Part Un – The Story Starts

The story starts when it was hot, and it was summer
And, I had it all, I had him right there where I wanted him
She came along, got him alone, and let’s hear the applause
She took him faster than you could say sabotage
I never saw it coming, nor would I have suspected it
I underestimated just who I was dealing with
She had to know the pain was beating on me like a drum
She underestimated just who she was stealing from

Better than Revenge – Taylor Swift


Marlena was curled up on the couch reading when the doorbell rang. Looking up, she raised her eyebrows in surprise. She only hoped it wasn’t John. He had called incessantly for the first few days after she had thrown him out and she had given up answering the phone, letting the machine screen her calls. He had made the mistake of calling at the penthouse in person only twice and both times, he had the door slammed firmly in his face. Lately though, the frequency of the calls had waned, much to Marlena’s relief.

Dropping her book onto the sofa, she wearily stood up and smoothed her clothes. She really hoped it wasn’t John, his begging was becoming tedious. When she got to the door, she unconsciously ran her fingers through her hair and then turned the handle. She was surprised to find a distraught Bo standing in her doorway.

“Bo?” His face was drawn and his eyes red rimmed as he leaned against the door frame.

“I didn’t know who else to turn to,” he shook his head sadly.

“Come in.” She took his arm and led him to the sofa where he dropped like a lead weight. Marlena sat beside him and watched him as he sank his head into his hands miserably.

“Bo honey,” her voice was tender, “what’s happened?”

The silence lasted long minutes before he finally answered her.

“Hope’s gone,” he said quietly. “She left me and went to Europe.”

“She *left* you?” Marlena was stunned. She had never expected in a million years to hear that. “Why?” she shook her head, “why would Hope leave you Bo?”

He slowly looked up at her, his eyes full of empathy and she suddenly felt sick.

“Oh,” it was little more than a whisper.

“I’m sorry Marlena,” he sighed, “John and Greta came by the boat the other day and John told Hope you had thrown him out. He said it had helped him make a decision. He was going to Europe to search for his past and he wanted to know if Hope wanted to come.” He shook his head defeatedly and looked up at Marlena with brightly pained eyes. “She didn’t even *look* at me. She just laughed and said yes. She packed her bags there and then and barely said goodbye. When I asked her when she was coming back, she said she didn’t know.”

“Oh Bo,” Marlena didn’t know what to say. At least she had been the one to end her relationship. Although despite his protestations it didn’t seem like it was bothering John too much. She felt a sudden stab of pain and betrayal and her eyes filled with tears. She didn’t have to imagine how Bo was feeling, she knew only too well.

“Well,” he shrugged his shoulders, “I guess at least I know where I stand now.”

“I don’t understand it,” she shook her head, her shoulders slumped. “That’s *so* unlike Hope.”

“Apparently not.” Bo just felt tired now, but at least he felt momentarily comfortable. Marlena had always been able to calm him. “I don’t know,” his voice lightened fractionally, “I guess you could say that neither of them have been acting themselves couldn’t you? But that doesn’t change the fact that we’re here and they’re gone.”

“No it doesn’t.” Marlena allowed herself a flash of defiance. She wouldn’t let herself be hurt over John’s actions again. This was *exactly* why she had thrown him out and she was just going to be grateful she had done it before he had had the chance to tear her apart any further.

“Bo, do you want a glass of wine?”

“Why not?” He shrugged. He had nowhere else to go.

Marlena was on her third glass of wine when suddenly a memory hit her. It was so vivid that she gasped, as though all the breath had been knocked out of her. They had been talking about Aremid when suddenly she remembered waking up after John had saved her from Stefano. He had been there and he had climbed into the bed with her. She had thought she might die of happiness right there and then.

“Are you all right Marlena?” Bo leaned over and gripped her arm. Looking up at him with huge, shining eyes, she burst into tears.

“Hey,” in truth, he had rather expected this to happen. He had been there, so he had been practically crying over Hope when he arrived, and he had known it would hit her sooner or later. “Hey, it’s okay.” Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her to him. He felt her tears wet against his shirt, and he rested his cheek against her soft, golden hair.

It was a moment or two before he realized the effect she was having on him, but when he did, it came in a rush. His heart was pounding as the adrenaline raced through his body. He shook his head. He couldn’t be thinking like this. It wasn’t right. He heard Marlena sniff and she pushed herself away from him. She looked up at him, her cheeks flushed and tearstained. Her lips were scarlet and he had to struggle with every inch of self control he had not to kiss them there and then.

For Marlena’s part, she had felt the increase in his pulse through his shirt, and the warmth and musky smell of him had a similar effect on her. Maybe she’d had too much wine but when she looked up at him, she saw what looked like lust in his eyes and she felt a tremor vibrate through her, setting all her nerves on fire.

You can’t, a voice inside her sounded insistently. It’s just the wine. He’s one of John’s closest friends. He’s Roman’s brother. He’s been a brother to you for more years than you’d care to remember.

A blush rose in her cheeks, and she jumped back, away from him. Some distance between them would surely restore that sense of familial relationship.

“Uh, uhm… do you want anything to eat? Maybe, maybe we should have something to eat,” she stammered.

“No,” Bo stared at her, his gaze intense and she felt all her emotional defenses being stripped away.

She tore her eyes from his and stood up, but the wine rendered her balance somewhat precarious, and Bo quickly sprang to his feet to steady her. Completely against her will, she found herself toppling into him, his strong arms enfolding her, keeping her upright.

“Hey there,” he said, quietly amused. “Maybe you could do with something to eat though? Or at least slowing down with the wine?”

She stared up at him, fighting it with all her might, but she couldn’t tear her eyes away from his velvety ones. His arms were still around her, but she felt one of his hands slide down to her waist and the simple movement sent a thrill through her.

But still, she could say or do nothing as their gaze remained locked, for what seemed like an eternity. Every point where he touched her felt like it was on fire and she could barely remember wanting someone this badly. In fact she could barely remember anything at all, she was completely consumed by her sudden desire.

It was Bo’s turn now to remind himself of their familial ties to try and turn down the dial on his sudden and unexpected lust for her. God, man. She was married to your brother. You’ve known her since you were practically a kid. She’s John’s…. What was she to John now? John was in Europe, with Hope. He’d left Marlena all alone. But still man. If he was to come to his senses and come back…

And Roman? What would Roman say, to know that his little brother was having such *impure* thoughts about the women he had loved? That he still loved, Bo knew.

“Um,” his voice was thick with desire, but he released his arms from around her and grasped her hands. “You should sit down. I’ll get us something.”

He turned, awash with guilt at the physical sensations that she was arousing in him, and he fled to the kitchen.

“Pull yourself together man. It’s Marlena.” Marlena who you’ve always fancied, a little devil on his shoulder spoke softly. Marlena who is gorgeous and sexy. Marlena who is quite, quite alone.

In the living room, Marlena splashed another helping of wine into her glass and gulped down several mouthfuls. Screw the water, she was going to need more wine if she was to get through tonight without making a complete fool of herself. What are you thinking, Marlena? It’s *Bo*. He thinks of you as a sister.

But does he? Marlena had her own little devil whispering sweet nothings in her ear. You’ve seen the way he looks at you when he thinks no-one is looking. You saw the way he looked at you, just now.

For a moment he had looked like he’d wanted to tear her clothes off. And for a moment, she’d really wanted him to.

“Oh God!” The words were nothing more than a squeak and she pushed herself from the sofa, taking her glass of wine to the window to look out over her city. A city which she found herself once again alone in.

“I found some chips,” Bo tossed a sharing bag of Lays on the table along with a jar of dip. “And I got you some water.”

He held the glass out to her.

“Just put it on the table,” she told him, her voice stilted.

“He doesn’t deserve you, Marlena,” Bo told her, incorrectly surmising that she was thinking about, and upset about John.

“I know he doesn’t,” she agreed, turning back to face him. “But it’s hard to turn off feelings that you’ve had for so long. Emotions aren’t like a faucet; you can’t just twist the tap and they cease to exist.”

“I know that.” Bo sighed. He knew that only too well. He could no more stop loving Hope than stop breathing. But she didn’t love him or want him any longer. She’d made that patently clear.

Marlena shivered, the breeze at the open door suddenly cool on her skin.

“Come back and sit down,” Bo said softly. “I won’t bite.” At least, not unless you ask me to.

Marlena smiled, the pink blush deepening in her cheeks, and she came back to the sofa and sat facing Bo, her leg tucked underneath her but making sure there was a good distance between them.

Bo, for his part, was torn between relief and disappointment that she’d opted to leave so much space between him. He didn’t know whether he’d be able to resist the temptation of touching her, of kissing her, if she was right next to him but on the other hand, he wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to resist it, if it came to it.

“Where were we?” Marlena asked, taking another glass of wine and ignoring the pleasant buzz in her head and the heaviness in her limbs.

“Aremid,” Bo reminded her. “I don’t know how we got onto that. Wasn’t exactly the best of times, for any of us.”

“No….” Marlena thought of John in his jail cell and how she had believed in him and supported him and risked the danger of Stefano’s attention to try and find the proof that would free him. She thought of how Stefano had knocked her out and tried to spirit her away and how John had almost died in the gas chamber but how he had finally gained his freedom and had saved her from the clutches of that madman. She had woken in Aremid, safe and free and with his beautiful face smiling down at her.

She had thought then that he would realise how much she loved him, when he knew the lengths that she would go to in order to save his life. But instead, he had gone back to Kristen. And she had been left alone. And now he had gone with Hope, and once again, she found herself without anyone to lean on. Anyone to trust.

Almost from out of nowhere, she started to cry again, great, powerful sobs and Bo sighed. Gently he took her wine glass from her and put it on the table and then he shifted along the sofa until he was next to her. Against his better judgement, he wrapped his arms around her again and felt her lean into him, her tears damp against his shirt.

He stroked her hair and murmured meaningless platitudes to her. He wasn’t even sure what he was really saying because every sense was filled with the way she felt against him. Her scent, the sound of her muffled sobs, the feeling of her warm, damp skin on his.

