of the window as the song continued, even louder.

If loving you is right
Then turn back the hands of time
(I'll do anything to make you mine)

There's nothing that I wouldn't do
(I could make you feel my love for you)

If you were with me now

If you were with me now

The melody faded away as suddenly as it had begun. Marlena sat silently, not daring to move. Her heart ached in her chest and she felt as if she couldn't breathe. She wanted to open a window, but John was there and she couldn't bear to let him see her cry. So she stood with her eyes downcast and headed for the door, praying that it would be open.

She had barely made three steps when a gentle hand tugged at her arm. She stopped and closed her eyes tightly, silently begging him to let her go. He didn't and reaching his arm around her, he turned her around, holding on to her tightly clenched fists. She was so afraid of what she'd find in his face that it took a moment before she could open her eyes. In that moment, her world changed as she felt his soft and loving lips brush gently across hers.

Where to From Here?

(NB: This chapter is edited for NC-17 content. If you wish to read the unedited chapter, please click here.)

Marlena trembled and instinctively took a step backwards. Her eyes snapped open to see John follow her. Registering the shock on her face, John released her hands and opened his mouth to speak. Seeing something he couldn't quite define in her eyes, he stopped short, looking at her fists.

"I feel like I should apologize Doc." He shook his head, choosing his words slowly and deliberately. "But I find I don't want to." He blew out a short breath and let a small sense of realization touch his lips. "I have wanted to do that for *so* long -" he stopped again, mis-reading the pain that flashed across her face. "Oh God, I'm sorry, I'm being selfish." His chest hurt as he saw the tears that she was trying to hold back. "I was thinking about what I wanted and that's not fair to you. I know you don't feel that way for me anymore."

"Don't -" Marlena blurted the word out. He looked at her questioningly as she gained some semblance of composure. She took a deep breath and continued, answering his unspoken query. "Don't apologize." She took a step toward him, looking him squarely in the eye. "I wanted it as much as you."
"You did?" John was trembling now too, as he looked and saw the evidence of what she told him in her eyes. Never breaking his gaze, he tentatively reached out to touch her cheek, as if he were checking that she was real, and not just a figment of his imagination.

As skin touched skin, he breathed, drawing in her scent and he let out a sound that was a strange half laugh and half sob. Marlena closed her eyes, as if trying to imprint the feeling of his touch in her memory forever. He traced the contour of her cheekbone and ran his fingers down the softness of her cheek. Reaching her jaw-line, he gently pulled her to him and brushed his lips against hers again. Marlena let out a gasp, feeling as though a jolt of electricity had just run through her. Moving closer to John, her lips searched until they captured his again. This time their kiss was more than just a soft touch.

After what seemed like minutes, they pulled apart, both feeling a little off-balance. Marlena, now running purely on instinct, took John's hand in hers.
"You're wrong you know," she whispered softly in his ear. John's skin seemed to burn at the mere suggestion of her touch.
"Wrong about what?" he breathed, not daring to move, lest he break this spell that they were both under. She pulled back so she could see his eyes and she laid her hand on his cheek.
"I love you John Black."

She felt his body stiffen in surprise as he heard the words he thought he would never hear from her again. His jaw fell slightly before he recovered and she smiled, knowing her face conveyed the truth as well as any words could. Still she continued. "I always have. Oh God, I've never *stopped* loving you."
John reached out to brush away a tear that was clinging tenaciously to her lash. "You haven't?" His confusion was evident as he screwed up his face in an effort to understand what she was saying. "You love me? Why didn't you tell me?" Marlena wanted to take him into her arms and smooth all of the pain out of the face she loved so. Instead, she faced him and took on his pain as she explained.

"Because I thought that *you* didn't love *me* anymore. And then it became impossible to tell you -" He smothered the rest of her sentance with a kiss that left her breathless. He slipped an arm around her waist and brushed a strand of hair from her face.
"*Never* doubt how I feel about you again Marlena Evans," he said, as he traced the outline of her mouth with his index finger. Catching the tip of it, she kissed it and then flashed him a brilliant smile that sent his heart soaring.
"Oh, I won't." She reached up and slid her hand around to the nape of his neck. With a gentle pull, she leaned forward into an exquisite kiss which left her whole body tingling and wanting to go back for more.

John felt her body mold to his as he pressed it close. His tongue searched out hers and tried to capture it in a dance of pure passion. Breaking the kiss, Marlena tilted her head back, exposing her creamy white skin to John's advancing lips. A sigh slipped from her as he found the hollow at the base of her throat. Still exploring her sweet flesh with his mouth, his hand rediscovered the cherished curves of her body, making her squirm under his touch.

Suddenly, and without warning, Marlena pushed him away. Her rational side had broken through the instinctual and before she went any further, that she had to know. She took in the confusion and pain he displayed at her retreat and spoke with a hint of anxiety.
"I have to ask John. What about Kristen?"

John froze for a moment, realizing with a shock, that he hadn't even had a passing thought about his fiancee in the last ten minutes. One touch and all thoughts of Kristen had been banished from his mind. He studied Marlena's face for a clue as to what she thought he was going to say. He could only discern worry and he resolved to be honest.

\"To tell you the truth Doc, I hadn't even thought about Kristen." He saw her face fall, and he continued quickly, to allay her fears. "And I think that says it all. I thought I loved Kristen, but you," he shook his head, a smile forming, "being here with you makes me realize the truth. I'm just honouring a commitment I made because I felt I didn't have any choice." He reached for her hand, but she pulled it out of his reach.
"You had a choice John. There's always a choice." She sat heavily on the bed. "You found out in Paris that Kristen lied to you about the baby but you *chose* to stay with her." Her look begged for an explanation. Any explanation. John attempted to give one to her.
"She was upset Doc. She'd lost her mother and child, both in a matter of days. She was distraught and I felt responsible for that. If it hadn't been for me, she wouldn't have been there in the first place. So when she wanted to come back to Salem.." he trailed off, knowing how lame it sounded.

He looked at her for a moment and then sat on the bed next to her.
"I was wrong Marlena. I lied about my feelings. To you, to Kristen, even to myself. But now," he shook his head, "I couldn't go back to Kristen even if I wanted to. I love you. But even if you won't have me, I'd rather be alone than live with someone that I didn't love."
"But she's carrying your child." Marlena said hoarsely.
"Yes she is. And to be honest Doc, up until now, that fact has tied me to her, more than any other. But that's no basis for a marriage." He forced a smile. "I'll support my child, but I can't marry it's mother." He took her hand, relieved that this time she did not withdraw. "Not when I'm in love with you."

She examined his face carefully, needing to know that he believed what he was saying.
"Doc, I mean it. If you don't want me, after everything that I've done, I'll understand. If you need me to prove myself to you, I will. Any way you want." He shook his head and she saw his sincerity clearly. "Just don't ask me to stay with Kristen, Doc. Not for the baby, not for," he paused, "anything." She smiled and squeezed his hand, thinking how much she loved this man. No matter what either of them had done, she knew she could never maintain her anger at him for very long. "Sweetheart, that's one thing I'll never ask you to do." His expression lightened and he returned the pressure of her hand.
"I don't know why I ever thought I *could* do it."

Before Marlena could reply, the music from the corner increased, almost as if on cue. This time, however, John merely laughed.
"How does he do that? It's almost as if -" he cut his comment short, realizing what he was just about to say. "Oh man. I don't even want to *think* that." Marlena laughed light-heartedly and then put her finger to John's lips as the lyrics began to glide through the speakers.

For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy that you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream that you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful baby
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through it all

John noticed Marlena shiver slightly, even thought the room was perfectly warm. In one movement he was pulling her into his arms, wanting to soothe away all the pain she had been suffering for such a long time.

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best that there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'cos you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

Marlena relaxed into the blissful feeling of the strong arms that surrounded her. John brushed her hair off her shoulder and ran his finger down her neck and across her collar-bone.

You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch
the sky
I lost my faith you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I'm grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don't know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved
by you

John's fingers moved downward, tracing a familiar path down and over the curve of her breasts, as he watched the sensations play across her face. She felt his hand searing a path along the sort curve of her hip and down to her thigh and she quivered with the delicious responses that it brought.

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best that there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'cos you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

John's eyes roved over Marlena's face, reacquainting himself with every detail. His fingers followed in their wake, reawakening memories he had dared not live for a long time. Marlena returned his gaze, losing herself in his loving eyes.

You were always there for me
The tender wind that carried me
A light in the dark shining your love into my life
You've been my inspiration
Through the lies you were the truth
My world is a better place because
of you

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best that there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'cos you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

The music died into a whisper once again, but this time neither of them noticed it, as they sat bewitched in this dream they found themselves in.

No Way Out

(NB: This chapter is edited for NC-17 content. If you wish to read the unedited chapter, please click here.)

Marlena stared unseeingly at the window and the dark sky beyond. Beneath her, John's heart beat steadily and calmingly. His arms fit snugly around her and his steady breaths whispered past her ear. Moving her head slightly, she looked at the clock. The bright glow of the numerals told her that barely two hours had passed since they had first been locked in the bedroom. Silently she surveyed the rest of the room. Her lips curved into a wry smile as she noted the clothes, which seemed to have gravitated to the four corners, as far away from the bed as they could possible get.. The scent of the roses drifted lazily across the room, and the candles burned as brightly as they had two hours ago.

Taking a deep breath, Marlena stretched and then rolled onto her stomach, pulling the sheet with her.
"Hey!" John pulled the sheet back over himself. "Where'd you think you're going with that sheet?"
"I thought I might check the door again." Marlena smiled at him sweetly as she propped herself up with one arm.
"Do you *have* to?" John moved closer to her and ran his palm across the soft flesh of her stomach. "I could think of much more *exciting* things to do." Marlena closed her eyes as his exploration sent tremors through her again.

Abruptly she pulled away from him and slipped out of the bed. Scanning the floor, she picked up his T-shirt and pulled it over her head. Pulling her long blonde hair free, she picked her way across to the door. John couldn't peel his eyes away from her as she tried the door and found it still locked. Her face was suffused with that glow he recognized so well. The flush that touched her cheeks and lips was a dead give-away of their recent love-making. His eyes travelled further down, over the curve of her breasts and down to where the T-shirt stopped abruptly, just below the soft curve of her behind. His gaze continued it's sweep down her long shapely legs.