Bo was in big trouble, and he knew it.

After a while, her sobs slowed and then stopped all together. But he noted that she didn’t pull away. Rather, she stayed perfectly still and at some point, Bo wasn’t quite sure if he could breathe any longer.

Then she lifted her head and pressed her cheek, hot and damp, against his. And then it was her lips, dry and warm against the stubble on his jaw before she pulled back and looked at him with open curiosity.

Marlena wasn’t even sure what she was doing. Well, she knew what she was doing, and she knew she shouldn’t be doing it, but really, she was acting on pure instinct.

She had felt the pounding of his heart through his damp shirt. She had felt the tension in his arms as he’d held her. She knew he was fighting a battle. So was she. A battle they both seemed to be losing.

Would it really be that bad? The little devil whispered insidiously. I mean, who has to know, aside from the two of you?

She knew she should stop this, but she also knew she wasn’t going to.

Bo tried to move his arm, to pull away from her again, but suddenly it was as though he was made of lead and there was no way he could move. God, he wanted her so badly. He wanted to know how she felt, how warm her skin was and what color it was where it was hidden beneath her lingerie. He wanted to know how she smelt and how she tasted. He wanted to feel her bare skin against his. He wanted to possess her and be possessed by her. And what was more, he could tell by now that she wasn’t completely averse to the idea herself.

But still he fought with himself. He hadn’t come here for this reason. He had come to tell her about John, to keep her company, to console her and himself. And once again, she was Roman’s ex-wife. It wasn’t right to want her this much. But the more he argued with himself, the louder that little voice got. The little voice that said Why not? She’s beautiful, she’s desirable, you’ve always fancied her like mad. What have you got to lose?

Then slowly, as though it had a life of its own, his hand lifted to her face. He felt her shiver as he brushed his thumb ever so lightly over her lower lip and his hand traveled to cup her cheek. Then with slow and infinite patience, he dropped his head and brushed his lips over hers. A tiny moan emanated from her throat as she felt the soft swoop of his kiss, the warm sweetness of his lips as they met hers for the briefest of moments.

That sound from her ignited something within Bo and he was lost. There was no hope of stopping this now, if there ever had been from the moment he stepped through the door.

If it was possible, his desire for her became even stronger. All thought of Hope had long gone and all he could think about was the way Marlena felt against him and how he knew he was going to give into this and what had been one of the worst days of his life would probably end in one of the best nights of his life.

Again he moved his lips past hers with the lightest of touches and instinctively Marlena moved with him, her lips capturing his in a soft, unhurried kiss. Again their lips parted and Bo’s fingers twined in Marlena’s scented hair as his other hand flattened against the small of her back. He felt her fingers slide around the nape of his neck as he bent to kiss her again, pressing his lips against hers.

His body almost ached with desire as he felt her lips part gently beneath his, inviting him to explore her a little further. Pulling back slightly, he caught her lower lip between his own, nibbling it gently. She moaned and he kissed her again and again, taking the time to savour every moment and every new sensation.

Then, gently, he slid his tongue between her lips, the intimate gesture immediately eliciting a reaction from her as she pressed herself closer to him. She tasted sweet to him and he continued his slow deliberate exploration even as she began her own.

Only stopping for short gasping breaths, they continued to kiss, relishing each new sensation. Almost unconsciously, Bo unentangled his fingers from her hair and his hand traveled leisurely down to her waist. Placing a hand on either side of her waist, he lifted her effortlessly onto his lap. He continued to kiss her as he ran his hands down over the soft curve of her hips and around to her rear. He felt her arms slide around his neck as she let herself slip deeper into the kiss.

Marlena herself could concentrate on little but the way this was feeling. John had been around so little lately and when he was, their lovemaking had been so perfunctory that this was almost a revelation. She had almost forgotten that it could feel this good to be this close to a man.

This time, when she stopped for a breath, Bo continued. Nipping her lower lip lightly, he continued down over her chin, and along her jaw, showering her with kisses and gentle bites. She felt her toes curling as he drew his tongue up to her ear, teasing her lobe with the lightest of flicks. She squirmed as he played with her, his tongue, teeth and lips working in unison to drive her crazy.

Her heart was pounding, the noise hammering in her ears as his soft lips drifted downwards. She let her head drop backwards and a sensual sigh escaped her lips as he began to work towards his goal of tasting every inch of her neck. His tongue was warm and wet as he dipped it into the golden hollow at the base of her throat and she felt it echo in the warmth between her thighs. God she wanted him so badly. She wanted to know how it would feel to have him touch her, to have him inside her.

But as his lips moved downward, she pulled back, asking him to stop. Bo suddenly felt dreadful, as though he had taken advantage of her vulnerability and he sat back, his face red.

“Marlena, I’m sorry, I don’t know….” he shook his head. “I didn’t mean to. I mean, I thought you wanted this…. If you don’t, I’m sorry. It’s okay…” She looked so beautiful sitting there on his lap he could hardly stand it but the last thing he wanted to do was ruin their friendship. She’d been kissing him back, she’d been enjoying it, he was sure of it but suddenly he was scared he’d gotten everything wrong and blown one of the most important relationships he’d ever had.

“Bo,” a small smile curled her lips, “honey, it’s okay. I *do* want it. I just,” she paused, wondering exactly why it was she had wanted him to stop. Because looking at him, she found she wanted him more than ever. “I don’t want you to stop all together, it’s..,” she shrugged, “this is all so fast. Maybe we could just slow it down a little?”

Bo couldn’t help the boyish grin the spread across his face.

“Okay,” he nodded his head slowly, “I think we can manage that.” Circling one arm around her waist so that she wouldn’t overbalance, he leaned forward and picked up the wine glasses from the table. With a sexy smile, she took hers from him and held it up.

“To new pastures,” she toasted mischievously.

“And may they be ever greener,” there was a clink as the crystal met and they both took a mouthful of the amber coloured wine.

“You know,” she said, several minutes later as she sat, still comfortably ensconced on his lap, “I never would have admitted it, but I’ve always had rather a curious streak when it comes to you. Ever since the moment when we met and you laid that kiss on me, I’ve always wondered…..”

“You’re not the only one.” Bo told her with rather a shy smile. “I used to have fantasies about you, about seducing my brother’s wife. Not that I ever would have,” he added hurriedly.

“And just what form did those fantasies take little brother-in-law?” Marlena asked, the effects of the wine making her more daring than usual. Her cheeks became even more flushed as he spoke.

“Well, sometimes you used to seduce *me*,” he teased her. “You’d slowly strip off your clothes until you were wearing nothing but lacy white lingerie. You’d take your time about it so that you’d drive me crazy with the waiting. Then you’d come to me….” He drifted off, mild embarrassment hushing him.
“And then what would I do?” her voice was low and husky as she slid her arm around his neck, moving closer to him. He could see down her blouse and combined with the warm musky smell of her and the way she felt against him, it was serving to drive him crazy.

“Hmmm,” he picked up the bottle and poured some more wine into her glass, trying to stall for time as he fought to retain his self-control. “Well,” he finally said as she took another sip, “you’d ask me to take off your slip.”

“And how did you do that?” her voice was deadly serious and he couldn’t even look at her.

“I’d slide my fingers under the straps and I’d slip them off over your shoulders and your slip would just fall onto the floor.”

“Mmmm-hmmm?” she breathed.

“Then I’d pull you onto the bed with me and I’d kiss you.” He took a gulp of his wine, willing his heart not to pound quite so hard. “And then you’d undress me, not slowly like you’d taken off your own clothes. You ripped off my shirt and then pulled off my jeans and my….” He could almost see it in his mind, just as he had all those years ago, and sometimes since.

“Then what would I do?” Marlena wanted to know everything. Everything she had done to him in his fantasy, and everything he had done to her. Her breath was warm against his ear and he had to close his eyes for a moment and think of baseball.

“Uh, then you’d start kissing me,” he grinned. “You’d start at my mouth and moved downwards.” His grin broadened. “You kissed almost as good in my fantasies as you do in real life.” Marlena giggled involuntarily even though his talk of kissing had her wanting to taste him again. But, calling on her utmost self-control, she spoke again.
“And then what would I do to you?” she felt her breathing become slightly ragged as she asked the question.

“You’d move down over my chest and my stomach, kissing me and then you’d uh….,” he blushed as he looked up at her.

“Oh,” she couldn’t help the cheeky smile that dawned on her lips as she realized what he meant. “I would, would I?” she looked at him from beneath thick lashes. “And was I good?”

“Oh yeah,” he nodded enthusiastically. “You were always *great*.”

“So,” she shifted on his lap, bringing her feet up so that she was leaning against him. “Is that where the fantasy ended?”

“Not always,” he raised his eyebrows roguishly.

“Well, what happened next?” there was an unmistakable demand in her quiet voice.

“Next,” he dropped his hand onto her thigh and began to make lazy circles with his thumb on the stiff denim fabric that covered her inner thigh. “Well, next you’d move up until you were straddling me, my stomach,” he corrected, “and then you’d ask me to take your bra off.”

“Mmmm-hmmm,” she nodded, staring at his lips, almost willing him to kiss her.
“So I would,” his voice was deep as he imagined how she might look now with no clothes on. “I’d reach up and unhook the back of it and you’d slip it off and throw it behind you.”

“And then what?” she was so close he had to struggle with the temptation to throw her on her back on the sofa and tear her clothes off her there and then.

“You looked amazing,” he shook his head, “and I’d want you so badly that I couldn’t wait so I’d roll you over on the bed and I’d began to kiss you.” She didn’t say anything, just flushed slightly and he continued. “And I’d slide down the bed and begin to kiss your breasts.” His hand on her thigh became a little tighter.

“Oh,” she said faintly, “I bet that felt good.”

“If I remember rightly,” he had a half smile, “you were pretty vocal about your enjoyment in all my fantasies.”

Marlena smiled and she began to play with the hair at the nape of his neck with her fingers.

“Did you use your tongue?” she asked breathily, highly enjoying this electrically charged game they were playing.

“And my teeth,” he nodded, noting that she was upping the stakes. And if she was going to up him, he would enjoy seeing her. “I would lick and bite you,” he continued, “and I could feel you getting damp through your panties.”

Marlena sucked in a breath, wondering if she was going to be able to make it to the end of this. It was becoming a competition to see who could hold out longest and her strength was failing fast. Taking another mouthful of wine to fortify herself, she continued.

“I was still wearing my panties?”

“Not for long,” Bo conceded. “You would be moving against me, driving me crazy, so I’d remove them rather swiftly.”

“Mmmmmm,” she licked her lips rather deliberately. “And how would I react to that?”

“Oh, you moaned,” her fingers were skittering over the back of his neck and it was distracting him, driving him almost as crazy as the memory of the fantasy he was relating.

“Did I moan your name?” she asked with a smile, knowing the effect she was having on him.

“Mmmm-hmmm,” he nodded his head as he slipped his hand between her thighs. Moving downwards he was rewarded by a shiver from her. “Especially when I moved between your legs.”

Marlena had to close her eyes and swallow, she was feeling so dizzy.

“Ah,” she paused, trying to bring her breathing under control, “tell me how it felt.”

“You were soft and wet and incredibly warm,” God he wanted to kiss her so badly. He wanted to do more than kiss her. He wanted to undress her and make love to her over and over. “And you tasted so sweet. And you’d move your hips in this rhythm that made me want to take you there and then.”

“So what did you do?” she whispered against his ear.

“I’d just continue because I knew what I was doing to you. And finally you’d give in and you’d make me stop.”

“I would?” she grinned. “Now why would I do that?”

“Oh you had a pretty good reason,” he nodded a glint in his eyes as he lifted his hand to her lips and traced their outline with his finger. “You’d tell me you wanted me. That you wanted me to make love to you.”

“That was awfully ladylike of me,” she said in a dangerously teasing tone.

“Wasn’t it?” he raised his eyebrows as she caught the tip of his finger gently between her teeth and moistened it with her tongue. “But I’d make you wait,” he said as he ran his wet finger along her lower lip.

“You would?” his finger was tracing her jaw line now. “And did I like that?”

“I think you were frustrated,” he said as he watched his finger intently as it ran down the smooth skin of her neck and along her fine collarbone to the base of her throat. “You would beg me to make love to you.”

“Was I still being ladylike?” she asked curiously.

“Not particularly,” he replied with a sexy smile as his finger traced the neckline of her blouse.

Marlena trembled as the images he was creating in her head combined with what the merest touch of his finger was doing to her.

“So, you’d give in?” she asked shakily.

“Actually if I remember rightly, most of the time you took control of the situation. You’d push me onto my back and straddle my hips,” she squirmed on his lap and it almost sent him through the roof. If she dragged this out much longer they were both going to be in serious trouble.

“Oh,” she grinned as she swung one leg around so that she was straddling his thighs and facing him. “Kinda like this you mean.” Bo cleared his throat, trying desperately to restrain himself. She was way too much to handle.

“Ah yeah.” He nodded his head, trying not to look down her blouse at her cleavage. “Kinda like that.”

“And would I tease you back?” she asked wickedly as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Um, mmmm,” he closed his eyes as she moved her hips against him almost imperceptibly, “yeah, you, ohhhh,” he opened his eyes, “Christ Marlena, stop that!”

Marlena grinned in triumph before she dropped her head to his, taking his mouth in a lustful kiss that had them both gasping for breath. Bo reached up and buried his fingers in her thickly luxuriant hair and he brushed his lips across hers quickly before biting her lower lip. She moaned as the pain transmitted fire through the nerves of her body.

Roughly Bo pulled her head back and began to assault the sweet flesh of her throat, kissing and sucking on the flesh, leaving small red welts behind as he went. Marlena could do nothing but acquiesce to him as he moved further down, ravaging the exposed area of skin above her blouse in much the same way.

Finally , her released his grip on her, sliding his hands down her back to her buttocks. Marlena brought her head up to find Bo’s tongue dipping into her cleavage.

“Bo honey,” she whispered, “take me upstairs. I’m going to take you to bed.”

Bo looked up at her and he could only nod. Cupping his hands under her rear, he stood, taking her with him. Marlena in turn wrapped her legs around his hips and moaned as he kissed her. Taking it slowly as he could barely see where he was going, Bo carried her up the stairs to the bedroom, pausing for slow, hot kisses as they went.

Finally, they reached the bedroom and Marlena twisted the knob for him to open the door. He carried her in and finally they reached their goal, the bed. Bo set her down on the bed slowly, so that she was on her back and lowered himself on top of her.
“I’d ask if this was what you really wanted but I think you already answered that question,” he murmured before kissing her again.

“I think so,” she said, her head swimming as his tongue once again collided with hers. He moved on top of her and she could feel him hard against her. “But I want you to just stay here a minute.” She wriggled out from beneath him and he looked up in confusion as she slipped off the bed.

“Marlena, what-?”

“There was one thing you didn’t tell me about your fantasy,” she said as she stood facing him, “you never told me what I was wearing before I started to take my clothes off.”

He looked at her for a moment and blinked. Then a slow smile dawned across his face.

“Usually you were wearing whatever I had seen you in that day.”

“Well, that’s pretty handy isn’t it?” she bit the inside of her cheek to stop from laughing at his expression. He looked like a boy who had just entered a candy shop with a thousand dollars in his hand. “So tell me what I take off first.”

“Your blouse,” he managed to croak as he watched her, illuminated by the small lamp behind her. With a mysterious smile she slowly undid the buttons one by one until the white cotton shirt hung open. Then slowly, she reached up and slipped it over her shoulders, allowing it to fall to the floor.
“Sorry, no slip today,” she said with gleaming eyes as she stood there in jeans and a white lace bra. “Now the jeans?”

“Mmm-hmmmm,” Bo managed as, taking her time, she unbuttoned her jeans, slipping each button slowly out of it’s hole and then lingering before repeating the movement. When they were undone, she hooked her thumbs inside the waistband and worked the denim down over her curvy hips. Slowly undulating her hips, she wiggled out of the jeans, finally kicking them away.

Slowly, she walked toward him.

“So what next?” she asked rhetorically as she stood in front of him. Reaching up, Bo placed the palms of both hands on her shoulders. Then slowly, almost as if he was worshipping her, he drew his hands down over her breasts, down to her belly. The continued over the soft curve where her waist swelled into her hips and then he slid them around to her rear. With a sharp tug, he pulled her down on top of him.

“You are quite something,” he whispered before he kissed her.

Marlena ran her fingers through his closely cropped hair as he began to ravish her chest. Rolling her over, he ran his tongue along the line of her bra, dampening the lace as he went. She moaned and he responded by moving further down, sucking at her nipple through the thick lace. She arched her back and held his head to her as he continued to explore her, experimenting with the way he could make her sigh or moan with each little movement.

Then he blindly moved up again over her reddened skin until he found he mouth. They kissed as though they were both drowning, unable to get enough of each other. Their lips met again and again in bruising, crushing, breathless kisses. Marlena groaned as she felt Bo’s hips moving against her and she knew she had to take control or they would lose themselves before the fun really started. Quickly, she pushed Bo with enough strength that he found himself on his back on the bed. Marlena quickly swung her knee over him so that she was straddling his thighs. Sitting back on her heels, careful not to touch anything but the side of his thighs, she looked down at him from heavy lidded eyes.

Bo had a sudden revelation as he looked up at her. This was *Marlena*, his sister-in-law, a woman he had admired and loved since he had met her. She was also a woman who he had secretly desired and had fantasies of bedding. But he had never, in his wildest dreams imagined that it might actually happen, or that she would be quite so…. seductive.

He could see why this *shouldn’t* happen, he could think of a hundred reasons why it shouldn’t. But he knew it would, and the main reason was this woman on top of him was so damn gorgeous and sexy that there was no way he could say no to her. Even if he wanted to. Which he definitely didn’t. He was going to have her, and he was going to take her so hard that tonight she would forget that the moronic John Black even existed. Tomorrow would be soon enough to deal with any repercussions.

His thoughts melted away as Marlena bent slightly and grasped the lapels of his shirt in her hands. Then with a ripping motion she tore the front of the shirt open, sending buttons flying. Pulling the shirt, she brought him into a sitting position from where he quickly shrugged off the ruined cotton. Then she pushed him back down on the bed and sat on his legs, just above his knees so that she was pinning his lower body to the bed.

“I know you said I did this quickly,” she said breathily, “but,” she slid her hands up over his thighs. But I want to savour this. Bo gasped and panted as she brought her hand up over the hardness that was confined by the jeans. She began to rub him ever so gently, smiling as he closed his eyes, his head rolling to one side.

“Feel good?” she whispered.

“Mmmmmm,” Bo bit his lip hard as his hips strained upwards almost of their own accord. She was driving him crazy and if she didn’t stop that soon….

Luckily, she took pity on him and did stop it, and she carefully unzipped his jeans and worked them down round his hips. Leaving them for a moment, she sat up on her heels again and leaned forward. She cupped his jaw as he watched her, her thumb on one side and her fingers on the other. She was on all fours as she leaned down to kiss him. Her grasp was firm on his jaw and she was completely in control as she gently grazed his lower lip with her teeth before crushing her lips against his again. Her tongue snaked into his mouth, demanding his attention as she plundered him.

Finally, she swept her lips away from his and across his roughened cheek to his ear. She played with it momentarily, like he had played with her, flicking her tongue back and forth across his earlobe and dipping it into his ear. He moaned as she gently bit his tender lobe and then continued to use her teeth down his neck and throat, torturing him with wet kisses and sharp nips.

She looked down at his chest and smiled. He was different from Roman in that respect at least. His chest had a covering of fine hair, not as thick or coarse as John’s, but he was definitely well covered. She brought her fingers down over his well muscled pectorals and heard his heady whimper as she brushed over his nipples. Leaning over his chest, she flicked her warm tongue over one. She was rewarded by an agonized sigh and she took the small brown nub between her lips, sucking gently on it.