"It's still locked." Marlena said pointedly. "Now if you've finished getting your eyeful, maybe we can figure what to do about getting out of here." John grinned.
"And what an eyeful it was!" Marlena narrowed her eyes and walked over to where he lay in the bed, the sheet draped strategically over his lower torso. She bit back a smile.
"If you've finished, maybe we could get back to the matter in hand?" John leaned forward and whipping his hands around her, pulled her onto the bed.
"Which matter would you like in hand?" he whispered softly in her ear. "This matter?" His hand dove under the T-shirt . "Or perhaps *this* matter?" Marlena gasped as his hand found it's way between her soft thighs.
"Oh God John!" She batted his hand away. "Stop it. I'm, trying to be serious."
"So am I." John's finger on her lips and the earnestness of his eyes made her falter and she almost lost her resolve. But steeling her determination, she moved away from him.

"I'm worried about the children. I want to make sure they're okay." The mention of the children caught John's attention and he looked thoughtful.
"Have you heard them at all?" he asked.
"No, but then," She paused, her eyes glinting in the candlelight, "I haven't really been paying much attention to..."
"..Outside influences?" John finished for her. "No, I haven't either." He leant his head on one side and chewed on his lip for a moment.. "It's hard to tell what's going on outside this room." He took a deep breath. "Brady! Belle!" he called loudly. There was no answer.

"Perhaps we could try ringing someone to get us out of here." Marlena suggested as she moved into a kneeling position. John nodded and twisted his body around to pick up the receiver. After a moment he put it back down with a frown.
John nodded. "He really thought of everything, didn't he."
"Well, I guess we just have to trust that he is looking after the children." Marlena's calm facade belied the tension she was feeling.
"Well," John paused and then took Marlena's hand in his. "You trust him. And I guess that's good enough for me." Marlena smiled thankfully at him, his confidence easing her worries. She was still for a moment as her thoughts played. Then her face broke into the impish grin that was so reminiscent of Belle.
"You were talking," she pulled the sheet back with a flourish, "about taking matters in hand. How do you feel about *this* matter?" She was rewarded by a moan from John.


Q entered the Brady pub, a child's hand in each of his. Caroline came towards them with an expression somewhere between concern and relief on her face.
"Eugene dear." She greeted him.
"Granma!" Belle and Brady squealed simultaneously. Tearing themselves from Q's hands, they threw themselves at the Brady matriarch Kneeling down, she gathered them into her arms.
"Well now. Hello you two." Caroline squeezed them. "Why don't you go and see Granpa. He's in the kitchen." Belle and Brady ran off, disrupting the patrons with whoops and shouts.

Caroline watched them reach the door and then turned to Q.
"Marlena asked me to bring them over." He said by way of an explanation.
"Oh." Caroline nodded her head, not quite believing Q, but not finding any reason to disbelieve him. "Why? Is she going out.?"
"Let's just say, she's...otherwise engaged." Q chose his words carefully. Caroline was thoughtful for a moment.
"I thought John was going to pick up Brady from Marlena's today. "
"He was." Q paused. "He's busy too." He smiled and held out his hand. " It's nice to see you again Mrs. Brady." She extended her hand and shook his.
"You too." She said slowly.
"Well, I have to run." He wore what he liked to think of as his most cheery smile. "I have some business to take care of." He turned around

"Wait." Caroline said quickly. He turned back and looked at her expectantly. "Do you know when they'll be in to pick up the children?"
"I wouldn't know." Q shook his head. "Whenever they've done what they have to do I guess. But I wouldn't expect to see them before the morning." He winked and tipped an imaginary hat.
"Caroline!" Caroline turned around as she heard Shawn's voice. Turning back to say good-bye to Q, she discovered he was already gone.


Exhausted, Marlena rolled off John and on to the tangled mess of sheets that lay on the bed. John lay unmoving, staring at the ceiling. After a few minutes, he rolled onto his side to look at her.
"Thank you Marlena." His voice was soft and sensual.
"For what?"
"For reminding me again of what we share. I must have been *blind* not to realize..." his voice faded as he ran his finger down the side of her cheek. Marlena wrapped her arms around him and pulled him closer to her.
"That I loved you?" He nodded as tears blurred his vision. "Well, just make sure I don't have to remind you again," she said gently. He shook his head and reaching up, softly kissed her.
"You won't." Relaxing, he rested his head on the soft pillow of her breasts while she ran her fingers through his hair, smoothing it into place around his face.

Marlena stared at the roses, trying to collect her thoughts. The evening had been so wonderful, she didn't want to spoil it for John by recounting Kristen's various plots and schemes over the previous few months. That could wait until the morning. Or later. Still, the topic of Kristen could not be allowed to rest entirely. Not until they'd decided what to do.

"John?" She ventured, breaking the peaceful silence that had settled over the room.
I hate to have to ask this, but what do you plan to do about Kristen?" John let out a small groan.
"Let's not ruin a perfect evening by talking about her." he entreated.
"I'd rather not either," Marlena granted, "but we have to discuss this. Kristen lost her last baby. She could just as easily lose this one. And this certainly has the potential to cause just that." John sighed.
"I know. I just don't know how we can avoid it."
"I think that any way you tell her is going to be risky. Of course, there's always the other option," she said slowly, running her finger leisurely down his arm.
"What option would that be?" John asked, making his own exploration of the delectable curve between her waist and hip.
"The one where you don't tell her."

John tore himself away to look at her face.
"No way Doc." He shook his head vehemently. "I won't do that. I've lived a lie for far to long. I refuse to live it any longer." Marlena brushed his hair from his forehead.
"I didn't mean-"
"I know exactly what you meant Doc, and I'm not doing it." He took her hand in his
"I love you Marlena Evans and I want the world to know it. I'll tell Kristen tomorrow that I'm leaving. I'll be as gentle as I can but she has to know the truth. If something happens-" he paused, "well, I'll have to take that chance."

Marlena smiled and studied his hazel eyes.
"Are you sure John? I know how much you love this child and what it means to you."
"Yes I do love this child. And I love the child I have with you. Belle and Brady deserve to have and be part of a family. And we can give it to them. We don't have to wait. And after tomorrow," he pulled her closer, "we won't have to." He was taken by surprise as Marlena kissed him passionately. She eventually broke away and looked at him with a delighted smile.
"And we can finally be a proper family."

Tease and Q's

Q picked up the jar of moisturiser that sat on the shelf. He read the label carefully and then looked in the mirror. Shaking his head he set the pot down and ran his eye over the other items in the cupboard. The heavy foundation was almost finished and a new full bottle sat next to it. A bottle of new looking cleanser sat untouched on the lower shelf. Q picked up a ratty old lipstick and opened it. He made a face at the vivid colour. He threw it down on the counter and opened the drawer It was crammed full of various boxes and Q picked one out. Turning it over, he found that it was an unused pregnancy predictor kit. He tossed it back in the drawer and smiled as he looked at the watch he had taken to wearing. Things were going quite nicely.

Hearing the doorknob click, he leant on the counter and arranged himself, pasting a big grin on his face. Kristen walked in, not seeing him as she looked over her shoulder towards the chest of drawers.

"Ms DiMera." At the sound of his voice. Kristen jumped and he saw the colour drain from her face.
"What are you doing here?" she hissed angrily.
"Kristen, Kristen." Q shook his head. "What kind of a greeting is that for a guest?"
"You're no guest of mine." Kristen narrowed her eyes. She decided that she wasn't going to let him get the better of her this time. He was not going to upset her. "What the hell do you want with me anyway? Why don't you go and bug someone else?"
"I've already told you what I want Kristen. I want you to tell John the truth about," he paused and smirked, "*everything*. Nothing less will do."
"And I've told you. I'm not telling John *anything*." She pushed past Q, trying not to let him see the fear that was growing in the pit of her stomach. He had made it into the house, *into her bathroom*, without anyone seeing. He hadn't tripped any alarms and Kristen had no doubt he could get out just as easily and quickly. He obviously was capable of much more than that and that made him very dangerous to her. She had to work out her options and quickly.

She grabbed a bottle from the cabinet and stalked out into the bedroom. Q followed her and watched as she shook out a couple of pills from the bottle and downed them with a mouthful from a glass of water. He smiled as he regarded her. She was so transparent. She looked like a possum, caught in the headlights of the oncoming truck that was about to flatten her. The wheels were turning in her head, but there was no engine. He suspected that she was probably going to try to bluff her way out of this corner she found herself in. He shook his head. She was such a pale shadow of Stefano.

Catching sight of him in the mirror, she turned around.
"Are you still here?" she snapped.
"Well, it would appear so." Q replied. "Unless of course I am a figment of your imagination. Which is quite likely, considering the over-action of it recently. He looked her up and down with disdain. "I mean, you can't seriously think that John will want to stay with you when he finds out what a pitiful excuse for a human being you really are."
"John loves me and I'm having his baby." Kristen said angrily as she slammed the glass back down on the chest. of drawers.
"John doesn't love *you*." Q sneered. "He may love the woman he thinks you are, although I seriously doubt it. But you? You're a scheming conniving witch. How in all the universe could he possible love you? And your baby, well, once he finds out how you, to all intents and purposes, raped him to conceive your spawn...."
"I did *not* rape him!" Kristen's exclamation was sharp.
"Oh no? You hypnotized him to sleep with you. He had no way of refusing you and now he can't even remember your 'nights of passion'," he said sarcastically. "You know what's pathetic about you Kristen? You excel in these underhanded and devious methods of getting your way, yet you can't even admit who and what you are." His sneer grew as he looked at her with scorn. "I've met Denebian Slime Creatures with more guts than you."

"How dare you talk to me like that!" Kristen was so angry she was shaking. "Get out of my house now!" Q merely smiled contemptuously. Kristen flicked her hair out of the way and picked up the phone. She had dialled 911 before she realized the line was dead. "I told you Krispie. You'll never win against me." Before Kristen knew it, the receiver was out of her hand and back in the cradle. "You may as well give up now. Tell John the truth and I'll go. I'll leave and you'll never hear from me again. Refuse to tell John the truth and well, " he looked at his watch with a devilish grin, "you may regret it sooner than you think."


John lay contemplating the ceiling as he waited for Marlena to return from the bathroom. He rubbed his nose, feeling the hayfever threatening more seriously than ever and turned to the bedside table to find some tissues. On top of the book that Marlena was currently reading, lay a photograph he had not seen for years.

It was of he and Marlena and the young twins. They each had a child on their lap and he had his arm around his wife's shoulders. They all looked as if they'd just heard a great joke and John's heart ached for all the time he had lost. All that time when he should have held Marlena in his arms and never let her go. All that time when he should have protected her from all the hurt and pain that she had suffered. He sighed and blinked back the tears that suddenly blurred his vision.

"I found them. They were hidden in the back of the drawer." John looked up to see Marlena coming out of the bathroom. She wore a light peach coloured satin robe that tied around the front and ended somewhere mid-thigh. It always amused him to think that on most other women it would probably reach their knees. In her right hand she held a glass filled with water and her left hand was curled up around a couple of little white tablets. "Here you are honey." Reaching John, she tipped her hand and let the tablets fall into his palm. "These should make you feel better." She handed him the glass and watched as he obediently swallowed the pills.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, she took the picture out of his hands.
"It's been years since I saw that picture." John said softly.
"I had to put most of them away when Roman returned." Her reply was quiet and contemplative. "He couldn't deal with seeing them because they just reminded him of how much he'd lost in those seven years." She looked up at John, her face strained. "He just couldn't seem to grasp the fact that when he came back, you lost more than he ever did."
"I may have done." His voice was barely above a whisper now. "But I did have those years. And despite whatever else Stefano has done, I have no-one else but him to thank for that. Unwittingly he gave me the best thing that ever happened to me." Marlena grasped his hand in hers.
"I'm just so sorry it came at such a price."
"For both of us Doc. For both of us." Leaning over, he pulled her into his arms and planted a kiss on top of her head.

She snuggled up to him and they contemplated the picture together.
"How do you think Sami will take this?" John ventured after a few minutes.
"I really don't know," Marlena admitted. "I thought our relationship was beginning to thaw. Sami seemed, different, more grown up. But then," she shrugged, "I don't think she knows how to get past her anger. I wish she'd let me help her John."
"Marlena honey, I think you've bent over backwards where Sami is concerned. I think we both have. We can't keep beating ourselves up over it forever." He played with the end of the peach coloured sash. "We could go on feeling guilty for the rest of our lives, but that's not going to help anyone. Least of all Sami."
"I know." Marlena nodded her head, her heart heavy. "But she's my daughter John. I love her so much. And it hurts me to know that I am part of the reason she has suffered so much pain."
"I know sweetheart. I feel the same way." John cuddled her close to him. "But I do know one wee girl who will be thrilled about this," he said with a smile.

Marlena inhaled deeply, filling her senses with him. The glorious sight of him, the sweet taste of him, the wondrous scent, the sound of his breathing and the incredible feeling of his body next to hers. A sudden urge to feel his rough skin on hers found her stripping off her robe and flinging it off the bed. Pressing herself up against him, she sought out his mouth with hers and made a play for his tongue. John broke off the kiss and looked at her in amazement.
"What?" she asked innocently.
"You are *insatiable* Marlena Evans!" John exclaimed.
"Is that a problem?" Marlena tried to suppress a smile. "You've never complained before."
"Well, no.." John attempted a backtrack.
"Because I'll understand if it is a problem." Marlena's face was the picture of sweetness. She was enjoying this immensely. "I mean I know you are getting on...and you might not be quite as energetic as.." her sentence was interrupted by a high pitched squeal as John pounced on her.

"Not as energetic as what, Doc?" Marlena was unable to get out a reply between the giggles as John found her most ticklish spots. "Lost for words huh?" he laughed.
"Oh, oh. stop John...." Marlena tried unsuccessfully to push his hands away. "Please!" she squeezed out before she surrendered into another fit of giggles.
"I'll show you who's energetic." John carried out his threat immediately as he hoisted her over her shoulder in a fireman's lift.
"John!" Marlena shouted. "Put me down!"
"Uh-uh Doc." John laughed, highly pleased with himself. "You have to be nice to me first." He slapped her exposed buttocks lightly.

'Is that right?" Marlena's voice floated up from behind him as he contemplated the two of them in the mirror.
"That's right Doc." John didn't have time to react as an imprint of Marlena's teeth became imbedded in his buttock. "OW!" his exclamation was swiftly followed by a curse and he dropped her on the bed. "What did you do that for?"
"It was just too tempting to resist." Marlena said with a wicked grin.
"Oh yeah?" John chewed on the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling.
"Mmm-hmm." Marlena nodded, knowing that something was on it's way, but not sure what. She found out as a gush of water came flying out of the glass that had been on the night stand. Her attempt to duck was unsuccessful as the water caught her squarely in the face.
"Why you..." She shook her head wiping the water out of her eyes.
"Sorry sweetheart. My hand slipped." John's smile couldn't have been much broader as he told the blatant lie.

"Slipped huh?" A smile slid across her face as her hand firmly gripped the pillow beneath her.
"Yeah, that's right." John couldn't see what she was about to do, but he was ready for anything when he saw the smile on her face. Almost anything.

He doubled over as the feather pillow caught him fair and square in the middle of his stomach. Before he could move, she took another swipe, which caught him right on the side of his head. Reaching his arm out, he fended off the next blow and wrested the pillow out of Marlena's grasp.
"You're asking for trouble lady!" John held the corners of one end of the pillow in his hands and advanced towards the bed. Slipping off the other side, Marlena grabbed another pillow.
"Catch me if you can!" she teased.
"Now you're really asking for it!" John leapt onto the bed and ran over it, bouncing as he went. Laughing, Marlena raced around the end of the bed, assuring that she was still on the opposite side. John looked at her for a moment, and then, without warning, he darted around the end of the bed after he. Marlena madly scrambled across the bed, but he followed her. With a shriek, she dashed into the bathroom.
"Oh no you don't!" John was after her in a flash and the corner of his pillow prevented her closing the door. The sound of her breathless laughter from the other side of the door made him want her even more.
"I'm coming to get you!" He warned, his own voice full of laughter as he pushed on the door. There was a squeal from the other side and pressure against his pushes.

Suddenly the tension on the door went slack and it flew open. Out of the corner of his eye, John saw Marlena nip out of the bathroom as he struggled vainly to regain his balance. When he looked up from his sprawled position on the floor, he saw her standing over him, pillow in hand.
"Why don't you just give up John?" Her face was flushed and her eyes danced.
"Never!" John grabbed his pillow and whacked her across the legs.
"Hey! That was below the belt!" Marlena yelled as she pelted him with blows from the pillow. John did his best to return her shots as he attempted to scramble upright. As he did, he slowly began to gain the advantage in the pillow battle and made headway into the bedroom. Before long, he had Marlena bailed up against the bed. Smiling as she tried to catch her breath, she dropped her pillow and held her hands up in the air.
"Okay, I give in." She paused to gulp down a lungful of air. "You win."
"I do?" John moved in closer, his lust for her evident. "So what's my prize?"


Carrie looked out at the heavy dark sky. The clouds had rolled in on dusk and the weather now looked ominous. Will slept peacefully in the crib in the next room and Austin was clearing away the last of the dinner dishes. She picked up a book but found she couldn't concentrate, she was so unsettled.

She switched on the television and flicked through the channels until she found a re-run of the X-files. Scully was alone in her bathroom. At least Scully thought she was alone. Some mutant guy was trying to squeeze in through a vent. Carrie shivered and turned off the set. Rubbing her arms she made her way into the kitchen where Austin had finished up with the dishes and was just putting on the jug for a cup of tea.
"Are you okay Carrie?" he asked concernedly.
"Yeah, I'm fine." She nodded her head.
"Are you sure honey? You look awfully pale." He put his arm around her and pulled her close.
"I really don't know Austin. I just have this strange feeling something is going to happen. It's the weirdest thing. I just can't put my finger on it."
"You're probably right." Austin agreed. "After all, it's not like there's ever nothing happening with your family, is it?" he said, trying to lighten her mood. It worked and she laughed.
"That's true."

Any further conversation was cut short by the shrill of the telephone. Austin picked up the receiver.
"Hello?" Carrie watched him as she listened to the one-sided conversation.
"Yes we did. Uh-huh. Okay. Yes, that's fine. What was that? Three-oh-five." He scribbled something on a scrap of paper. "Sure. Yep, we'll see you then. Thank-you. G'bye." He put down the phone and turned to Carrie. "That was the real-estate agent," he informed her. "They've got a place for us to look at."

After their discussion at the park, they had stopped by the real-estate agents to have a look at what was available. With both of them earning decent salaries from Titan, they found that they could afford something more than a modest bungalow and they wanted to start looking as soon as possible.

"Already?" Carrie poured the boiling water into the tea-pot. "Where abouts?"
"Sycamore Street." Austin stopped abruptly as Carrie dropped the carton of milk that she had just got out of the fridge.
"Damn!" Carrie picked up the carton and stepped out of the way as Austin mopped up the milk with a sponge. He stood up and looked at her as he tossed the sponge in the sink.
"What was that about?" he asked.
"Sycamore Street is where our old family home is." Carrie explained.
"Oh, of course." Austin looked at the paper that he had written the address on. "Three-oh-five. Do you know where that is?"
"It's pretty close to it." Carrie turned her back on Austin and poured the milk into the cups, hoping that Austin hadn't seen how shaken she had really been. "For a moment there I thought Dad might finally have put the house on the market."
"Do you really think he would?" Austin watched Carrie carefully as she poured out the tea. He was worried about how jumpy she was and wondered if there might be something in what she had said earlier. "I mean, all his family is here. Don't you think he might want to come back some day?" He accepted the cup Carrie handed him and noted the way she wrapped her hands round her own as if seeking warmth from the cup that she could not generate herself.

He followed her into the living room and sat next to her on the sofa.
"If he was going to come back you would have thought he would have done it by now. I mean, look at all the things he's missed." She frowned. "There was Alan's trial. Marlena was *possessed* and he didn't bother coming back. We had a wedding. He has a grandson he's never seen..." She shrugged her shoulders. "You know, I don't know why I even bother *calling* him Dad any more. He's never been there for me. Ever since he came back, he's made things worse not better." Austin put his arms around her as the tears started to fall but she pushed him away. "No Austin, it's alright." She wiped her eyes. "I won't let him hurt me any more. From now on, John's the one who's my Dad. Just like Marlena is my Mom." She managed a watery smile. "If only they'd get it and themselves together." Austin smiled and wiped her cheek.
"You still wanna go see that house tomorrow?"
"Sure thing." She nodded vigorously. "The sooner we get our own place, the sooner we can start practicing to be Mom and Dad ourselves."
"Why do we have to wait?" Austin pushed Carrie back onto the couch.

The Downfall

John watched Marlena as she slowly lay back on the bed, both of them oblivious to the rain falling heavily outside.
"You want your prize?" Marlena said, her voice laden with desire. "Come and get it." John resisted the urge to take her straight away and instead sat on the bed next to her. Leaning over her, he placed his left hand on the bed to support himself and looked at her through heavy lidded eyes. He ran the fingers of his right hand through her tousled hair, lifting it and watching it fall back to the bed. Then, slowly, he traced the outline of her lips, hot and red from the exertion.