Bo did nothing but lie there and make small noises in his throat as she teased first one and then the other nipple with her tongue and teeth. She was becoming quite impressed with his staying power and she noted that the comforter on either side of them was becoming quite creased as it was caught up in increasingly tighter handfuls.

Bo, in fact was trying to think of baseball, blizzards, Kristen in her underwear, anything that might dampen the arousal he felt. Because this woman was managing to elicit sensations that he had never even dreamed of. Every movement she made, every lick, every bite set all the nerves in his body screaming so that he could feel *everywhere* she touched him and then some. It was like he had parts of his body that he never even knew existed and she was firing them up with the simplest of touches.

Moving downwards, Marlena ran her tongue over the grooves of his tight abdominal muscles, loving the slightly salty tang of him. Finally she was brought to a halt by the waistband of his boxers and she knew it was time to complete her task of undressing him. With a little help from him, she pulled the jeans off his long, brawny legs, and then removed the boxers.

“Oh Bo,” she breathed. She had expected him to be impressive, but he was absolutely beautiful without any clothes on. The phrase a Greek God, as corny as it was, could have been coined for him.

“Marlena,” he was looking at her now, with a fierceness in his eyes, “I think you’d better skip the next part of the fantasy, because if you don’t,” he shook his head, his eyes wide, “it’s all over.” Marlena looked slightly disappointed.

“Not even a little?” she asked.

“Not even *slightly*,” he shook his head, trying to rid himself of the image of this blonde goddess going down on him.

“Okay,” she nodded in acquiescence, making a mental note to store that particular fantasy away for future reference. “Well then,” she moved up and threw her leg over him again so that she was sitting on his stomach. He could feel that she was damp through her panties and he almost lost it.

Marlena waited for him to regain his composure before she made her next move. Taking both of her hands in his, she lifted them up to her chest, laying them over her breasts, only the lace separating him from her warm flesh. He immediately began to massage her through the fabric and she whimpered, arching her back and rolling her hips against his abdominal muscles.

“Take off my bra,” she commanded in between short breaths. Bo obeyed immediately, undoing the small hooks at the back and allowing her to discard the bra.

“Oh boy,” he sighed as looked up at her. “You are the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.” It wasn’t a mere platitude. He really never had seen anyone more beautiful. Especially looking as she did now, like a fallen angel that was here just for him.

He reached up and cupped a hand around each breast, rolling a nipple under the pad of each thumb. Marlena barely heard him as she closed her eyes and pressed her lips together, allowing only a faint “mmmmm” to escape.

“Come here,” Bo pulled her down towards him so that he could get his mouth on her breast. Kissing them first, he finally acceded to his own desire and took one of her nipples into his mouth. He began to suck on it rapaciously, bringing forth a steady stream of moans from Marlena, as he became rougher in his treatment of her.

She was so caught up in the sensations that she was completely unprepared when he flipped her onto her back. Her eyes flew open and he looked up her and laughed.

“Don’t get too comfortable,” he teased her before he bent his head to her again. As he said he did in his fantasies, he continued to use his tongue and teeth on her, whipping her arousal higher and higher. Marlena held his head to her and almost unconsciously, she mimicked what he had told her earlier. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she began to rock her hips, pressing herself against him in a slow, sensual rhythm. And as he said he would, Bo unentangled himself from her and kissed his way over the soft curve of her stomach until he met the lace edge of her panties. Hooking a finger in either side of the offending garment, he stripped them off her and threw them over the bed.

And then Marlena was totally naked, and lying on the bed, bathed in the golden light from the lamp across the room. Bo grinned, and lifted one leg. Starting at the inside of her knee, he kissed and brushed his tongue gently up the inside of one thigh. She was trembling by the time he reached the top, but he extended her torture by repeating his procession up the inside of the other thigh.

It was Marlena’s turn to grip the comforter as he gently spread her legs and began to explore her. She gasped as his tongue slipped easily inside her, tasting her, teasing her. She lifted her hips slightly and his tongue moved deeper, seeking complete intimacy, moving in and out of her at a steady pace.

Then, suddenly, he withdrew and moved his aim slightly higher. She let out an involuntary squeal as he hit his target and began to massage her with his tongue. She whimpered deep in her throat and began to move her hips against his mouth. Her hands held his head against her as her breathing shortened into shallow pants that were interspersed with wanton whimpers, but as Bo felt her building to a crescendo, he pulled away and she gave a frustrated moan.

He waited a few moments until he felt she had settled some and then he dipped his head back down and took her again with his mouth. She gasped and her hips jumped instinctively. Again, he teased her towards a climax, only stopping as she neared the edge, leaving her whimpering in frustration, knowing on some level that this was his revenge for how she had teased him earlier.

Part of her liked this unspoken competition, it was exciting and sexy and it promised much. She would have probably liked it even more if she didn’t so desperately want to have him inside of her.

It was on the third time around that she managed to pull her thoughts into a coherent enough stream that she could push him away from her. Her eyes were blazing with wanton lust as she looked down at him.

“Bo,” she demanded his attention through short breaths. He looked up at her. “Bo, I need you…”
“You need me to what?” he raised his eyebrows teasingly.

“I need you to make love to me.” She let her chest rise and fall with her breaths. “I need to feel you inside me.” Bo said nothing, only smiled and bent his head back down to her. She tasted as sweet as she had in his dreams and she began to move against his mouth again, her hips rolling in a slow, sensual rhythm. Her head turned to the side and she clutched the comforter in her hands.

“Dammit Bo,” she groaned before she panted for breath again. “Oh Stop, stop.”

“What do you want, gorgeous?” he asked her in a silky soft voice. “Tell me what you want me to do.”

“Oh God,” she was almost sobbing, “I want you. I need to feel you. Please.”

Bo stopped his ministrations and slowly crawled up so that his body was covering, but not touching hers. Taking her arms, he raised them above her head, effectively pinning her to the bed.

“Tell me what you want me to do to you, Marlena,” there was a quiet demand in his voice and Marlena knew what he wanted to hear from her. She blushed slightly but then she felt his lips brush over hers with the lightest of touches and she knew she would do anything he asked of her.

“I want you to fuck me,” she whispered as his skin burned on hers. It was years since she had talked dirty with a lover, it wasn’t John’s thing, but she had loved to do it with Roman. Bo had more in common with his brother than he would ever know, she reflected in fragmented thought.

Bo rested his forehead against hers as he moaned softly. Marlena allowed herself a small smile before she felt his body lower onto hers.

“Fuck me baby,” she begged quietly, lifting her hips to his, “I need to feel you inside me. I need to fuck me, hard.”

Bo opened his eyes and found her golden ones staring back at him. He wanted her so badly he could taste it, but he was suddenly afraid she would be disappointed in him. Seeing the sudden hesitation in his eyes, Marlena reached up and took his face between her hands and gently parted his lips with her tongue. Her eyes were still open and as he kissed her, he could swear he saw beyond her body into her soul. She shivered a little and then she ran her nails down his back to his buttocks.

“Fuck me Bo,” she said firmly and he could no longer resist her.

Raising his hips a little, he moved until he could feel her moist warmth against the head of his cock. Marlena gasped as she felt him and she lifted her hips until they met his.

“Oh Bo,” she whimpered, “oh, oh…” With a groan of his own, he pressed into her, eagerly sliding into her damp warmth. Her throaty groan told him that she appreciated it as much as he did and he swallowed, wishing he could capture this moment for eternity to replay it. The whole evening had led up to this and only now did he realize how much he had always wanted her. Everything about her was perfect, she was the most exquisite mix of angel and whore he could imagine.

Slowly, he moved out of her and then he thrust powerfully back into her. She gasped and then moaned, her nails digging into his rear as he repeated the motion. He felt her feet lift from the bed and her hands moved back up his back, her nails leaving red welts in their wake. Then her thighs gripped his hips and she wrapped her legs around him, her ankles crossing over his rear.

Her body was moving with his as he thrust into her, their movements becoming rapid in a matter of moments. They had wanted each other so badly all evening there was no hope of savouring the moment. Instead, they moved together swiftly, the moisture from their bodies combining, skin sliding over skin, sighs and moans mingling in the still air. Marlena could feel him inside her, pounding, thrusting, battering until she couldn’t even think. Digging her fingernails into him, she began to emit agonized pants, whimpers that coincided with every thrust that Bo made and the feel and sound of her just about drove Bo crazy. He wanted to make her come so badly he could hardly stand it. He wanted to know how she felt, he wanted to see the pleasure he brought her, even if it was just for a moment.

“C’mon baby,” he whispered, “show me how much you’re enjoying this. I want to hear you when you come.”

“Oh God,” tears slid from the corner of her eye as she clung to him, “Oh God Bo…*Bo*….Oh…mmm,” he was filling her completely, possessing her as she came, the long wait intensifying the heady rush. “Oh,….*oohhh*.” It was as though her body was flooded by fire as she submitted to him completely, allowing the orgasm to utterly consume her.

Bo watched her as the first waves overtook her, her face transmitting the waves of agonizing pleasure, but it was her voice that brought him to his own orgasm. The pleasure that flushed her velvety voice tripped something within him and with one final thrust, he came, deep within her, filling her with his own moist heat.

Trying to find her breath several minutes late, Marlena kissed Bo’s shoulder gently and pushed the short, damp hair off his temples with her fingers.

“I thought I was supposed to be the one who ended up on top,” she whispered contentedly.

“Maybe next time,” he managed an exhausted grin before he rolled off her.

“I think I like that idea,” she murmured as he tried to pull the corner of the comforter over them. She giggled as it sprang back, and he looked at her with a grin.

“Just give me a few minutes okay?”

“Oh, after that little performance I’ll give you all the time you want, honey,” her smile was full of mischief and she edged up the bed, allowing Bo to pull back the covers.

“Well, if you have the time, I have plenty of ways to fill it,” he promised her with a glint in his eyes as he pulled the comforter over them.”

“Is that a promise?” Marlena yawned as she snuggled into his arms.

“It’s absolutely a promise, gorgeous,” he murmured into her hair as he tenderly brushed the damp bangs from her forehead and kissed the warm skin there.

By the time his lips left her skin, she was already asleep.

Marlena was curled up on the couch reading when the doorbell rang. Looking up, she raised her eyebrows in surprise. She only hoped it wasn’t John. He had called incessantly for the first few days after she had thrown him out and she had given up answering the phone, letting the machine screen her calls. He had made the mistake of calling at the penthouse in person only twice and both times, he had the door slammed firmly in his face. Lately though, the frequency of the calls had waned, much to Marlena’s relief.

Dropping her book onto the sofa, she wearily stood up and smoothed her clothes. She really hoped it wasn’t John, his begging was becoming tedious. When she got to the door, she unconsciously ran her fingers through her hair and then turned the handle. She was surprised to find a distraught Bo standing in her doorway.

“Bo?” His face was drawn and his eyes red rimmed as he leaned against the door frame.

“I didn’t know who else to turn to,” he shook his head sadly.

“Come in.” She took his arm and led him to the sofa where he dropped like a lead weight. Marlena sat beside him and watched him as he sank his head into his hands miserably.

“Bo honey,” her voice was tender, “what’s happened?”

The silence lasted long minutes before he finally answered her.

“Hope’s gone,” he said quietly. “She left me and went to Europe.”

“She *left* you?” Marlena was stunned. She had never expected in a million years to hear that. “Why?” she shook her head, “why would Hope leave you Bo?”

He slowly looked up at her, his eyes full of empathy and she suddenly felt sick.

“Oh,” it was little more than a whisper.

“I’m sorry Marlena,” he sighed, “John and Greta came by the boat the other day and John told Hope you had thrown him out. He said it had helped him make a decision. He was going to Europe to search for his past and he wanted to know if Hope wanted to come.” He shook his head defeatedly and looked up at Marlena with brightly pained eyes. “She didn’t even *look* at me. She just laughed and said yes. She packed her bags there and then and barely said goodbye. When I asked her when she was coming back, she said she didn’t know.”

“Oh Bo,” Marlena didn’t know what to say. At least she had been the one to end her relationship. Although despite his protestations it didn’t seem like it was bothering John too much. She felt a sudden stab of pain and betrayal and her eyes filled with tears. She didn’t have to imagine how Bo was feeling, she knew only too well.

“Well,” he shrugged his shoulders, “I guess at least I know where I stand now.”

“I don’t understand it,” she shook her head, her shoulders slumped. “That’s *so* unlike Hope.”

“Apparently not.” Bo just felt tired now, but at least he felt momentarily comfortable. Marlena had always been able to calm him. “I don’t know,” his voice lightened fractionally, “I guess you could say that neither of them have been acting themselves couldn’t you? But that doesn’t change the fact that we’re here and they’re gone.”

“No it doesn’t.” Marlena allowed herself a flash of defiance. She wouldn’t let herself be hurt over John’s actions again. This was *exactly* why she had thrown him out and she was just going to be grateful she had done it before he had had the chance to tear her apart any further.

“Bo, do you want a glass of wine?”

“Why not?” He shrugged. He had nowhere else to go.

Marlena was on her third glass of wine when suddenly a memory hit her. It was so vivid that she gasped, as though all the breath had been knocked out of her. They had been talking about Aremid when suddenly she remembered waking up after John had saved her from Stefano. He had been there and he had climbed into the bed with her. She had thought she might die of happiness right there and then.

“Are you all right Marlena?” Bo leaned over and gripped her arm. Looking up at him with huge, shining eyes, she burst into tears.

“Hey,” in truth, he had rather expected this to happen. He had been there, so he had been practically crying over Hope when he arrived, and he had known it would hit her sooner or later. “Hey, it’s okay.” Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her to him. He felt her tears wet against his shirt, and he rested his cheek against her soft, golden hair.

It was a moment or two before he realized the effect she was having on him, but when he did, it came in a rush. His heart was pounding as the adrenaline raced through his body. He shook his head. He couldn’t be thinking like this. It wasn’t right. He heard Marlena sniff and she pushed herself away from him. She looked up at him, her cheeks flushed and tearstained. Her lips were scarlet and he had to struggle with every inch of self control he had not to kiss them there and then.

For Marlena’s part, she had felt the increase in his pulse through his shirt, and the warmth and musky smell of him had a similar effect on her. Maybe she’d had too much wine but when she looked up at him, she saw what looked like lust in his eyes and she felt a tremor vibrate through her, setting all her nerves on fire.

You can’t, a voice inside her sounded insistently. It’s just the wine. He’s one of John’s closest friends. He’s Roman’s brother. He’s been a brother to you for more years than you’d care to remember.

A blush rose in her cheeks, and she jumped back, away from him. Some distance between them would surely restore that sense of familial relationship.

“Uh, uhm… do you want anything to eat? Maybe, maybe we should have something to eat,” she stammered.

“No,” Bo stared at her, his gaze intense and she felt all her emotional defenses being stripped away.

She tore her eyes from his and stood up, but the wine rendered her balance somewhat precarious, and Bo quickly sprang to his feet to steady her. Completely against her will, she found herself toppling into him, his strong arms enfolding her, keeping her upright.

“Hey there,” he said, quietly amused. “Maybe you could do with something to eat though? Or at least slowing down with the wine?”

She stared up at him, fighting it with all her might, but she couldn’t tear her eyes away from his velvety ones. His arms were still around her, but she felt one of his hands slide down to her waist and the simple movement sent a thrill through her.

But still, she could say or do nothing as their gaze remained locked, for what seemed like an eternity. Every point where he touched her felt like it was on fire and she could barely remember wanting someone this badly. In fact she could barely remember anything at all, she was completely consumed by her sudden desire.

It was Bo’s turn now to remind himself of their familial ties to try and turn down the dial on his sudden and unexpected lust for her. God, man. She was married to your brother. You’ve known her since you were practically a kid. She’s John’s…. What was she to John now? John was in Europe, with Hope. He’d left Marlena all alone. But still man. If he was to come to his senses and come back…

And Roman? What would Roman say, to know that his little brother was having such *impure* thoughts about the women he had loved? That he still loved, Bo knew.

“Um,” his voice was thick with desire, but he released his arms from around her and grasped her hands. “You should sit down. I’ll get us something.”

He turned, awash with guilt at the physical sensations that she was arousing in him, and he fled to the kitchen.

“Pull yourself together man. It’s Marlena.” Marlena who you’ve always fancied, a little devil on his shoulder spoke softly. Marlena who is gorgeous and sexy. Marlena who is quite, quite alone.

In the living room, Marlena splashed another helping of wine into her glass and gulped down several mouthfuls. Screw the water, she was going to need more wine if she was to get through tonight without making a complete fool of herself. What are you thinking, Marlena? It’s *Bo*. He thinks of you as a sister.

But does he? Marlena had her own little devil whispering sweet nothings in her ear. You’ve seen the way he looks at you when he thinks no-one is looking. You saw the way he looked at you, just now.

For a moment he had looked like he’d wanted to tear her clothes off. And for a moment, she’d really wanted him to.

“Oh God!” The words were nothing more than a squeak and she pushed herself from the sofa, taking her glass of wine to the window to look out over her city. A city which she found herself once again alone in.

“I found some chips,” Bo tossed a sharing bag of Lays on the table along with a jar of dip. “And I got you some water.”

He held the glass out to her.

“Just put it on the table,” she told him, her voice stilted.

“He doesn’t deserve you, Marlena,” Bo told her, incorrectly surmising that she was thinking about, and upset about John.

“I know he doesn’t,” she agreed, turning back to face him. “But it’s hard to turn off feelings that you’ve had for so long. Emotions aren’t like a faucet; you can’t just twist the tap and they cease to exist.”

“I know that.” Bo sighed. He knew that only too well. He could no more stop loving Hope than stop breathing. But she didn’t love him or want him any longer. She’d made that patently clear.

Marlena shivered, the breeze at the open door suddenly cool on her skin.

“Come back and sit down,” Bo said softly. “I won’t bite.” At least, not unless you ask me to.

Marlena smiled, the pink blush deepening in her cheeks, and she came back to the sofa and sat facing Bo, her leg tucked underneath her but making sure there was a good distance between them.

Bo, for his part, was torn between relief and disappointment that she’d opted to leave so much space between him. He didn’t know whether he’d be able to resist the temptation of touching her, of kissing her, if she was right next to him but on the other hand, he wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to resist it, if it came to it.

“Where were we?” Marlena asked, taking another glass of wine and ignoring the pleasant buzz in her head and the heaviness in her limbs.

“Aremid,” Bo reminded her. “I don’t know how we got onto that. Wasn’t exactly the best of times, for any of us.”

“No….” Marlena thought of John in his jail cell and how she had believed in him and supported him and risked the danger of Stefano’s attention to try and find the proof that would free him. She thought of how Stefano had knocked her out and tried to spirit her away and how John had almost died in the gas chamber but how he had finally gained his freedom and had saved her from the clutches of that madman. She had woken in Aremid, safe and free and with his beautiful face smiling down at her.

She had thought then that he would realise how much she loved him, when he knew the lengths that she would go to in order to save his life. But instead, he had gone back to Kristen. And she had been left alone. And now he had gone with Hope, and once again, she found herself without anyone to lean on. Anyone to trust.

Almost from out of nowhere, she started to cry again, great, powerful sobs and Bo sighed. Gently he took her wine glass from her and put it on the table and then he shifted along the sofa until he was next to her. Against his better judgement, he wrapped his arms around her again and felt her lean into him, her tears damp against his shirt.

He stroked her hair and murmured meaningless platitudes to her. He wasn’t even sure what he was really saying because every sense was filled with the way she felt against him. Her scent, the sound of her muffled sobs, the feeling of her warm, damp skin on his.

Bo was in big trouble, and he knew it.

After a while, her sobs slowed and then stopped all together. But he noted that she didn’t pull away. Rather, she stayed perfectly still and at some point, Bo wasn’t quite sure if he could breathe any longer.