Marlena took his finger in her mouth and holding it lightly with her teeth, began to explore the tip with her tongue. When her scrutiny became too insistent for John, he withdrew his finger with a smile. Laying the palm of his right hand against her neckline he began to explore her body with long smooth strokes. First one arm, then the other. Then her stomach. There was almost a ritualistic feel about his touch on her skin and Marlena closed her eyes, concentrating on nothing else but the feeling of his hand as it travelled over her curves.

His voyage finally brought him back to her neck and she threw her head back as his fingers wandered over her throat. He replaced them with his lips and moved his body to cover hers. The rhythm of their love was slow and sweet, an anthem to their past and their future. As they rose to their mutual peak, Marlena's quiet cries mingled with John's.


Kristen eyed Q warily. She had left the bedroom only to find him downstairs in the living room when she got there. That was when she really started to fear him. If he could appear and disappear at will, God knew what else he could do. Even Stefano hadn't been able to do that. She cursed Stefano for the umpteenth time. Now, when she needed his help most, he wasn't there for her. She had been upset when her mother had died in the strange tunnels of underground Paris but she was beginning to realise that Stefano had been more of a loss than her mother ever was.

She eyed the brandy decanter longingly, desperate for a stiff drink, yet knowing Bradford would rat on her to John if she so much as sniffed the stopper. Her assumption was borne out as Q looked at her and then at the brandy. He snapped his fingers and a brandy appeared magically in her hand.
"You seemed to want one so badly," he said maliciously. For a moment she was almost tempted as she looked at his stony face but she took hold of herself and poured the brandy into the nearest pot plant.
"Don't even bother," she said wearily, "I wouldn't do anything to hurt my child."
"And if John left you? Would you care about your child so much then?" Q settled himself in an overstuffed armchair and awaited her answer.
"Of course I would." Kristen didn't miss a beat. "But John isn't going to leave me. So it's a moot point really." She put on her sweetest smile. "Now if you'd like to be on your way Mr Bradford. You can go back to Marlena and tell her that her latest little plot to get John back hasn't worked. They never do." Q shook his head.
"You just don't get it do you Krissy. Marlena doesn't even know I'm here. Marlena is otherwise occupied at the moment.. I doubt she could care less where I am."

Something about his smile made Kristen's stomach churn and she reached for the bell to call Ileanna. Glaring at him she rang it and waited. When Ileanna was not forthcoming, she rang it again. Still the housekeeper did not appear and Kristen called the woman's name. Q sighed.
"Give it up Kristen. Never one to take a subtle hint are you?" He waved his hand vaguely in the doorway. "I gave your staff the night off."
"You did *what*?" Kristen slammed her hand down on the sideboard in frustration. "Who the hell do you think you are?"
"Q," he said simply. "Look Kristen. Make it easy on yourself. I don't like having to torture you like this. Well, actually I do," he smiled wickedly, "but it can't be much fun for you. Tell John. That's all I'm asking. Surely it can't be that difficult."
"Look, I don't know who, or *what* you are. I don't really care," she lied. "But I think you picked the wrong woman to intimidate. I'm not giving into your pathetic threats and your ranting won't change my mind. If you leave now, I won't call the police about this little incident."

To her surprise Q threw his head back and let out a long throaty laugh. "Oh, you're priceless Kristen! You're so deluded I almost admire you. Almost. Do you have *any* idea what I could do to you if I really wanted to make you miserable? I could take you to the Cardassians. I'm sure they could find inventive ways of using you. Or how about the Borg? Assimilation would at least improve your I.Q." He pushed himself out of the chair and circled Kristen like she was carrion and his next meal. "I would tell you not to underestimate me, but I'm not even sure you would know what estimation *was*."
"If you can't think of anything clever to say, don't say anything at all." Kristen snapped, thoroughly frightened by what was coming from this strange man.
"I must admit," Q said icily, "it's very hard to produce intelligent rebuttal to a half-wit."
"If you don't like it, go back to your precious Marlena." Kristen said coldly. "I'm sure that she can fulfil that need, if not any others. Although, I'm sure if you asked her nicely, she'd take care of *all* of them for you. That is, if she still remembers *how* to," she finished nastily. Q quietly looked at his watch.


Marlena lay sleepily in Johns arms willing her eyes to remain open. She didn't want to waste a moment of this glorious night by sleeping. The stereo hummed quietly in the corner and she smiled as she caught the words.

I can still hear the song of your laughter
I can still taste the sorrow of your tears
We said goodbye but our hearts did not hear
Now my love, there's nothing left to fear.
With all my heart put me through
It leads me back to you.

She sighed and nestled her head back under John's chin, relishing the roughness of his hair against her face. That single movement, the feeling of him, the smell of him brought back so many memories that she suddenly found it hard to breath. The tang she could taste, she suddenly realized, came from her own tears. John gently peeled himself away when he felt the wet droplets on his chest.
"Hey." He wiped away the moisture with his thumb. "No crying allowed. It's in the rule-book." She sniffed as she laughed.
"I know, I'm sorry."
"Wanna talk about it?" His question was quiet and non-insistent.
"There's nothing to talk about really." Marlena ran her finger along his jawline. "It's just that - I've waited for this moment for so long..."
"You're disappointed?" John voice was suddenly tremulous, like this magic carpet he had found might suddenly be pulled from under him.
"Oh, I could never be disappointed!" Marlena exclaimed. "John, how could you even think that? I think this is probably the most wonderful night of my life"
"Oh." John's relief was evident. "You too huh?"
"Oh, yes." Her face became serious. "I just wish that we could have had this night much sooner."
"That we hadn't wasted so much time?" John knew she wasn't reproaching him but felt it all the same.

"I am so sorry my love. If I could take time back, knowing what I know now..." his words faded and he stared into the distance. When he resumed his voice was low and thready. "I never would have let you out of my arms after that night I saw you on the pier."
"After the interview?" Marlena swallowed hard. John looked at her, his love burning in his eyes.
"No Doc. I mean when you came back to me. Like an angel walking out of the mist. If I had been bright enough to see what was right in front of my eyes.... I would have fought Roman for you. And I would have *won*" His voice was low and fierce and it sent shivers down Marlena's spine.
"But what about Isabella?" she asked in a small voice.
"Oh, don't get me wrong, baby. I loved IzzyB with all my heart. But I love you with all my heart and soul and every little piece of my being. Before Roman came back, I knew I was going to have to make a decision. And I did. On that beach in Miami I made my decision Doc. I kissed you and I *knew*. But then we found....." he couldn't bring himself to say the name again, "and Isabella was pregnant." He shook his head.

"It was a mess." Marlena said softly. "We none of us are fortune tellers sweetheart. You are not the only one that made a decision back then and you are not the only one who has regretted it since.." She ran her hand down his arm and grasped his hand in hers. "But who's to say that if we could go back, things would turn out any differently? Who's to say that they wouldn't be worse?" She interlaced her fingers with his. "Let's just be thankful that we've found each other again now. Let's not waste time on regrets and self-blame. Life is too short and too wonderful for that." John squeezed her hand and then pulled his own away. He twined his fingers in her hair and pulled her forward for a kiss.
"You are the most incredible woman I have ever known Dr. Evans. I must be the luckiest man on earth. What the hell did I do to deserve you?"


Sami ducked into the doorway, the rain pouring in rivulets down her coat. Her hair was plastered to the side of her face and she shivered as the icy wind bit through her. Only a few days ago they had been enjoying the last of the summer weather. Now winter had struck with a vengeance. She stopped momentarily as an image of Will flashed into her mind. She hoped he was tucked up safe in his crib. She really knew that she could trust Carrie and Austin to keep him safe, but she worried all the same. Seeing the break in the rain, she hastened down the street to the building where the loft was located.

Once inside, she pulled off the soaked raincoat and squeezed the excess water out of her hair. Tucking the waterproof satchel firmly under her arm, she stepped into the lift and hit the button. The rickety old elevator groaned as it reached the top and the doors rasped open. Sami sneezed and stepped out onto the landing. She hammered loudly on the gunmetal grey loft door and waited. When there was no reply, she banged the door again. Still getting no answer, she tried the door. It seemed to be locked and Sami cursed in exasperation. She didn't even know if she was doing the right thing and everything tonight seemed to be standing in her way. Maybe I should give up and go home, she decided, as an involuntary shiver ran through her. Forget all about it. It's insane Why am I even doing this? She sighed and rubbed her cold face with her hand, her fingers icy on her brow. Because I care about Mom. And God help me, I want her to be happy. She turned tiredly and retraced her steps to the elevator. Maybe I could try Kristen's....


Kristen was enjoying herself. After all, the bitterness and resentment she had built up towards Marlena usually had no outlet. John would never hear a word against his precious *Doc* so Kristen had to stay silent. Now however, she could let fly. What the hell could this character do? Tell John? After the whole Belle incident, she didn't imagine John would be very receptive to *anything* Eugene Bradford had to say. A sly smile crept across her face as she saw him look at his watch.
"Mind you," she continued along the same thread, baiting Q. "She's probably frigid. That's probably why she hasn't had a man in so long. No-one wants to sleep with her, she's such a cold fish."

"As opposed to you Kristen." Q said quietly. Kristen missed the menace in his voice, so eager was she to play this game she deludedly thought she was winning.
"Yeah, that's right." She patted her stomach. "Here is the proof after all."
"Oh, of course." Q's glare was so intense Kristen's triumphant smile faded a little. "That would be why John was calling *Marlena's* name when you hypnotized him into screwing you." Kristen returned his stare with equal venom.
"You're just jealous." She spat cattily. "You probably can't get it up yourself and you hate the thought of anyone else actually enjoying sex. You and Mackerel Evans make a good pair." She threw her head back and let out a whiny nasal laugh that made Q feel like vomiting.

His face was thunderous as he looked at her.
"Well I hope you enjoyed that," he snarled, "because it's the last laugh you'll be getting for a long time."
"No, I don't think so." Kristen smiled unpleasantly. "Don't you get it Mr Bradford? I have just *had* the last laugh. Now if you'll just be on your way, I have some business to take care of."
"Kristen my *friend*," the word came out like a brick, "you're wrong. You see the joke is *on* you. As we stand here having this very unpleasant little conversation, John and Marlena are together. And *they* are not talking." He was circling her again. "They are very much *otherwise* occupied. With each other If you get my drift."


The doors of the elevator opened at the bottom floor and Sami trudged out. She let out a surprised cry as a figure stepped out of the shadows and into her path, blocking her way.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He was young and his smile seemed quite sincere. "I saw you come in earlier and I thought you might be able to help me." Seeing Sami's bemused expression he caught himself.
"Sorry, my name is Grant Whittaker." He held out his hand in greeting. Sami slowly extended hers and tentatively shook his. If nothing else, her life's experiences had thought her to be wary of strangers.
"Sami Brady." She returned quietly studying the young man intently. He seemed nice enough. Tall without being too tall, a slim wiry build,sandy coloured hair and blue eyes. He'd probably be quite good looking, Sami thought, if he wasn't dripping with water. She smiled, trying to strike a balance between appearing friendly and a little stand-offish. She didn't want to give him any ideas. "How can I help you Mr Whittaker?"

He flashed an attractive smile. "Grant, please. I'm looking for an old school friend of mine. I believe he moved here a few years ago. I've been trying to track him down for a few months now." He wiped away a droplet of water that was trickling down his nose and sniffed. "Just my luck to arrive on the worst night in months." Sami couldn't help but smile with him.
"It does seem like a bit of bad timing. What 's your friend's name?"
"Austin Reed." Sami prayed that he didn't notice the way she froze at his name. To hear it so unexpectedly out of a strangers mouth made her stomach contract and lurch. And she hated herself for it.

"Sure, I know Austin," she said steadily. "He's my-" she paused, catching herself. "He's my brother-in-law."
"You're married to Austin's brother?" He was openly searching her hands for signs of a wedding ring. Sami couldn't help but laugh.
"Oh, no. Austin is married to my sister."
"Reed is married?" His expression was incredulous. "He always swore he'd be the last to get married."
"Yeah, well..." The cold was getting the better of Sami and she was shivering again. "Austin is full of surprises." She reached into her bag and pulled out her purse. She took out a card, scribbled on it and handed it to Grant. "Here," she said, "this is the address of Austin and Carrie's apartment." She gave him quick, simple directions to the apartment building as she put her purse away.
"Thanks very much Ms Brady." He shook her hand again. "Hopefully I'll be seeing you again real soon."
"You probably will." Sami smiled. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to be somewhere." He nodded and looked thoughtful as he watched her hurry out of the building.


Kristen's face drained of colour as she very much got Q's drift. She recovered quickly however and faced him, her nostrils flaring.
"You're lying.!" She accused him wildly, her eyes flashing snatches of her insanity. "John wouldn't do that to me. He loves me." The last words were said in desperation, like the repetition would somehow make them true. Q sighed.
"Do we have to rehash this Kristen? John does *not* love you. It was only a matter of time before you lost him."
"I don't believe you!" Kristen's anguish had quickly turned to fury. "You're trying to upset me so that I'll lose my baby."
"Oh get a grip Krissy." Q laughed sardonically. "I already told you. I couldn't care a less about your brat. "

"No, but my child stands in Marlena's way, doesn't it? She' probably put you up to this. She wants me to lose my baby so she can get her claws into John. She knows he'll never leave me while I am the mother of his child, so the bitch wants to kill my baby!" Her voice rose as she rambled and ended in a shriek. Q looked at her in disgust.
"Kristen, you are not even worthy of being in the same room as Marlena Evans. But if you insist on disbelieving what I tell you, then you force my hand. I'm sure you will believe your own eyes." He clicked his fingers.


Marlena laughed lightly. "I don't know if I'm that much of a catch." Her voice, sexy and low, made John's pulse race.
"Oh, I wouldn't say that." He studied her face intently, watching the way the soft light bounced off her smooth, pale skin. The flecks of gold in her hazel eyes shone, more beautiful than ever he remembered and he couldn't believe that they were only for him. He closed his eyes as she snuggled closer to him and lay there, wishing in a way that this perfect moment would never end.


Kristen cried agonisingly as the scene before her came into focus. It was Marlena's bedroom at the penthouse. Kristen stood next to Q at the end of the bed. In the bed lay John and Marlena, twined in a lovers embrace so sweet it could have come from painting. The pale yellow sheets were rumpled and hanging loose from the bed. The top sheet lay lightly over the two naked bodies and the blankets lay in a pile on the floor, next to Marlena's jeans and chemise. John's maroon boxers lay shatteringly close.


Marlena shivered as a cold breeze brushed lightly over her flesh. She opened her eyes, seeking the source. The room looked exactly the same as it had before. The candles flickered slightly but the window was still firmly closed. She looked at John. Feeling her movement, he opened one eye and raised a dark eyebrow.
"What is it sweetheart?" Marlena looked confused for a moment and then shrugged her shoulders.
"I guess it's nothing."
"Are you sure?" He brushed one hand down her arm, noting the raised hairs.
"Darling, I'm sure. I must be a little jumpy still." Her smile held a hint of shyness.
"I don't know how, after all that exertion." he teased. "I'm exhausted."
"Well I hope you recover soon." Marlena winked. "I have plenty more for you where that came from."
"I'm counting on it," he whispered as his lips swept past hers.


"John!" Kristen screamed. "John!"
"He can't hear you." Q's tone was low. "They have no idea we are even here. They can't see us."
"This is a trick. It's an illusion!" Kristen shrilled desperately, her hands clutching the frizzy hair at the sides of her head. "It can't be real."
"It's real alright Kristen and you know it. You lose. Zero - Love. Game, set and match, Marlena Evans."
"It's not real. It can't be real." Kristen repeated the phrase over and over as she sank to her knees sobbing. "He loves me. It's not real." Q shook his head as he watched her. Pathetic. Stefano never would have approved. He quietly snapped his fingers.


Marlena and John never noticed the second small breeze to sweep across the dark, warm bedroom. Sleep had claimed them minutes earlier. Sated and fulfilled, they dreamed untroubled dreams, only of each other.


Kristen wept uncontrollably as she knelt on the carpet of the DiMera living room. He was right. She had lost. She had lost everything. Her whole world was crumbling around her and she had no way to stop it. She looked up, expecting to see his superciliously triumphant face but with relief, discovered she was alone. A fact she bitterly regretted a moment later as she screamed, a searing pain ripping through her lower abdomen.

Storm Warning

Sami picked her way along the path. The surface of the stone was flooded from the rain that had fallen rapidly and heavily. The storm wasn't over yet by any means. It appeared to be just beginning. Overhead, lightning sliced through the sky like a jagged scar. It was followed several moments later by an enormous clap of thunder. Sami pulled her coat closer around her and continued up the path. Reaching the front door of the DiMera Mansion, she noticed that none of the lights were on.

Deciding that it didn't necessarily mean anything, she used the heavy brass door-knocker. She waited for a minute or so and then tried again. She stared at the door, willing it to open. It remained steadfastly closed. Sami frowned, wondering if perhaps this wasn't a sign. A sign that she should forget about Marlena's journal and go home to her nice warm bed. Let them work out their problems for themselves. She turned around and stepped off the doorstep. Suddenly, very faintly over the wind, she heard what sounded like a human cry. She stopped and stood very still, listening. Hearing the sound again, she went back up to the door and put her ear to it. Again a cry and she stepped back from the door as if she had been bitten.

Sami quickly made her way around the side of the house and peered through the window. It was so inky black she could hardly make out a thing. She rubbed on the window, but the rain merely smeared the dirt that was already on there and made it more difficult to see. She moved along the wall, fighting the clutches of the wet bushes and looked through another window. Again she couldn't see anything and she was about to give up when she heard another cry. It was cry of pain, a high pitched keening, like an animal caught in a trap and tendrils of cold fear grabbed at Sami. She looked back through the window and a sudden flash of lightning illuminated the room in a blaze of harsh blue light. A cry caught in her throat as she saw a figure crumpled on the floor.


Q appeared in the penthouse. The living room was dark, excepting for the occasional flashes from the lightning. The bursts of light illuminated the rain drops that dribbled down the window and they cast long shadows across the room. Q looked in the direction of the stairs. Everything was quiet, just as it should be.

He had sent Kristen back to the DiMera Mansion alone. He could have gone with her, and tormented her even more, but he suspected she wouldn't be much fun for the next few days. Not after the blubbering mess she'd turned into at the sight of John and Marlena in each others arms. He smiled sadistically. She'd deserved it. He'd never intended to bring her to the penthouse but when she'd been so thoroughly obnoxious and nasty...well, she deserved everything she got.

He turned on his heels and went into the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and turned his nose up at the contents. A few wilted lettuce leaves, a couple of soft tomatoes and some mouldy cheese graced the top shelf. The middle shelf held a three day old lasagne that Caroline had dropped round. A jam jar, complete with the evidence of a child's grubby fingers, sat in the door, next to milk cartons which, thankfully, were fresh. Q closed the door and snapped his fingers. A plate of fries appeared on the table, along with a punnet of sour cream. A cup of tea completed the 'snack'.

Before Q could sit down, there was a disturbance in the air before him and Q2 materialized. Q2 picked up a couple of fries and winked at Q as he stuffed them in his mouth. Q raised an eyebrow and then wordlessly seated himself. Q2 followed suit.
"Nice work Q." Q2 spoke through a mouthful of fries.
"Hasn't anyone ever told you it's *rude* to talk with your mouth full?" Q asked cuttingly.
"Since when did that ever bother me?" Q2 grinned. "You either for that matter."
"Why are you here Q?" Q eyed him suspiciously.
"I've been keeping tabs on your progress Q. To be honest, you are doing much better than we expected."
"Then I'm back in the Continuum?" Q asked dryly, knowing what the answer was going to be but thinking it was worth a try all the same.
"Afraid not Q. One night of passion a future doth not make" Q2 reached for another handful of fries, but discovered the bowl had disappeared. "Well, very hospitable I'm sure." He snapped his fingers and produced his own bowl. "Say, these aren't half bad Q."

"Get on with it Q" Q growled, his patience wearing thin.
"Where was I? Oh yes. The Continuum wants you to ensure John and Marlena's future together, free from any interference from DiMera or his offspring, adopted or otherwise." Q2 stood, a wicked smile spreading across his face. "Shouldn't be too had for a Q like you. Oh and," he tapped the side of his nose with his index finger, "don't forget, no-one in Salem knows the reason you are here."
"How could I forget with you bugging me every five minutes?" Q frowned, suddenly feeling tired. "I'm going to bed now Q. I trust you can make your own way out." He didn't wait for Q2 to answer as the contents of the table disappeared with a sweep of his hand.

He turned on his heel and made his way up the staircase. Q2 watched him go. He wondered if maybe he should have told him about the DiMera woman. He shook his head. Not to matter, she wasn't important. He raised his right hand snapped his fingers. The lightening flashed, revealing an empty room.


Sami battled the biting wind as she pulled her hand into the end of her sleeve. Shielding her face, she put her fist through the pane of glass in the french door. A shriek escaped her as she felt a jagged shard slice through her coat and into her soft flesh. Trying to ignore the tearing pain, she pulled her arm out and batted away the remaining glass. Reaching through she found the key and unlocked the door.