Then she lifted her head and pressed her cheek, hot and damp, against his. And then it was her lips, dry and warm against the stubble on his jaw before she pulled back and looked at him with open curiosity.

Marlena wasn’t even sure what she was doing. Well, she knew what she was doing, and she knew she shouldn’t be doing it, but really, she was acting on pure instinct.

She had felt the pounding of his heart through his damp shirt. She had felt the tension in his arms as he’d held her. She knew he was fighting a battle. So was she. A battle they both seemed to be losing.

Would it really be that bad? The little devil whispered insidiously. I mean, who has to know, aside from the two of you?

She knew she should stop this, but she also knew she wasn’t going to.

Bo tried to move his arm, to pull away from her again, but suddenly it was as though he was made of lead and there was no way he could move. God, he wanted her so badly. He wanted to know how she felt, how warm her skin was and what color it was where it was hidden beneath her lingerie. He wanted to know how she smelt and how she tasted. He wanted to feel her bare skin against his. He wanted to possess her and be possessed by her. And what was more, he could tell by now that she wasn’t completely averse to the idea herself.

But still he fought with himself. He hadn’t come here for this reason. He had come to tell her about John, to keep her company, to console her and himself. And once again, she was Roman’s ex-wife. It wasn’t right to want her this much. But the more he argued with himself, the louder that little voice got. The little voice that said Why not? She’s beautiful, she’s desirable, you’ve always fancied her like mad. What have you got to lose?

Then slowly, as though it had a life of its own, his hand lifted to her face. He felt her shiver as he brushed his thumb ever so lightly over her lower lip and his hand traveled to cup her cheek. Then with slow and infinite patience, he dropped his head and brushed his lips over hers. A tiny moan emanated from her throat as she felt the soft swoop of his kiss, the warm sweetness of his lips as they met hers for the briefest of moments.

That sound from her ignited something within Bo and he was lost. There was no hope of stopping this now, if there ever had been from the moment he stepped through the door.

If it was possible, his desire for her became even stronger. All thought of Hope had long gone and all he could think about was the way Marlena felt against him and how he knew he was going to give into this and what had been one of the worst days of his life would probably end in one of the best nights of his life.

Again he moved his lips past hers with the lightest of touches and instinctively Marlena moved with him, her lips capturing his in a soft, unhurried kiss. Again their lips parted and Bo’s fingers twined in Marlena’s scented hair as his other hand flattened against the small of her back. He felt her fingers slide around the nape of his neck as he bent to kiss her again, pressing his lips against hers.

His body almost ached with desire as he felt her lips part gently beneath his, inviting him to explore her a little further. Pulling back slightly, he caught her lower lip between his own, nibbling it gently. She moaned and he kissed her again and again, taking the time to savour every moment and every new sensation.

Then, gently, he slid his tongue between her lips, the intimate gesture immediately eliciting a reaction from her as she pressed herself closer to him. She tasted sweet to him and he continued his slow deliberate exploration even as she began her own.

Only stopping for short gasping breaths, they continued to kiss, relishing each new sensation. Almost unconsciously, Bo unentangled his fingers from her hair and his hand traveled leisurely down to her waist. Placing a hand on either side of her waist, he lifted her effortlessly onto his lap. He continued to kiss her as he ran his hands down over the soft curve of her hips and around to her rear. He felt her arms slide around his neck as she let herself slip deeper into the kiss.

Marlena herself could concentrate on little but the way this was feeling. John had been around so little lately and when he was, their lovemaking had been so perfunctory that this was almost a revelation. She had almost forgotten that it could feel this good to be this close to a man.

This time, when she stopped for a breath, Bo continued. Nipping her lower lip lightly, he continued down over her chin, and along her jaw, showering her with kisses and gentle bites. She felt her toes curling as he drew his tongue up to her ear, teasing her lobe with the lightest of flicks. She squirmed as he played with her, his tongue, teeth and lips working in unison to drive her crazy.

Her heart was pounding, the noise hammering in her ears as his soft lips drifted downwards. She let her head drop backwards and a sensual sigh escaped her lips as he began to work towards his goal of tasting every inch of her neck. His tongue was warm and wet as he dipped it into the golden hollow at the base of her throat and she felt it echo in the warmth between her thighs. God she wanted him so badly. She wanted to know how it would feel to have him touch her, to have him inside her.

But as his lips moved downward, she pulled back, asking him to stop. Bo suddenly felt dreadful, as though he had taken advantage of her vulnerability and he sat back, his face red.

“Marlena, I’m sorry, I don’t know….” he shook his head. “I didn’t mean to. I mean, I thought you wanted this…. If you don’t, I’m sorry. It’s okay…” She looked so beautiful sitting there on his lap he could hardly stand it but the last thing he wanted to do was ruin their friendship. She’d been kissing him back, she’d been enjoying it, he was sure of it but suddenly he was scared he’d gotten everything wrong and blown one of the most important relationships he’d ever had.

“Bo,” a small smile curled her lips, “honey, it’s okay. I *do* want it. I just,” she paused, wondering exactly why it was she had wanted him to stop. Because looking at him, she found she wanted him more than ever. “I don’t want you to stop all together, it’s..,” she shrugged, “this is all so fast. Maybe we could just slow it down a little?”

Bo couldn’t help the boyish grin the spread across his face.

“Okay,” he nodded his head slowly, “I think we can manage that.” Circling one arm around her waist so that she wouldn’t overbalance, he leaned forward and picked up the wine glasses from the table. With a sexy smile, she took hers from him and held it up.

“To new pastures,” she toasted mischievously.

“And may they be ever greener,” there was a clink as the crystal met and they both took a mouthful of the amber coloured wine.

“You know,” she said, several minutes later as she sat, still comfortably ensconced on his lap, “I never would have admitted it, but I’ve always had rather a curious streak when it comes to you. Ever since the moment when we met and you laid that kiss on me, I’ve always wondered…..”

“You’re not the only one.” Bo told her with rather a shy smile. “I used to have fantasies about you, about seducing my brother’s wife. Not that I ever would have,” he added hurriedly.

“And just what form did those fantasies take little brother-in-law?” Marlena asked, the effects of the wine making her more daring than usual. Her cheeks became even more flushed as he spoke.

“Well, sometimes you used to seduce *me*,” he teased her. “You’d slowly strip off your clothes until you were wearing nothing but lacy white lingerie. You’d take your time about it so that you’d drive me crazy with the waiting. Then you’d come to me….” He drifted off, mild embarrassment hushing him.
“And then what would I do?” her voice was low and husky as she slid her arm around his neck, moving closer to him. He could see down her blouse and combined with the warm musky smell of her and the way she felt against him, it was serving to drive him crazy.

“Hmmm,” he picked up the bottle and poured some more wine into her glass, trying to stall for time as he fought to retain his self-control. “Well,” he finally said as she took another sip, “you’d ask me to take off your slip.”

“And how did you do that?” her voice was deadly serious and he couldn’t even look at her.

“I’d slide my fingers under the straps and I’d slip them off over your shoulders and your slip would just fall onto the floor.”

“Mmmm-hmmm?” she breathed.

“Then I’d pull you onto the bed with me and I’d kiss you.” He took a gulp of his wine, willing his heart not to pound quite so hard. “And then you’d undress me, not slowly like you’d taken off your own clothes. You ripped off my shirt and then pulled off my jeans and my….” He could almost see it in his mind, just as he had all those years ago, and sometimes since.

“Then what would I do?” Marlena wanted to know everything. Everything she had done to him in his fantasy, and everything he had done to her. Her breath was warm against his ear and he had to close his eyes for a moment and think of baseball.

“Uh, then you’d start kissing me,” he grinned. “You’d start at my mouth and moved downwards.” His grin broadened. “You kissed almost as good in my fantasies as you do in real life.” Marlena giggled involuntarily even though his talk of kissing had her wanting to taste him again. But, calling on her utmost self-control, she spoke again.
“And then what would I do to you?” she felt her breathing become slightly ragged as she asked the question.

“You’d move down over my chest and my stomach, kissing me and then you’d uh….,” he blushed as he looked up at her.

“Oh,” she couldn’t help the cheeky smile that dawned on her lips as she realized what he meant. “I would, would I?” she looked at him from beneath thick lashes. “And was I good?”

“Oh yeah,” he nodded enthusiastically. “You were always *great*.”

“So,” she shifted on his lap, bringing her feet up so that she was leaning against him. “Is that where the fantasy ended?”

“Not always,” he raised his eyebrows roguishly.

“Well, what happened next?” there was an unmistakable demand in her quiet voice.

“Next,” he dropped his hand onto her thigh and began to make lazy circles with his thumb on the stiff denim fabric that covered her inner thigh. “Well, next you’d move up until you were straddling me, my stomach,” he corrected, “and then you’d ask me to take your bra off.”

“Mmmm-hmmm,” she nodded, staring at his lips, almost willing him to kiss her.
“So I would,” his voice was deep as he imagined how she might look now with no clothes on. “I’d reach up and unhook the back of it and you’d slip it off and throw it behind you.”

“And then what?” she was so close he had to struggle with the temptation to throw her on her back on the sofa and tear her clothes off her there and then.

“You looked amazing,” he shook his head, “and I’d want you so badly that I couldn’t wait so I’d roll you over on the bed and I’d began to kiss you.” She didn’t say anything, just flushed slightly and he continued. “And I’d slide down the bed and begin to kiss your breasts.” His hand on her thigh became a little tighter.

“Oh,” she said faintly, “I bet that felt good.”

“If I remember rightly,” he had a half smile, “you were pretty vocal about your enjoyment in all my fantasies.”

Marlena smiled and she began to play with the hair at the nape of his neck with her fingers.

“Did you use your tongue?” she asked breathily, highly enjoying this electrically charged game they were playing.

“And my teeth,” he nodded, noting that she was upping the stakes. And if she was going to up him, he would enjoy seeing her. “I would lick and bite you,” he continued, “and I could feel you getting damp through your panties.”