Inside the room, she rapidly dropped her bag and shrugged out of her coat. She could see now that the figure was Kristen and she was obviously in agony, judging by the awful wailing that filled the room. She was on her knees, hugging her stomach and rocking back and forth. Her hair fell about her head, obscuring her face. The phone lay on the floor several feet away, the receiver beeping blankly.

Sami wasn't entirely sure if Kristen had even heard her enter the room and she fought of the urge to just leave the woman there. Quietly she kneeled down beside Kristen.
"Kristen?" When she got no answer she tried it a little louder. "Kristen. It's Sami." Kristen flicked her head sideways and looked at Sami through wild eyes. Her face was streaked with tears and mascara and it was contorted into a mask of pain.
"Get away from me!" she shrieked madly.
"But Kristen, I'm trying to help you." Sami insisted. "We've got to get you to the hospital."
"You don't want to help me!" Kristen hissed, her eyes darting from side to side. "You're in this with *her*. You're all in it together. You want to kill my baby!" She screamed through the pain. "I won't let you do it. You won't kill my baby!"

Sami looked at her with alarm. The impending miscarriage seemed to have totally thrown her over the edge. Kristen had lost the last vestige of her grip on sanity and Sami wondered if she'd ever find it again.

Keeping a close eye on Kristen, Sami crawled across the carpeted floor to the phone. She picked up the receiver and dialled 911, trying to staunch the blood that was flowing freely from her wrist. The operator on the other end picked up almost immediately and Sami gave her the details quickly and succinctly. The operator informed her that the ambulance would be dispatched immediately.

Sami inspected the room around her. It was decorated in light, fresh colours, so different to what she remembered as a child when Aunt Kim and Uncle Shane had lived here. Then it had been dark and somber. An effect of the wood panelling that English people were so fond of, she supposed. Somehow, though, it had been cosy. A warm welcoming house. A respite from the strange, harsh realities of the outside world. Not any longer.

Her eyes settled on a curtain tie. Lacking the energy to get up and walk, she half stumbled, half crawled to the window. The room was freezing and this contributed to her stupor as much as the blood loss. Her numb fingers fumbled as they unhooked the tie Every movement called for more and more exertion as Sami clumsily tied the material round her arm in a temporary tourniquet. She knew from basic first aid that it wouldn't be an artery, but she was sure that she had severed a pretty major vein. Pulling the knot tight with her teeth, she slumped against the sofa, blood pooling on the carpet beneath her. Slowly, as her fingers began to tingle, the blood flow slowed up. Mustering her energy, she pulled herself back to the telephone and turned her attention to Kristen.

Kristen's screams had subsided to loud moans for the time-being. She had rolled onto her side and lay in a foetal position. Sami ventured to speak to her again.
"Kristen, do you know where John is?" Kristen's answer was a long, piercingly loud howl. Sami flinched, the noise setting all her nerves on edge.
"Fine.." she muttered to herself.

She picked up the receiver again, swearing with the pain as the movement set the blood moving once more. She tucked the receiver between her shoulder and chin and dialled the number with her left hand. It was Caroline who answered. Sami briefly explained the situation with Kristen and asked if they had seen, or knew where, John was.

"No Sami, I'm afraid we don't.. Actually, Eugene Bradford dropped Belle and Brady by this evening. He said John was busy. But he didn't know where he was. Or at least, he didn't tell me if he did. Are *you* alright Sami?" Caroline could detect the pain that laced her grand-daughter's voice and it worried her.
"I'm fine Granma," Sami lied. "I cut myself a little when I broke the window to get in. But the Ambulance should be here any minute." As if on cue, a faint wail of sirens sounded in the distance. "In fact I think I hear it now. Could you just try and get hold of John. And Mom." The request came tumbling from her mouth before she could catch it..
"Of course we will sweetheart. And we'll see you down at the hospital soon."
"Okay." Sami's voice cracked on the word and she couldn't quite bite back the sob that followed. She hung up quickly before Caroline could question her any further.

Easing herself back to the floor, she cradled her arm as the rough wool of the carpet bit into her cheek. Kristen's moans continued unabated and Sami had no choice but to listen to them till the ambulance came.


Caroline jiggled the buzzer on the intercom. Shawn stood next to her looking at his watch impatiently. They had left the children and the pub in the capable hands of Bo and Hope while they tried to track down John and Marlena. Shawn had phoned the penthouse several times and each time had been met with Marlena's melodious voice on the answering phone. He had left a message the first time, but there had been no reply John was proving to be just as elusive. No-one they had called, from Carrie and Austin, to Mickey and Maggie had any idea as to where either John or Marlena were. Both had made the connection quietly in their minds, but neither were willing to voice the thought.

They had decided to stop by the penthouse on their way to the hospital. The intercom, however, was proving to be just as fruitless as the telephone. Either Marlena did not want any visitors, or she really wasn't home.
"C'mon Caroline. We have to get to the hospital for Sami." Shawn tugged at his wife's arm. She fixed him with a stare that he knew well. She wasn't a woman who liked to be told what to do. Her expression softened when she saw the concern in his eyes. She nodded her head and followed him out to the car.


Q listened to the buzzer with annoyance. Why did humans have to be so persistent? It was one of the things he most hated about them. Unfortunately it was one of the things he most loved about them too.

He smiled as the buzzer went silent. No-one was going to disturb John and Marlena tonight. He would make sure of it. He was tempted to drop in on them himself, but he knew that humans were oddly finicky when it came to what they called 'privacy'. It was a strange concept really. But then, humans were strange creatures. It was what fascinated him about them. He settled down on the bed in the guest room. Despite having some Q powers, he was still mortal. And being mortal had it's disadvantages. His eyes fluttered and he fell into an easy slumber.


The nurse looked angrily at the man the had just slammed into her. He hadn't even bothered to apologize and now she was left to pick up the paperwork that lay sprawled all over the grey linoleum of the hospital corridor. She made a rude face at his retreating figure and turned her attention to the paper on the floor.

Peter hurried on, barely aware that he had made bodily contact with the nurse in the hallway. All his concentration was on finding someone who could tell him where Kristen was. Since Jennifer had left him he had changed. He had decided never to let a woman affect him in that way again. He had seen what Stefano's obsession with Marlena had done to his adoptive father and he vowed that it would never happen to him. He saw Mike Horton come out of a room further down the hall and sped up his pace in an effort to catch him.

When he reached Mike, he put a hand on the white clad shoulder and swung the doctor around.
"Kristen." He tried to catch his breath. "Where is she? Is she okay? Someone called and asked me to come down."
"Slow down Peter." Mike said in his best calming voice. "Kristen is in the Emergency Room at the moment. She's just come in but she's doing okay."
"And the baby?" Peter knew how much this baby meant to Kristen. Even if it was only so she could hold onto John.
"There's a good chance that she could lose it," Mike admitted. "But we haven't given up yet. As long as she doesn't suffer any more nasty shocks the baby could be just fine. It's a waiting game at the moment."
"Nasty shock?" Peter wondered what Mike meant by the words *any more*.
"It seems that Kristen had an upset over something." Mike motioned for Peter to follow him towards the room where Kristen was being treated. "She won't tell us what but she keeps mentioning Marlena for some reason. We have been trying to get hold of John but we can't find him. That's why we called you. We are hoping you might be able to calm her down."

If Mike hadn't had his back to Peter, he might have seen the cold mask that slipped over his face at the mention of Marlena and John. Peter suspected immediately the reason for Kristen's *shock* and if he was right, he'd make Marlena Evans and John Black pay dearly for hurting his sister. He and Kristen could make a formidable team. His mouth twisted into a sadistic smile. John Black had better pray that he was still going to be a father or he might just discover that he was never going to be a father again.


Sami felt groggy. Her glazed eyes refused to focus and she felt like she was half a step out of synchronisation with the rest of the world. Slowly the white walls began to gain some definition and she noticed a tube snaking down and disappearing into her arm. She watched the red liquid ooze down the tube for several moments before she realized that it was blood and it was replenishing her own depleted supply.

A slight pulling sensation at her right arm made her turn her head to see what was happening. Mike Horton was sitting by her bedside wielding a needle. He was making a tidy job of the last few stitches that closed up the cut on her arm.
"Hey there. Welcome back." His greeting was soft and, Sami was almost surprised to realize, genuine. She tried a reply, but found her tongue seemed to be stuck to the roof of her mouth. Mike motioned to a nurse who raised Sami's head and put a glass to her lips. Sami thirstily swallowed a couple of mouthfuls of the cold liquid, not bothering about the drips that trickled out of the sides of the glass and down her neck.

When she was finished, the nurse took the glass away and gently lowered Sami's head back to the pillow. She turned her attention back to Mike, who was just finishing the dressing on her arm.
"Thanks." She croaked
"You're welcome." He smiled as he fastened up the end of the bandage. "You gave us a bit of a fright there you know?"
"I did?" Sami said uncertainly.
"Just as well you managed to get that tourniquet on your arm." He pushed the tray away and turned his attention to Sami. "You lost quite a lot of blood from that little cut."

"I couldn't get it very tight." Sami winced as the pain began to seep back along the edges of her consciousness.
"It was good enough." Mike's smile was kindly. "But you are a lucky young woman. That cut came very close to doing some serious damage."
"But I'll be okay?" Sami frowned as she thought about her son. It wasn't going to be very easy to look after him if she was in hospital.
"Yeah, you'll be fine. We're just giving you a top-up of blood. " He patted her hand when he saw the worried expression that flitted across her face. "It's nothing to worry about. Just a precaution. We'll keep you in here for a couple of nights, just for observation. Then you'll be able to go home. You'll need a bit of help for a while though. Especially with Will around."
"Okay." Sami's tone was non-committal. She knew that she would be able to manage without help from anyone. She didn't *want* any help.

Mike looked at her with raised eyebrows.
"I'm serious Sami. You're going to need to stay with someone for a while. Your Granma, or maybe your Mom.. Or at least have someone staying with you. Otherwise you'll be back in here. In fact," he paused, a glint in his eye, "I won't let you out of here 'till I know you have help."
"Oh thanks." Sami couldn't hold back the grin that spread across her face.
"You're welcome." Mike winked at her.

Suddenly remembering the reason she was in the hospital, the reason that her arm was in ribbons, Sami's face became serious.
"How's Kristen?" she ventured as she tried to sit up a little.
"She's holding her own." Mike nodded. Seeing her efforts he raised his hand and stood up. He adjusted the bed so that she was in a half-sitting position and then sat back down.
"The baby?" Sami couldn't squelch the small candle of hope that burned. When she had found Kristen she had known that the right thing to do was to call for help. But knowing what she knew, she had no sympathy for Kristen and there was a part of her that fervently wished that Kristen would lose the baby. Sami felt a little ashamed that she should wish that on an innocent child but she found herself unable to help it.
"So far," Mike' pause was more than significant, "the foetus has survived. Whether or not Kristen can hold onto this pregnancy depends on her being insulated from any more shocks."

"Do you have any idea *why* she's like this now?" Sami asked, thinking back to the scene in the DiMera house.
"No, I was hoping that maybe *you* could shed some light on that for me." Mike looked a little dismayed. "She keeps on mentioning your mother's name. What Marlena could have to do with this I don't know." He shook his head exhaustedly.
"I went over to her place to see John. When I heard screaming I broke in. That's how I managed this." She motioned to her arm ruefully.
"Not the brightest of moves." Mike grinned.
"Mmm. " Sami's eyes widened in agreement. "When I asked her what had happened she started raving like a madman. She said something about a plot to kill her baby and I was in it with *her*. I guess that she meant my Mom." A look of anger flashed across Sami's face. "I can't think of anyone less likely to want to hurt Kristen's baby. Despite what ever justification she might have to do so."

"Sami, Kristen's not exactly stable right now." Mike tried to soothe the affront that Sami felt. "She's probably looking for someone to blame and that person just happens to be Marlena."
"Dr Horton, she's not unstable, she's *delusional*. Lord knows, I've done some things I'm not proud of...." her voice faded out as she realized what she was sharing.
"What do you mean Sami?" Mike probed softly.
"I just mean that I don't think Kristen is quite the martyr she's made herself out to be." She bit her lip at his questioning look. Mike thought about it for a moment but then decided not to pursue it any further. Sami obviously knew more than she was willing to say but he wasn't about to push her.

He took a deep breath and rubbed his brow with the heel of his hand.
"You look tired." Sami observed sympathetically.
"It's been a long day Sami." And it's likely to be an even longer night. He pressed his lips together. "You look a bit weary yourself. How about-" He was cut off as a knock sounded on the door. It opened to reveal Shawn and Caroline standing worriedly in the corridor. "How about I leave you in the capable hands of your grandparents." He smiled at the Bradys as they entered the room. "I'm prescribing plenty of rest for the patient. A nurse will be along in a little while, but you have her exclusively till then."
"Aye. Thanks Mike." Shawn nodded his head as Caroline fussed over Sami.
"Yeah, thanks Dr Horton." Sami echoed the sentiment as Mike reached the doorway.
"Anytime." Mike winked at her again and she smiled as she caught it before her attention turned to her grandparents.


Peter sat beside his sister's hospital bed. It was a cold, soulless room, the white walls devoid of any life, the window covered by a blind that looked like it might have been there for thirty years. The monitors attached to various parts of Kristen's anatomy blinked and beeped at regular intervals. She had been heavily sedated but her eyes remained open. She seemed lost in a private hell and Peter had no idea what to do next. He squeezed her hand but there was no response, not even a flicker from the eyes which gazed at a distant point which only they could see.

He narrowed his eyes in contemplation and decided to try another tack.
"Krissy, do you know where John is?" His answer was a deep guttural growl that emanated from the part of Kristen's tortured soul that could still hear and communicate with the outside world.
"Okay." The word was no more than a sound as Peter contemplated his next move. He knew he had to be careful. Any upset could result in the loss of the baby Kristen had fought so hard to conceive and keep. Peter wasn't about to risk that but he had to know.
"Krissy. I need your help. I need for you to be strong and to tell me what happened. That's the only way *I'm* going to be able to help *you*." He was quiet for several minutes as she stared in silence at the blank wall. Finally, when he couldn't stand it any longer, "Krissy?"

He saw her head sway slightly on the hard hospital pillow and then loll sideways. She looked at him with hard, cold eyes. Peter hesitated for a moment and then ploughed ahead. "What was it Kristen?"
"I lost." She closed her eyes and moistened her cracked lips with her tongue. When she opened them again her eyes were red and tear-filled.
"Lost what ?" Peter was not entirely sure what she was referring to.
"Him. Everything." Her face twisted with the pain of remembrance.
"I'm sorry Kris, I don't understand." Peter hated to see her in such pain but he had to find out exactly what had happened.
"He was with *her*," she hissed.
"*With* her, as in...."
"Yes." Kristen's reply was curt as she turned her head away from him. Any further interrogation by Peter was staved off by Mike's voice from the doorway.
"I think Kristen needs some sleep now Peter. You can see her in the morning."

Peter nodded and followed Mike out into the corridor. The personal animosity between the soon to be *ex*-brothers-in-law was obvious to the nurses which passed by. Mike looked at Peter, with open disdain. He had no reason now to hide his dislike for his sister's husband but he remained civil.
"I don't need to remind you that her condition is very delicate. Anything, anything at all could cause her to lose that child." Mike eyed him closely. "Remember that."
"I'm not likely to forget about it in a hurry." Peter rebuked him.
"Good." Mike refused to take the bait. "If you want to go home, I'll have a nurse call you if there's any change."
"I think I'd rather stay here." Peter wanted to be in the building when John arrived. He had no idea what he was going to do when the moment came, but he had at least a little time to work that out.
"Fine." Mike turned on his heel and stalked away, leaving Peter to his own devices.

He watched the retreating figure for a moment and then scanned the area around him. Flipping open his personal diary he pushed a couple of buttons and walked quickly down the hall. He reached the public phone and dropped a couple of coins into the slot. He pushed seven buttons and hooked the receiver between his head and shoulder. There were several rings before the other end picked up. Peter looked around swiftly before he spoke.


"So you couldn't find Mom." Sami frowned. Caroline shook her head. "Or John?" Caroline took in a deep breath and then shook her head again. A puzzled half-smile crept onto Sami's face. "You don't suppose....?" Shawn and Caroline looked at each other questioningly. Silently they turned back to Sami.
"I wouldn't want to assume anything dear." Caroline patted her hand.
"No, I guess not." Sami looked down at her arm and deliberately rearranged the dressing.

"Well, it sounds like Kristen is doin' alright. That at least is a relief." Shawn walked back to the bed and seated himself on the end of the white coverlet.
"Yeah." Sami's comment wasn't entirely convincing but before Shawn or Caroline could say anything she gave a cry and her hand flew to her mouth. "Damn!"
"What is it dear?" Caroline's heart-rate felt as though it jumped three notches. Sami knotted her fingers through her hair in frustration.
"I had a bag with me when I got to Kristen's. There's something *really* important in it and I need it here." She looked around the room fruitlessly. Shawn opened the cupboard by the bed, but it only revealed an empty space.

"How about we go by Kristen's and see if we can find it?" Caroline suggested, seeing how worried Sami was.
"Would you?" Sami 's gratitude showed in her eyes. "I wouldn't ask but it is very important and I don't want to risk it falling into the wrong hands."
"Of course we will." Shawn stood, leaned over and pecked her on the cheek. "We'll go now and let you get some sleep. You look like you need it," he said pointedly. Sami smiled and nodded and then embraced Caroline.
"Night dear. Have a good sleep." Caroline brushed Sami's cheek gently with the palm of her hand. "If we find your bag we'll bring it in first thing in the morning."
"Thanks Granma, Granpa." Sami settled back into the folds of the bedclothes, suddenly feeling the utter exhaustion of the days events. By the time the Bradys had left the room, she was asleep.


Marlena sat bolt upright in the bed. She couldn't control the cold fear that grabbed at her and she was shaking uncontrollably. John sat up next to her and slipped his arm around her waist.
"What's wrong Doc?. " He brushed the hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear. She looked at him momentarily and then focussed on the clock. The glowing countenance told her that it was eight minutes after midnight. "Doc? Honey?" She swallowed , unable to rid herself of the lump in her throat. Looking at John, she studied his face, trying to convince herself that *this* was the reality.

Not getting any answers from his enquiries, John gently cupped Marlena's face in is large hands. "Baby, talk to me. Tell me what just happened. What's got you so scared?" She looked at him intensely for a moment and then averted her eyes and shook her head.
"I don't know John. I really don't." Pulling away from him, she hugged her knees to her chest in a defensive gesture that pulled at his heart.

He moved behind Marlena and wrapped his arms right around her, knees and all. Her rigidity soon relaxed as she melted back against him. She leaned her head back against his shoulder and he buried his nose in her silky hair, inhaling her beautiful scent.

Her regular breathing soon assured John that she had fallen into a peaceful slumber. He gently lay back, carefully cushioning her. Curling his body around hers protectively he pulled the blanket up around them. He lay listening to her soft breaths, watching the way her body rose and fell on the crest of each one and he pondered the incident. He was too tired to ponder for long as he too slipped into the luxury of sleep.

The Morning After the Night Before

(NB: This chapter is edited for NC-17 content. If you wish to read the unedited chapter, please click here.)

The sunlight scattered in playful freckles across the crumpled sheets. It danced across the peaceful bodies as it glittered through the raindrops on the window-pane. A smooth slim leg slowly twined around a larger, more hairy one and the sound of a contented sigh filled the room.


The doorbell chimed again and the housekeeper muttered as she wiped her hands on her apron on the way to the door. It opened to reveal Shawn and Caroline Brady. With her usual dignity Caroline explained that they had come to pick up Sami's bag. Illeanna nodded and led them into the living room. The room had suffered quite badly from the events of the previous night. Several bloodstains marred the green carpet and one of the brocade sofas. The french door had been boarded up but the curtains surrounding it hung in soggy swathes. Shards of broken glass littered the saturated carpet at the foot of the door.

Shawn quickly located and gathered up Sami's bag. With a quick nod and thank-you to Illeanna, the Brady's left the DiMera mansion. It occurred to them only when they reached the hospital that Illeanna had not bothered to even ask after her employer.


Marlena slowly resurfaced from her deep sleep feeling slightly disoriented. Her subconscious mind was weaving snatches of reality into the fabric of her dreams and in the half world between slumber and waking she was unsure exactly what was real and what was not. She suddenly woke with a start as she realized that the warm body lying next to her actually existed. To be sure that he wasn't just another trick that her mind was pulling on her, she gently lay her hand over his one that rested on her belly. She smiled as the warm roughness of it assured her that he was indeed an indisputable fact.

Slowly the trickle of images from the previous night became a torrent and her eyes shone softly as she relived the evening in her mind. That familiar warmth suffused through her as she recalled their impassioned lovemaking and a smile touched her lips as she remembered the pillow fight that had led to yet more lovemaking. All the while, John's soft, regular breaths blew reassuringly against the nape of her neck and his strong but gentle arms enfolded her.