Marlena sucked in a breath, wondering if she was going to be able to make it to the end of this. It was becoming a competition to see who could hold out longest and her strength was failing fast. Taking another mouthful of wine to fortify herself, she continued.

“I was still wearing my panties?”

“Not for long,” Bo conceded. “You would be moving against me, driving me crazy, so I’d remove them rather swiftly.”

“Mmmmmm,” she licked her lips rather deliberately. “And how would I react to that?”

“Oh, you moaned,” her fingers were skittering over the back of his neck and it was distracting him, driving him almost as crazy as the memory of the fantasy he was relating.

“Did I moan your name?” she asked with a smile, knowing the effect she was having on him.

“Mmmm-hmmm,” he nodded his head as he slipped his hand between her thighs. Moving downwards he was rewarded by a shiver from her. “Especially when I moved between your legs.”

Marlena had to close her eyes and swallow, she was feeling so dizzy.

“Ah,” she paused, trying to bring her breathing under control, “tell me how it felt.”

“You were soft and wet and incredibly warm,” God he wanted to kiss her so badly. He wanted to do more than kiss her. He wanted to undress her and make love to her over and over. “And you tasted so sweet. And you’d move your hips in this rhythm that made me want to take you there and then.”

“So what did you do?” she whispered against his ear.

“I’d just continue because I knew what I was doing to you. And finally you’d give in and you’d make me stop.”

“I would?” she grinned. “Now why would I do that?”

“Oh you had a pretty good reason,” he nodded a glint in his eyes as he lifted his hand to her lips and traced their outline with his finger. “You’d tell me you wanted me. That you wanted me to make love to you.”

“That was awfully ladylike of me,” she said in a dangerously teasing tone.

“Wasn’t it?” he raised his eyebrows as she caught the tip of his finger gently between her teeth and moistened it with her tongue. “But I’d make you wait,” he said as he ran his wet finger along her lower lip.

“You would?” his finger was tracing her jaw line now. “And did I like that?”

“I think you were frustrated,” he said as he watched his finger intently as it ran down the smooth skin of her neck and along her fine collarbone to the base of her throat. “You would beg me to make love to you.”

“Was I still being ladylike?” she asked curiously.

“Not particularly,” he replied with a sexy smile as his finger traced the neckline of her blouse.

Marlena trembled as the images he was creating in her head combined with what the merest touch of his finger was doing to her.

“So, you’d give in?” she asked shakily.

“Actually if I remember rightly, most of the time you took control of the situation. You’d push me onto my back and straddle my hips,” she squirmed on his lap and it almost sent him through the roof. If she dragged this out much longer they were both going to be in serious trouble.

“Oh,” she grinned as she swung one leg around so that she was straddling his thighs and facing him. “Kinda like this you mean.” Bo cleared his throat, trying desperately to restrain himself. She was way too much to handle.

“Ah yeah.” He nodded his head, trying not to look down her blouse at her cleavage. “Kinda like that.”

“And would I tease you back?” she asked wickedly as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Um, mmmm,” he closed his eyes as she moved her hips against him almost imperceptibly, “yeah, you, ohhhh,” he opened his eyes, “Christ Marlena, stop that!”

Marlena grinned in triumph before she dropped her head to his, taking his mouth in a lustful kiss that had them both gasping for breath. Bo reached up and buried his fingers in her thickly luxuriant hair and he brushed his lips across hers quickly before biting her lower lip. She moaned as the pain transmitted fire through the nerves of her body.

Roughly Bo pulled her head back and began to assault the sweet flesh of her throat, kissing and sucking on the flesh, leaving small red welts behind as he went. Marlena could do nothing but acquiesce to him as he moved further down, ravaging the exposed area of skin above her blouse in much the same way.

Finally , her released his grip on her, sliding his hands down her back to her buttocks. Marlena brought her head up to find Bo’s tongue dipping into her cleavage.

“Bo honey,” she whispered, “take me upstairs. I’m going to take you to bed.”

Bo looked up at her and he could only nod. Cupping his hands under her rear, he stood, taking her with him. Marlena in turn wrapped her legs around his hips and moaned as he kissed her. Taking it slowly as he could barely see where he was going, Bo carried her up the stairs to the bedroom, pausing for slow, hot kisses as they went.

Finally, they reached the bedroom and Marlena twisted the knob for him to open the door. He carried her in and finally they reached their goal, the bed. Bo set her down on the bed slowly, so that she was on her back and lowered himself on top of her.
“I’d ask if this was what you really wanted but I think you already answered that question,” he murmured before kissing her again.

“I think so,” she said, her head swimming as his tongue once again collided with hers. He moved on top of her and she could feel him hard against her. “But I want you to just stay here a minute.” She wriggled out from beneath him and he looked up in confusion as she slipped off the bed.

“Marlena, what-?”

“There was one thing you didn’t tell me about your fantasy,” she said as she stood facing him, “you never told me what I was wearing before I started to take my clothes off.”

He looked at her for a moment and blinked. Then a slow smile dawned across his face.

“Usually you were wearing whatever I had seen you in that day.”

“Well, that’s pretty handy isn’t it?” she bit the inside of her cheek to stop from laughing at his expression. He looked like a boy who had just entered a candy shop with a thousand dollars in his hand. “So tell me what I take off first.”

“Your blouse,” he managed to croak as he watched her, illuminated by the small lamp behind her. With a mysterious smile she slowly undid the buttons one by one until the white cotton shirt hung open. Then slowly, she reached up and slipped it over her shoulders, allowing it to fall to the floor.
“Sorry, no slip today,” she said with gleaming eyes as she stood there in jeans and a white lace bra. “Now the jeans?”

“Mmm-hmmmm,” Bo managed as, taking her time, she unbuttoned her jeans, slipping each button slowly out of it’s hole and then lingering before repeating the movement. When they were undone, she hooked her thumbs inside the waistband and worked the denim down over her curvy hips. Slowly undulating her hips, she wiggled out of the jeans, finally kicking them away.

Slowly, she walked toward him.

“So what next?” she asked rhetorically as she stood in front of him. Reaching up, Bo placed the palms of both hands on her shoulders. Then slowly, almost as if he was worshipping her, he drew his hands down over her breasts, down to her belly. The continued over the soft curve where her waist swelled into her hips and then he slid them around to her rear. With a sharp tug, he pulled her down on top of him.

“You are quite something,” he whispered before he kissed her.

Marlena ran her fingers through his closely cropped hair as he began to ravish her chest. Rolling her over, he ran his tongue along the line of her bra, dampening the lace as he went. She moaned and he responded by moving further down, sucking at her nipple through the thick lace. She arched her back and held his head to her as he continued to explore her, experimenting with the way he could make her sigh or moan with each little movement.

Then he blindly moved up again over her reddened skin until he found he mouth. They kissed as though they were both drowning, unable to get enough of each other. Their lips met again and again in bruising, crushing, breathless kisses. Marlena groaned as she felt Bo’s hips moving against her and she knew she had to take control or they would lose themselves before the fun really started. Quickly, she pushed Bo with enough strength that he found himself on his back on the bed. Marlena quickly swung her knee over him so that she was straddling his thighs. Sitting back on her heels, careful not to touch anything but the side of his thighs, she looked down at him from heavy lidded eyes.

Bo had a sudden revelation as he looked up at her. This was *Marlena*, his sister-in-law, a woman he had admired and loved since he had met her. She was also a woman who he had secretly desired and had fantasies of bedding. But he had never, in his wildest dreams imagined that it might actually happen, or that she would be quite so…. seductive.

He could see why this *shouldn’t* happen, he could think of a hundred reasons why it shouldn’t. But he knew it would, and the main reason was this woman on top of him was so damn gorgeous and sexy that there was no way he could say no to her. Even if he wanted to. Which he definitely didn’t. He was going to have her, and he was going to take her so hard that tonight she would forget that the moronic John Black even existed. Tomorrow would be soon enough to deal with any repercussions.

His thoughts melted away as Marlena bent slightly and grasped the lapels of his shirt in her hands. Then with a ripping motion she tore the front of the shirt open, sending buttons flying. Pulling the shirt, she brought him into a sitting position from where he quickly shrugged off the ruined cotton. Then she pushed him back down on the bed and sat on his legs, just above his knees so that she was pinning his lower body to the bed.

“I know you said I did this quickly,” she said breathily, “but,” she slid her hands up over his thighs. But I want to savour this. Bo gasped and panted as she brought her hand up over the hardness that was confined by the jeans. She began to rub him ever so gently, smiling as he closed his eyes, his head rolling to one side.

“Feel good?” she whispered.

“Mmmmmm,” Bo bit his lip hard as his hips strained upwards almost of their own accord. She was driving him crazy and if she didn’t stop that soon….

Luckily, she took pity on him and did stop it, and she carefully unzipped his jeans and worked them down round his hips. Leaving them for a moment, she sat up on her heels again and leaned forward. She cupped his jaw as he watched her, her thumb on one side and her fingers on the other. She was on all fours as she leaned down to kiss him. Her grasp was firm on his jaw and she was completely in control as she gently grazed his lower lip with her teeth before crushing her lips against his again. Her tongue snaked into his mouth, demanding his attention as she plundered him.

Finally, she swept her lips away from his and across his roughened cheek to his ear. She played with it momentarily, like he had played with her, flicking her tongue back and forth across his earlobe and dipping it into his ear. He moaned as she gently bit his tender lobe and then continued to use her teeth down his neck and throat, torturing him with wet kisses and sharp nips.

She looked down at his chest and smiled. He was different from Roman in that respect at least. His chest had a covering of fine hair, not as thick or coarse as John’s, but he was definitely well covered. She brought her fingers down over his well muscled pectorals and heard his heady whimper as she brushed over his nipples. Leaning over his chest, she flicked her warm tongue over one. She was rewarded by an agonized sigh and she took the small brown nub between her lips, sucking gently on it.

Bo did nothing but lie there and make small noises in his throat as she teased first one and then the other nipple with her tongue and teeth. She was becoming quite impressed with his staying power and she noted that the comforter on either side of them was becoming quite creased as it was caught up in increasingly tighter handfuls.