Carefully, taking care not to wake him, Marlena turned over so that she was facing him. She froze as he twitched and mumbled but then relaxed as he pulled her closer in his contented sleep. Freeing her arm, she brushed back the fine blonde hair that covered her face. Her hand automatically found its way back down to John's chest and she lay back, content just to watch him sleep.


With Will on one hip, Carrie opened the door. Holding him tightly, she crouched down to get the morning paper. She fell back with a muffled gasp as a pair of heavy boot clad feet appeared in front of her.

"Hi." She almost overbalanced as she stood up, not taking into consideration Will's weight, and the stranger put a hand out to steady her. Carrie instinctively backed away and he held out his hands to signify that he meant no harm. "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." He smiled and Carrie's suspicion lessened.

"Can I help you?" she asked, shifting a restless Will onto the other hip.
"Ah, I'm looking for a friend. I don't suppose you're Carrie by any chance?"
"Yes I am." Carrie was taken aback. "I'm sorry...do I know you?"
"No." He smiled and shook his head. "I'm actually an old friend of your husband's. Austin and I went to school together. My name is Grant. Grant Whittaker"
"Oh, I see." Carrie's serious face broke into a delighted grin. "Nice to meet you Grant. I don't know many of Austin's friends, so it's always great to get to know one." She freed her hand from Will's clutches and proffered it to the young man. He shook it, seeming to notice Will for the first time.
"Goodness." He took the baby's hand in his. "Don't tell me Austin has a son as well? I thought a wife was surprise enough." Carrie paused for a moment but decided that it wasn't her place to tell Austin's friend the whole sorry saga.
"Yeah, he has...."


Q emerged from the bathroom with a scowl on his face. He was never going to get used to the business of being mortal. Dropping his towel on the floor of the spare room, he looked in the mirror and drew his hair back with a comb. His serious expression softened as the closed door across the hallway caught his eye. If all went well he wouldn't be mortal much longer anyway.

He flung the comb down on the dresser and walked to the doorway. He contemplated unlocking the wooden door to Marlena's bedroom for a moment but decided that they could do with some more time to themselves and he stalked down the corridor.

He swept down the wide stairs and into the kitchen. A quick creative effort resulted in a spread that effectively satisfied his appetite. He hummed softly to himself as her exited the penthouse, totally oblivious to the red light which blinked ominously on the answer machine.


Realizing they were still standing in the doorway of the apartment, Carrie asked Grant if he would like to come inside. He followed her in and sat down on the couch as she put Will in the playpen. A few minutes in the kitchen produced a pot of tea and a plate of biscuits.
"Sorry I'm here so early." Grant apologized. "Once I found out where Austin was I wanted to catch up with him as soon as possible."
"Well, he's just in the shower at the moment. He should be out soon." Carrie poured him a cup of tea and then poured one for herself and one for Austin. "So how long is it since you last saw Austin?"
"Ah, quite a long time." Grant looked up in thought as he tried to calculate . "I think the last time I saw Austin, he was nineteen."
"Oh." Carrie's eyes widened. "Well, he's changed quite a bit since then." The room was silent as they both contemplated this information.

Carrie took a sip of her tea and then looked up "How did you know that Austin was married then?"
"Well I actually didn't until I got into town. By a wonderful stroke of chance I happened to meet a young lady who told me where you lived." His eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled.
"Who was that?" A look of confusion swept over Carrie's face.
"Your sister Sami." Grant raised his eyebrows and took a sip of his tea. Carrie coughed convulsively as she inhaled a mouthful of tea. Grant stood up to help her but she waved her hands at him as she regained control.
"Thanks, I'm fine." She cleared her throat and cast her eye across at Will who was playing happily with his spinning top. "So you met Sami?"
"Yeah, Nice girl." He looked at Carrie appraisingly. "I can see the resemblance. You're both very attractive."

A slight blush stained Carrie's cheeks and she was thankful that she was saved any further comment by sounds from the bedroom. The door opened and Austin froze as he saw the visitor.
"Hi bud! How are ya?" Grant grinned widely. Austin looked from Grant to Carrie uncertainly and then back again. Several seconds later he composed himself and smiled widely.
"Grant! Wow, how long has it been?"


The grumbling of Marlena's stomach roused her from her doze. Counting back, she realized that she hadn't eaten for almost a whole day. More than likely neither had John. She extricated herself from John's arms with the utmost of care and rolled over to the edge of the bed, untangling herself from the sheet in the process.

Yawning, she slipped out of the bed and picked up her peach robe from the floor. She wrapped it around herself in a futile attempt to insulate herself from the cool morning air, and knotted the tie around her waist. She peered into the mirror and made a face as she quickly pulled the brush through her tousled hair.

Unconsciously holding her breath she moved to the door and tried the handle. It was still stuck fast and Marlena closed her eyes in frustration.
"Eugene Bradford," she shook her head, "when I eventually get out of here, you are going to have some serious explaining to do." She muttered the threat under her breath.

Still, she couldn't be entirely angry with him. If it hadn't been for him, she wouldn't be here now with John in her bed. John is in my bed! Every so often it seemed to hit her and she felt as if she couldn't contain her joy. She wanted to dance and sing and tell the whole world that she was back where she belonged.

She sat on the edge of the bed and watched his beloved face for a moment. Aside from her children, she loved this man more than anyone or anything else in this whole world and she could hardly believe he was here with her now. She sat for a long moment, just watching him sleep. Dancing and singing were not on the agenda right now. A hot shower would have to suffice. Her eyes wandered over his body. His chest and his arms were exposed, the rest of him covered lightly by the sheet. A slow, sexy smile spread across her face. Maybe a cold shower would be more appropriate.


Sami's face lit up as Shawn and Caroline appeared around the door and came into the room.
"Thanks goodness you're here!" she greeted them with a brilliant smile. "I've been going mad with boredom." Caroline kissed her granddaughter on the cheek.
"Well you're certainly looking better dear."
"I'm feeling much better." Sami replied. "Now if you could just go and tell Dr. Horton that, maybe we can get out of here."
"Not so fast Sami." Mike stood at the door, an amused expression on his face. "You'll go home when I 'm satisfied that you're well enough to go home. And when I know that you have some help.

Sami pursed her lips in an effort to look annoyed, and laughter chased the frown away. Mike turned to Caroline. "I want someone to stay with Sami while she's recovering. She's not going to be able to do much with that injured arm, so she's going to need a lot of help. Especially with Will." Caroline nodded and patted Mike's arm in a motherly fashion.
"She can stay with us at the pub Mike. There's always plenty of people willing to lend a hand there." He nodded and walked over to the end of the bed.

He picked up the chart and flicked through it.
"That sounds good. I'll probably keep you in here for one more night Sami. Just to be on the safe side. You should be able to go tomorrow morning." Sami's shoulder's slumped slightly but she graciously nodded her head.
"Thanks Dr. Horton." He put the chart back on the end of the bed and looked at his watch.
"Well I have rounds. I'll see you all later. Not too much excitement for the patient please." He winked at Sami and left the room.

Sami turned her attention back to her grandparents, her eyes alighting on the bag that Shawn held at his side.
"You got it!" she exclaimed with relief. "Oh thank you *so* much." Shawn handed the bag to her and she quickly flicked through the contents, assuring herself that everything was still there. Caroline loked at Shawn. They had been tempted to sneak a look in Sami's bag to find out what was so important, but neither of them had been willing to break her trust. Shawn turned to Sami.
"So what's so important then?" he asked lightly. Sami's demeanor became serious.
"It actually belongs to someone else and it's kind of private" She ineffectively tried to cover the guilt she felt but her grandparents either didn't see it to they chose to ignore it.

"So have you managed to locate Mom or John yet?" she asked brightly, attempting to change the subject.
"No." Caroline perched on the side of the hospital bed. "I called the penthouse again this morning, but there was still no answer."
"Well, the two of them can't have just vanished into thin air!" Sami exclaimed. "If you ask me, it seems more and more likely that the two of them are together. Wherever they are."
"Well actually..." Caroline said slowly, "Belle and Brady told us this morning that they think that John was at the penthouse before Eugene brought them to us."
"I told you this morning' Caroline. Those kiddies will say what they think you want to hear." Shawn shook his head, not ready to believe it unless he saw it with his own eyes.
"And I told you Shawn Brady. I think they were telling the truth."
"Well if they were, where are Mom and John now?" Sami asked curiously.


Marlena slipped the silky robe off her shoulders, letting it fall in a languid pile at her feet.. She opened the shower door a fraction and tested the water with her fingers as clouds of steam billowed into the room. She adjusted the tap until she judged it right and opened the door up fully. She stepped into the shower, her body tingling as the spikes of hot water collided with her skin.

She luxuriated in the hot water, feeling it run through her hair and slither down her body. It washed away the tension that she felt in her shoulder and soothed the stiff muscles that she had developed from the previous evening's exertions. Stepping out of the hot jet of water, she wiped her eyes and reached for the liquid body-wash that hang from the shower head. She started as a hand reached past her and took the body-wash.
"Why don't you let me do that for you?" John's hand slipped around Marlena's waist and he pulled her round. There was a thud as the bottle hit the bottom of the shower.


Q kicked the door shut behind him. He had thought about going to the Brady's to pick up the children, but without doubt there would have been more questioning and he really couldn't be bothered. Besides which, a children-free afternoon might be quite nice for the lovers upstairs. Q tripped over a toy truck on the way to the couch. He booted the offending article out of the way and slumped down on the couch with a bag of salt and vinegar chips.

The real truth of the matter was that Q wasn't terribly keen on children. He couldn't really see the point of them. They just got in the way. Still, Marlena and John seemed to like them. And when they want them back, they can go and get them. He smiled. Then *they* can do the explaining.
"Speaking of which..." he said to himself. He looked at the window, gauging the height of the sun. Then, his fingers pressed together, he looked at his wristwatch. The click of his fingers coincided with a click in the door handle mechanism upstairs.


Marlena and John were oblivious to the fact that the door was unlocked. They were oblivious to everything else but themselves. Exhausted, Marlena lay her head on John's shoulder. A chill in the water finally brought an awareness of their surroundings. Opening the door, John turned off the tap and stepped out onto the bath mat. Taking a big fluffy white towel from the heated rail, he wrapped it around a shivering Marlena. Another one fitted snugly around his waist. Wiping the water off her face with his fingers, he smiled at her.
"Now what did you think you were doing taking a shower without me?"

chapter 1-10    <<         |11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|        >>   chapter 21-30

copyright © 1999-2003 by rjy