Bo, in fact was trying to think of baseball, blizzards, Kristen in her underwear, anything that might dampen the arousal he felt. Because this woman was managing to elicit sensations that he had never even dreamed of. Every movement she made, every lick, every bite set all the nerves in his body screaming so that he could feel *everywhere* she touched him and then some. It was like he had parts of his body that he never even knew existed and she was firing them up with the simplest of touches.

Moving downwards, Marlena ran her tongue over the grooves of his tight abdominal muscles, loving the slightly salty tang of him. Finally she was brought to a halt by the waistband of his boxers and she knew it was time to complete her task of undressing him. With a little help from him, she pulled the jeans off his long, brawny legs, and then removed the boxers.

“Oh Bo,” she breathed. She had expected him to be impressive, but he was absolutely beautiful without any clothes on. The phrase a Greek God, as corny as it was, could have been coined for him.

“Marlena,” he was looking at her now, with a fierceness in his eyes, “I think you’d better skip the next part of the fantasy, because if you don’t,” he shook his head, his eyes wide, “it’s all over.” Marlena looked slightly disappointed.

“Not even a little?” she asked.

“Not even *slightly*,” he shook his head, trying to rid himself of the image of this blonde goddess going down on him.

“Okay,” she nodded in acquiescence, making a mental note to store that particular fantasy away for future reference. “Well then,” she moved up and threw her leg over him again so that she was sitting on his stomach. He could feel that she was damp through her panties and he almost lost it.

Marlena waited for him to regain his composure before she made her next move. Taking both of her hands in his, she lifted them up to her chest, laying them over her breasts, only the lace separating him from her warm flesh. He immediately began to massage her through the fabric and she whimpered, arching her back and rolling her hips against his abdominal muscles.

“Take off my bra,” she commanded in between short breaths. Bo obeyed immediately, undoing the small hooks at the back and allowing her to discard the bra.

“Oh boy,” he sighed as looked up at her. “You are the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.” It wasn’t a mere platitude. He really never had seen anyone more beautiful. Especially looking as she did now, like a fallen angel that was here just for him.

He reached up and cupped a hand around each breast, rolling a nipple under the pad of each thumb. Marlena barely heard him as she closed her eyes and pressed her lips together, allowing only a faint “mmmmm” to escape.

“Come here,” Bo pulled her down towards him so that he could get his mouth on her breast. Kissing them first, he finally acceded to his own desire and took one of her nipples into his mouth. He began to suck on it rapaciously, bringing forth a steady stream of moans from Marlena, as he became rougher in his treatment of her.

She was so caught up in the sensations that she was completely unprepared when he flipped her onto her back. Her eyes flew open and he looked up her and laughed.

“Don’t get too comfortable,” he teased her before he bent his head to her again. As he said he did in his fantasies, he continued to use his tongue and teeth on her, whipping her arousal higher and higher. Marlena held his head to her and almost unconsciously, she mimicked what he had told her earlier. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she began to rock her hips, pressing herself against him in a slow, sensual rhythm. And as he said he would, Bo unentangled himself from her and kissed his way over the soft curve of her stomach until he met the lace edge of her panties. Hooking a finger in either side of the offending garment, he stripped them off her and threw them over the bed.

And then Marlena was totally naked, and lying on the bed, bathed in the golden light from the lamp across the room. Bo grinned, and lifted one leg. Starting at the inside of her knee, he kissed and brushed his tongue gently up the inside of one thigh. She was trembling by the time he reached the top, but he extended her torture by repeating his procession up the inside of the other thigh.

It was Marlena’s turn to grip the comforter as he gently spread her legs and began to explore her. She gasped as his tongue slipped easily inside her, tasting her, teasing her. She lifted her hips slightly and his tongue moved deeper, seeking complete intimacy, moving in and out of her at a steady pace.

Then, suddenly, he withdrew and moved his aim slightly higher. She let out an involuntary squeal as he hit his target and began to massage her with his tongue. She whimpered deep in her throat and began to move her hips against his mouth. Her hands held his head against her as her breathing shortened into shallow pants that were interspersed with wanton whimpers, but as Bo felt her building to a crescendo, he pulled away and she gave a frustrated moan.

He waited a few moments until he felt she had settled some and then he dipped his head back down and took her again with his mouth. She gasped and her hips jumped instinctively. Again, he teased her towards a climax, only stopping as she neared the edge, leaving her whimpering in frustration, knowing on some level that this was his revenge for how she had teased him earlier.

Part of her liked this unspoken competition, it was exciting and sexy and it promised much. She would have probably liked it even more if she didn’t so desperately want to have him inside of her.

It was on the third time around that she managed to pull her thoughts into a coherent enough stream that she could push him away from her. Her eyes were blazing with wanton lust as she looked down at him.

“Bo,” she demanded his attention through short breaths. He looked up at her. “Bo, I need you…”
“You need me to what?” he raised his eyebrows teasingly.

“I need you to make love to me.” She let her chest rise and fall with her breaths. “I need to feel you inside me.” Bo said nothing, only smiled and bent his head back down to her. She tasted as sweet as she had in his dreams and she began to move against his mouth again, her hips rolling in a slow, sensual rhythm. Her head turned to the side and she clutched the comforter in her hands.

“Dammit Bo,” she groaned before she panted for breath again. “Oh Stop, stop.”

“What do you want, gorgeous?” he asked her in a silky soft voice. “Tell me what you want me to do.”

“Oh God,” she was almost sobbing, “I want you. I need to feel you. Please.”

Bo stopped his ministrations and slowly crawled up so that his body was covering, but not touching hers. Taking her arms, he raised them above her head, effectively pinning her to the bed.

“Tell me what you want me to do to you, Marlena,” there was a quiet demand in his voice and Marlena knew what he wanted to hear from her. She blushed slightly but then she felt his lips brush over hers with the lightest of touches and she knew she would do anything he asked of her.

“I want you to fuck me,” she whispered as his skin burned on hers. It was years since she had talked dirty with a lover, it wasn’t John’s thing, but she had loved to do it with Roman. Bo had more in common with his brother than he would ever know, she reflected in fragmented thought.

Bo rested his forehead against hers as he moaned softly. Marlena allowed herself a small smile before she felt his body lower onto hers.

“Fuck me baby,” she begged quietly, lifting her hips to his, “I need to feel you inside me. I need to fuck me, hard.”

Bo opened his eyes and found her golden ones staring back at him. He wanted her so badly he could taste it, but he was suddenly afraid she would be disappointed in him. Seeing the sudden hesitation in his eyes, Marlena reached up and took his face between her hands and gently parted his lips with her tongue. Her eyes were still open and as he kissed her, he could swear he saw beyond her body into her soul. She shivered a little and then she ran her nails down his back to his buttocks.

“Fuck me Bo,” she said firmly and he could no longer resist her.

Raising his hips a little, he moved until he could feel her moist warmth against the head of his cock. Marlena gasped as she felt him and she lifted her hips until they met his.

“Oh Bo,” she whimpered, “oh, oh…” With a groan of his own, he pressed into her, eagerly sliding into her damp warmth. Her throaty groan told him that she appreciated it as much as he did and he swallowed, wishing he could capture this moment for eternity to replay it. The whole evening had led up to this and only now did he realize how much he had always wanted her. Everything about her was perfect, she was the most exquisite mix of angel and whore he could imagine.

Slowly, he moved out of her and then he thrust powerfully back into her. She gasped and then moaned, her nails digging into his rear as he repeated the motion. He felt her feet lift from the bed and her hands moved back up his back, her nails leaving red welts in their wake. Then her thighs gripped his hips and she wrapped her legs around him, her ankles crossing over his rear.

Her body was moving with his as he thrust into her, their movements becoming rapid in a matter of moments. They had wanted each other so badly all evening there was no hope of savouring the moment. Instead, they moved together swiftly, the moisture from their bodies combining, skin sliding over skin, sighs and moans mingling in the still air. Marlena could feel him inside her, pounding, thrusting, battering until she couldn’t even think. Digging her fingernails into him, she began to emit agonized pants, whimpers that coincided with every thrust that Bo made and the feel and sound of her just about drove Bo crazy. He wanted to make her come so badly he could hardly stand it. He wanted to know how she felt, he wanted to see the pleasure he brought her, even if it was just for a moment.

“C’mon baby,” he whispered, “show me how much you’re enjoying this. I want to hear you when you come.”

“Oh God,” tears slid from the corner of her eye as she clung to him, “Oh God Bo…*Bo*….Oh…mmm,” he was filling her completely, possessing her as she came, the long wait intensifying the heady rush. “Oh,….*oohhh*.” It was as though her body was flooded by fire as she submitted to him completely, allowing the orgasm to utterly consume her.

Bo watched her as the first waves overtook her, her face transmitting the waves of agonizing pleasure, but it was her voice that brought him to his own orgasm. The pleasure that flushed her velvety voice tripped something within him and with one final thrust, he came, deep within her, filling her with his own moist heat.

Trying to find her breath several minutes late, Marlena kissed Bo’s shoulder gently and pushed the short, damp hair off his temples with her fingers.

“I thought I was supposed to be the one who ended up on top,” she whispered contentedly.

“Maybe next time,” he managed an exhausted grin before he rolled off her.

“I think I like that idea,” she murmured as he tried to pull the corner of the comforter over them. She giggled as it sprang back, and he looked at her with a grin.

“Just give me a few minutes okay?”

“Oh, after that little performance I’ll give you all the time you want, honey,” her smile was full of mischief and she edged up the bed, allowing Bo to pull back the covers.

“Well, if you have the time, I have plenty of ways to fill it,” he promised her with a glint in his eyes as he pulled the comforter over them.”

“Is that a promise?” Marlena yawned as she snuggled into his arms.

“It’s absolutely a promise, gorgeous,” he murmured into her hair as he tenderly brushed the damp bangs from her forehead and kissed the warm skin there.

By the time his lips left her skin, she was already asleep.

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